Saturday, August 17, 2013

The resurrection power of me...

How can I transfer busses when the terminal is vaporized?
It's a pity that the populace wasn't even informed about the death and destruction, let alone the miraculous resurrection.

These dirty rotten blackmailers and their lust for power, keep trying to put a Christ in place that it completely under their control. That way they have the power. Not wise enough to obtain the power themselves they have to resort to blackmail, as if that's smarter. The thing about blackmail is that people are usually happy when the blackmailers are dead. Jeff Hollaway is nothing but a dirt gatherer for a ring of blackmailers and is highly delusional with delusions of grandeur because he has dirt on highly placed people in government, including the POTUS (That's why the police had a "beer summit" with Obama to discuss blackmail and to bully him because they've got the guns...). I call him a "chrome plated butthole", he shines like chrome but spews nothing but feces. It's a pity that people listen to that guy, he doesn't even know me and only assumes everything. Guilty by association, just because I'm seen with junkies it is wrong to make assumptions about me. I have been studying the drug culture looking to see what it is that drives these people to do the things that they do.

America is trillions of dollars in debt, most of it spent on the military. That is what has caused America's collapse. I just keep pointing that out and they blame me for causing the collapse. I'm not the one that caused the trillion dollar debt! The republican party is, with their deficit spending and "trickle down theory". Nothing trickled down and only shit rolled downhill! America can't afford a military and should be disarmed by force if necessary. These people are drunk with the power of deadly weapons and will never give them up. Therefore, I see no alternative other than to forcibly disarm them. America has gone bankrupt paying for death to feed the imperialistic greed of these warmongers while the bulk of the populace isn't paid enough to live on.

The biggest alien hoax? Abductions and anal probes are a smoke screen for mind control research. They violate sexually in order to put people in a state of anger and fear that impairs their ability to think clearly.

These stupid musclebound bullies, a fist fight doesn't prove who resurrected things. Any goon with big muscles can kill somebody with brute force. The death touch is more about accuracy and exploiting the flaws in the human body. The flaws of the flesh, sctach your own back... Besides, once you master the death touch, resurrection comes with it. I'm too drunk with that kind of power to wish to kill somebody. It doesn;t take much to murder someone, just about anyone can do it. How many can resurrect the dead?

I resurrect what these morons caused to get vaporized and they thank me by keeping me out of the loop on everything and in a compromised position, sleeping outside. Where they can do anything they want to me. That's gratitude for you. Once I'm far enough away, nothing will be resurrected and these posers are to blame.

Even Jesus had feet that stunk, that's why they washed each other's feet. These self righteous people expect my poop not to stink...

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