Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm still stupid for posting this free to the internet..

Beause these thieves are so much smarter than I, I post things here, people want to pay me for it and these thieves steal it before I even get told, aren't they so very smart???
Perhaps leaving things for me at the information desk in the airport Bradley terminal is more reliable than what's been attempted already.  Since for some odd reason nobody seems to want to give me things while I hold a sign begging...

The skeleton in the closet they fear most is the privatization of the nuclear arsenal of the United States by blackwater security.  Privatization allows them to launch whenever they want without the approval of congress!!!  Perhaps it's time to end the patriot act?

When people are full of shit, sometimes it helps to scare the shit out of them to make them less full of shit.

They key to the tao further explained:
I once said that the key to the tao is that Chi is gravity.
To elaborate further, it is the Chi of the earth that holds you on it.
If it weren't for the Chi of the earth, you would fly off into space.

Atheism is for people that don't get what they want from God and are having temper tantrums like spoiled  children.

There is no reason to beat one's self up over one's sins, why add to the karmic burden of bad behavior?

Why can they still do all of this rotten nasty stuff to me?
I'm curious to see how evil they can be, so I can punish them accordingly.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

These capitalist pigs will only listen to invasion..

These stupid fools assume everyone is paid to lie, because that is what they would do.
So, I think we should hire millions of Chinese to invade and convince these idiots otherwise.
Besides, they will only continue to bomb themselves until someone stops them because they are delusional.  If things are not to their fancy, they refuse to accept them.  That's how crazy these idiots are.  I've been spending lots of time at LAX because there's no point in any other means of communication because I have none.  I post to this blog from the apple store and have no electronic devices.  I heard from someone yesterday evening that there have been skirmishes, good.  Let these troops remove these entertainment industry pig blackmailers from power!  These selfish greedy idiots would rather destroy the earth than collapse capitalism!  An evil plot underlies these fools seeding manmade rain.

Only invading troops coming to get me will get me out of here!

People tell me I'm number one in China, yet they give me no identity papers indicating such.  Same can be said about a paycheck.  I still have nothing, no identity papers, no money.  They also tell me that I have my own airplane, how do I get on it and how do I prove it's mine without some sort of paperwork??

That's what makes me really want to see all of these handlers die a slow and painful death.  They still think the people attempting to contact me are not the real thing, when they clearly are!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Still kept out of the loop on everything...

Still flat broke and begging.
I figure a bunch of jealous hateful assholes are why.
I do have telepathy but they want to force me into using it, simply because they wish to control me and that ability.  They ignore me when I try to explain how it works and demand that I use it in a way they desire.  Telepathy evolved out of a natural need to defeat projectile weapons because any idiot can pull a trigger and it nullifies natural selection.  As for other uses of it, they must be entirely selfless and for the good of all mankind.  These people don't care.  They only care about themselves and their selfish greed.  I'm quite certain that between OPCC in Santa Monica, St Joseph's center in Venice and Step up on second in Santa Monica, millions have been stolen from those trying to bless me.  It's sad because the only real reason they do this to me is because I'm a communist.  The behavior of these greedy pig capitalists clearly displays how evil and rotten capitalism makes people and why it will crumble, one way or another.

They think they are so smart for keeping me out of the loop.  If you are so smart, why is the world so pissed off they've already bombed the place?   I'm sorry I saved these selfish pig assholes and I hope they all perish.  Especially every sinlge piece of shit that took my hookups.  People that interfere with anything the Pope and Catholic church does deserve a long and painful death.  Atomics are too painless for these piece of shit liars.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reasons I have a dojo in China..

Aside from the fact that I'm a communist, I have already taught them much, here is a lesson for this earth:

The world has gotten corrupted by the power of atomic weapons and their power to absolutely destroy. It's interesting how absolute power corrupts in different fashions depending upon the nature of the situations.  For example, the power to absolutely destroy has everyone wanting to bomb each other to kingdom come while my ability to bring good luck absolutely has me wanting bless others instead of myself....   Atomic weapons spare none, prior to the advent of atomic weapons, it was the practice of war to spare women and children.  How the world has been corrupted to spare none.  A lesson for the minuscule united states in what a true superpower is, China is such a superpower, they don't need to use atomic weapons.  China can throw hundreds of millions of bored Chinese at you instead.

As I said years ago in a different blog, they shall perish to their own decadence.  They have swimming pools filled with water and seed manmade rain as if they were dry!  Perchlorate is readily available in pool chemicals.  The molotov cocktail of this revolution is made with perchlorate, vaseline and sugar.  Conventional weapons can spare the innocent while atomics spare none.  Let the world learn this lesson well.  America has no choice, China also built me a dojo because I actually can change the flight path of arrows, bullets, etc...  As you have seen when you tried to bomb MY dojo, I changed the flight paths of your bombs and you only bombed yourselves.  When will you believe that telekinesis on this level is possible and let me teach you how to do it instead of trying to control my ability to do so?

It's funny the egos of these foolish Americans, I go to the airport at LAX and Bush and company threaten to shoot down any plane I'm on.  Who deserves jail?  Those nutjobs do.

For China, since they wish to push me further, for every time they've smeared the Chines for "murdering babies", how about the fact that "big pharma" pharmaceuticals snatches so called "crack babies" for illegal research upon human subjects?  Everytime they've stolen from me, I leaked more and won another Nobel.  They want to shut me up but they don't want to pay me.

Anyhow, All these selfish jealous haters have done is attempt to force homosexuality upon me, so, now all I want to do is leave and destroy the place.  Who can blame me, I only have an interest in the opposite sex and a bunch of stupid queers with crushes are trying to force otherwise.  I say I am a heterosexual, who the bloody hell does anyone think they are in saying otherwise and forcing ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR upon someone.  I pity those that forgot the fate of the town of Sodom for they shall share it.

