Friday, August 24, 2012

Salt these slugs...

These entertainment big shot pieces of slimy slug need to be salted to shrink their egos.  They are famous for what?  Making FICTION!  Therefore that is all that they are experts at.  Delusional to the point of ignoring reality.  I refuse to name drop because it would only bloat the egos of these fools even more than they already are.  If it's just a script why does Moscow and Korea bomb you whenever I ask?  If it's just a script why does the city of Los Angeles turn to ashes?  YOU are the deluded ones, not me.  The world believes enough to launch nuclear strikes upon you and you still want to argue!

I'm encouraging tourists to salt the wounded prides of these schoolyard bullies that can only dish it out and not take it.  They need to be salted out of the maze that they call a rat race.  They call it a rat race but it's really a bunch of slimy slugs sliming around a maze grubbing after money.  They all race to get rich before they die and live their lives empty and unfulfilled.  Fulfillment in life comes from ending curiosity.  The profound truth about enlightenment:  True bliss is the end of curiosity.  Throw salt in the fact that the MOST EXPENSIVE MILITARY STILL LOST! HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY!!!

I have no money in my pocket but I can still post to the internet and light america up with atomic weapons.  Just because they keep needling me because they don't believe.  That's how these sinners are.  They are so guilty from a life of sin they can not see miracles before their very eyes.

Anyone that's ever held the title of producer should be executed for causing the debaucle that was world war three.  They caused it with their lust for power and the use of blackmail.  

No matter how they lie, they can not change the fact that Anastasia is my mother.
No matter how much they lie they can not cover up the fact that guns disappear in my presence.
Next is to disappear all of the guns in Los Angeles county.
What does a place supposedly filled with angels need guns for?

The karmic sentence for this nation is quite severe but coming up with a weapon such as an atomic bomb incurs it.  Any nuclear device detonated will only detonate upon American soil.  The sentence for the crime of all crimes against humanity, the invention of the atomic bomb.

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