Monday, July 22, 2013

The jealousy of academia..

Is why I never continued a regular college education.  Not to mention that after the Advanced Placement test I took in computer science where my answer to the essay question was never made public, along with my discovery of the "buckyball" was all kept quiet and the credit given to someone else, my life was already ruined after high school.  I was always in the gifted program throughout school and those that make claims doubting my authorship of anything Nobel worthy are merely jealous.  I met with some folks from Germany a couple weeks ago and they called me Herr Doktor. Interesting since nobody ever told me and I have recieved nothing in my inbox regarding such.  It's a pity that gmail and this blog are that insecure.  Perhaps I should just stop posting altogether until I can set up my own more secure servers.  It is true that while panhandling in Santa Monica, many have come and told me to my face that I've gotten many Nobel prizes and called me "Nobeleur" or Nobel Laureate but where is the documentation and cash rewards because I have been given none!?  More jealousy, I suspect.  Or just the idiots in the entertainment industry trying to muscle me so they can selfishly milk my talent.  Most likely a mixture of both along with a bunch of hebrew kids hacking my electronic accounts because I am a renowned anti-semite.  Along with US government sponsored identity theft because of the "allies of peace" and the major loss of the "axis of liberty", STILL not reported in the United States.

I have been considering naming names but everytime I try nothing happens but here goes anyways.  Jeff Hollaway is a two faced liar and no coach of mine, he is the largest "bamboozler" in the fact he never tells me anything and only uses cash given to him to pay for attempts to murder me or to pay people to lie.  Not to mention he is part of the peckerwoods identity theft ring.  Brandon Cleavinger is a delusional drug addict that has been convicted of fraud and has been in and out of rehab, he has money so people believe him and all of the lies he tells also a part of the peckerwoods identity theft ring. Derek Patton was the first handler they sent and I havent spoken to him in over 7 years.  He slapped me once and I let it slide, so now he thinks he can just tell whatever lies he wants claiming that he's pimping me or some other such nonsense.  All he ever did was try to murder me in my apartment in Hollywood, I fled to the streets of Los Angeles just to get away from that crazed lunatic.

Anyhow, I am still incommunicado, able to get word out it seems bu I receive nothin in return because some very unscrupulous people are trying to bully me into thinking nobody reads this blog.  That's going to be hard to do after all of the people I met while begging for spare change in Santa Monica and at LAX.  It appears to me that these jews would rather see everyone die instead of facing another holocost.  They brought it upon themselves in how they've done me.  Bully me and you die.

I haven't been going accross the border into Mexico for several reasons:  First I only have my California state issued identity card and they always give me a hard time coming back into the United States.  Secondly, I have no cash to live on and only have welfare food stamps with which to buy food, those do me no good in Mexico.  Thirdly, some piece of garbage named Edward threatened to have the Tijuana police on his payroll beat me to death and toss me into the Tijuana river.  It seems everywhere I go, crooked police aid in those that rip me off.  Are there any honest cops out there anymore or do they all have a bloody price??

Is it any wonder why I'd rather be on the other side of the planet?  I am fed up with westerners, their doctors, their pill addictions and their greed!

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