Wednesday, September 4, 2013

If I say nothing...

The posers posing as me won't have words to steal.
As if all of the words they've taken credit for change the fact that I can still change the flight paths of projectiles. It is truly unfortunate that these crazy people do not believe their own eyes when this happens and do nothing but smear me with lies everywhere. Making America look worse and worse. Just out to make me look bad because they've kept everything from me and done nothing but lie about it.

Still mad about the "Allies of Peace" and how horrible it made America look with their "axis of Liberty". Got your asses handed to you on a siver platter and nothing will ever change that. You got nothing from Iraq and were forced to drill in the gulf of mexico to compensate for the oil you did not get from Iraq.

I am still the author of that post at that caused the UK to pull out and switch sides. Kept that covered up while you try to terminate me with extreme prejudice. No trial nothing but an order for my death. Don't be surprised when I leave and return the favor. The world has no use for a bunch of lunatics that don't believe their own eyes when miracles happen.

"Just a bitch".
Spoken like a jailhouse homosexual rapist looking to rape someone.
That's how you look to the normal rest of the earth.
I do not assault people on the streets like some bloodthirsty barbarian. I teach my lessons in a dojo. A place all of these big mouth cheap shot artists have yet to meet me. They get all angry and lie because they only defecate themselves instead of cheap shotting me. Aww poor thugs, go cry to your momma and ask her to wash the feces from your pants because you aren't man enough to stand toe to toe in a dojo. All you do is talk your trash and steal everything. Jailhouse homosexual rapists and schoolyard bullies wantng to see Jesus Christ fight somebody, and these are the people handling me... I can hardly wait to get the hell out of here and go someplace where the people are sane.

Personne ne me donne rien et je ne suis rien dit.

Niemand gibt mir nichts und ich bin nichts erzählt.

Senki nem ad nekem semmit, és én mondtam semmit.

Nessuno mi dà niente e mi ha detto niente.

Никто не дает мне ничего, и я никогда ничего мне говорили.

A mí nadie me da nada y me han dicho nada.

Ingen ger mig något och jag får höra någonting.

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