Sunday, March 25, 2012

Visza is hoztam otet..

Azert is kel olni ezek a darab szar hazudok.
Csak a dohany meg a fu.
A Bandi bachit visza hoztam elbe.
Es csak spritelnek szart az ekbe mikor ki sut a nap.
Minem mindig ki jon a nap mert az en lelekem a nap be van.
Mind az eletek az egesz vilagba vannak it az en lelek miat.
Ha nem szeretik asztat akor a temetobe kel tenni oket.

Instead of wasting more energy for these swine and making the sun come out, I chose to tressurect my uncle in Hungary. He was murdered by the Mossad posing as Hungarian secret police. These jews now suffer the relentlessness of the "huns" that caused China to build the great wall. As I've said before the etymology of the magyar language traces back to Mongolia through Atilla "the Hun". In fact Atila is still a common name in Hungary.
I keep poking a stick into the jew hive nd they keep stinging the world with their lies. I am constantly treated as some kind of experiment an everywhere I go people treat me rotten because of the lies of these jews. They claim that I'm unstable and that it's all "just to see his response". Just a lie to cover efforts to push me off a wagon that I drive and help others to get on because cigarettes and marijuana are all that I use.

Proof that I control all life and death upon this planet because my soul is the sun the earth orbits:
All off the resurrections, including my uncle.
Death will no longer always require reincarnation for the soul to live again. Once born into life, the lesson of death can be much shorter with me here as a teacher. Sometimes for as long as a week, for as many times as it takes to erase the bad karma of death. It is to teach these first time souls the difference between life and death. How this planet is the only place that the "dragons in the skies" can communicate through the body and mind mechanism.

Marijuana alters the mind in a fashion that lets the soul do the driving. It increases the rate at which humans can heal by allowing the soul access to the wisdom contained in every injury the soul has ever taken.

I do not care what people think of my teachings, If they aren't wise enough to understand, they require more deaths to understand that there is such a thing as a past life.

All of these fools that think they have any chance at all of posing as me with an actual Shaolin representative from China only attempt suicide for trying. My presence that they and others sensitive enough to feel it can feel that it is on the level of the sun above their heads. All of these jealous people, jealous because they value themselves only by the amount of money they have, hate me because no matter how much money they have, they can still not to what I can. They can only copy a miracle with bogus parlor tricks. The program of capitalism and how they've enslaved souls with money. they keep it from them, making them desperate enough to do anything for it.
I do not expect a bunch of rotten capitalist pigs that have spent their time on earth doing rotten things to people for profit to believe in me. They have too much guilt from all of the rotten things they've done and are too afraid of judgement for these sins to believe. They will reap what they've sewn. That is God's one and only form of judgement. Karma, because the universe is a machine and you get out what you put in. Feed garbage out into the universe and get garbage back at you from the universe.

I have been kept under siege on the streets, a prison where the bars are a lack of money. It has taken a town full of people to do this to me, therefore the entire town can suffer the bad karma of a siege. America needs to use less oil. Placing food sources such as farms closer to the populace is a crucial step. That is what the siege shall force. The programming of these hebrews has driven them all crazy. They are so insane as to waste efforts seeding rain over places where no FOOD crops grow! THAT is why I see this as an attempt to destroy the earth by altering the global weather pattern to cause another ice age. That is why I consider this to be an emergency situation. These people are crazy and liable to do anything! As much as they cry "chicken little" every time I mention the seeding of rain, If it is to be taken so lightly, why did you lie about a reactor mishap in Japan to cover the fact that the beryllium used drifted north and is radioactive? Heavy enough to keep the wind from blowing it away, radioactive enough to cause "gulf war" syndrome like symptoms in people

China must teach these selfish people that every life is a miracle and free rides, free lunches are just excuses for being greedy. Food, clothing and shelter is what every life deserves. All Chinese settlers shall be allowed as many children as they wish for!

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