Monday, April 4, 2011

It is a pity..

That so many shall perish because of the selfish hate filled jealous idiots that run this town. I keep asking myself how can they ignore all of the failed attempts upon my life. They bury their heads in the tissue of lies that has been woven and colnvince themselves the lies are real. What is going to cause the destruction of Los Angeles are those that lie about my sexuality, those that keep messages from me and especially those that interfere with ladies attempting to contact me. Typical american male beuavior, programmed by a bunch of kikes, they are inept with women and only lie to get them into bed. I am irate enough because these wreckers have broken ladies hearts with the words put into my mouth. If I can not speak to them myself, I CAN just leave and vaporize you all and nobody will have them.

If I am so delusional why haven't these american sissies been able to stop me?

These hebrews must be stopped, they are turning america into another Sodom, every time these kike lawyers want rights for homosexuals, they want sodom. I blame the Godless psychiatrists for justifying such behavior. It stems from men being sensitive, jealous haters inept with women because they are insensitive make these poor men gay. These stupid heebs ignore their own sacred texts. Don't look back or you'll end up like Lot's wife. Every time they vote yes for gay rights they look back to sodom. The act of sodomy was named after that town. It is a lie to think otherwise. These hebrews won't be satisfied until all non hebrews are homosexuals. They must be stopped.

No matter what lies are said about me I am still incommunicado. That is why I will leak more secrets and I will keep leaking them until these idiots learn that you don't treat anyone this way. I have leaked things that have caused retaliations from around the world. Keep my ladies from me and I won't stop until this entire nation perishes. You all deserve it for being complacent and allowing these pigs to do whatever they want to me. You are not for me, therefore you are against me and shall perish.

I could care less about what any of these LA jerkoffs think, fire at will.

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