It would be nice if they at least slandered me honestly, I'm a commie and that is why they do all of thise nonsense to me.  That's how capitalists are programmed, to think commies are scumbags! They have no reasons why, they just think they are.  Ever since McArthy American capitalists have persecuted communists.  That is all they continue to do to me, persecute me for being a commie.  I'd rather go to where commies are.

The broken record (program) of a fist fight.  I've been dodging their cheap shots for years and they still can't figure out why they can cheap shot me or as these bogus martial artists cal it "get the drop on someone".  I actually do have telepathy and straining against it makes you poop your pants because your muscles are not strong enough to counteract it.

For those sicko doctors, the next step in evolution AS GOD'S PROGRAM has it, is flight through telepathy, not wings like birds.  Man is still in eggs, not even in it's infancy.  The only way humans can break free from their shells is to make them transparent.  By being so open minded your brains fall out.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Where's the nation of Israel?

God did not save it, it is more childish of you to lie about it than anything I have ever done.
All they can do anymore is add more proof to the fact that hebrew is the language of the liar.
Israel is destroyed and nobody is told and they all still kiss hebrew butt and watch them poop money onto their faces, as they are all programmed to do here.  Just get me the bloody hell out of here, these people are bleeding crazy.  Next time I go to the airport, I hope a beautiful stewardess grabs me and drags me to a plane for me to leave upon!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The trap door on the scaffold..

For these stupid hebrews and their lie machine..
The jawbone of an ass came from a skull they had found, it did not rot inside the mouth of an ass killing the ass.  Although that's all these idiots compare my broken jaw to.  A person with a broken jaw has absolutely nothing to do with a person being murdered with a jawbone from a skull.  As much as these liars want to believe otherwise, the trap door springs open and they all now dangle, swinging freely from the noose of lies they have constructed.  I've been doling out the rope in the fashion of 50 plus Nobel prizes and they've hung themselves out with them.  Still all they wish to do is murder me to get away with their thievery.  Starting since High school and my discovery of the "bucky ball"  or the carbon 60 molecule in the shape of a soccer ball.  Ever since, Mr Bush has been planning a psthumous Nobel for me.  Too bad because I'm never going to die and continued efforts at attempting to cause my death will only worsen the relationships America has with every single other nation on this planet, including Canada and Mexico.  You've successfully alienated every single nation on this planet over me because of this hard headed stupidity and your belief in hebrews as God chosen.  Sorry to tilt Israel off of their high horse but I'm tired of tilting at windmills.  Hebrews are no more God chosen than any other group of people on this earth.  HEBREWS ARE NO BETTER THEN ANYBODY ELSE!!!

These piece of feces delivery boys, they try to spit on me and flee like demons before me instead of telling me anything or giving me anything!  Good thing my friend Kim from Korea calls me Jesus perhaps I should just leave and give up on these sorry sap jew worshipping morons!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I've humiliated them so badly...

All they can do is continue to dig themselves deeper into a pit of lies.
These people are a bunch of lying pieces of crap and the truth keeps coming out and THAT makes them look bad although they blame me and say I'm out to make them look bad.  They still keep everything from me because they still think they can discredit me or program me.  These stupid pieces of crap are more interested in beating the dead horse of capitalism instead of eternal life.  I can only blame these idiots handling me and the even bigger morons forcing them upon me.  I should never have been handled.  As far as I'm concerned these music industry dirtbags should be garroted with their guitar strings for thinking they can muscle the second Christ.   I've met with world leaders telling me that the world outside of this pissant of a country believes to the point of launching nukes...  They lie about it and pretend otherwise like the lunatics they all are.  I'm not the one lying, America got bombed and they lied about it and said it was a hurricane.  I ressurrect it and all  they continue to do is smear me because they lied in the first place to rob me blind.  I figure there's no reason the entire populace of America should miss out on eternal life because of a few lying dirtbags that see themselves as righteous.

How many Nobels is that now?
I've never been told anything, all they wish to do is pass of more fakes and handle me while they milk my talent dry.  America hates me while the Soviet and China argue about who loves me more.  Don't expect me to stick around to be hated for much longer.  I've humored these greedy pigs for long enough.  All they see is my talent to milk and ignore miracles.  What a bunch of demons!  Hopefully an invasion can eradicate this place of these demons.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Not so sin free as you think...

Americans and their delusions caused by the money they see as a blessing.  A person that prospers with riches and wealth does not necessarily mean they are righteous.  Look at the multi-billion dollar porn industry in America.  Billions of dollars that make people rich, spent on nothing but sin.  Or how about the fact that American parents are so afraid of pedophiles, they fear leaving their children alone to play in public parks!  Sin free America is NOT!  Sodom did not get turned to gold, did it?  That is not what happened to the biblical town of Sodom!  Sodom got destroyed by God.  These stupid fools ask where the streets paved with gold are when the place is rife with sodomites!

This broken jaw of an ass thing has gotten old.  After three years it should be obviously apparent that this is not a life threatening injury to me.  These superficial lunatics think they can dictate what it means to be immortal.  A person that lives for ever has forever to heal, how significant are injuries at that point?  How dare they just assume that a person that lives forever would take no injuries!?!  That jawbone was taken from a dead ass and was used to murder someone, if my memory serves me correctly.  It was not a broken one rotting in the mouth of an ass that killed an ass.  How these hebrews pervert their own sacred texts with lies.  The only way to keep a hebrew honest is to hold a garrote around their necks!  They lie about nuclear explosions and say it's a hurricane, if that doesn't prove Hebrew to be the language of the liar, what does?

Under the heading "just for the attention":
They didn't deem atomic strikes as newsworthy, so just for the attention let's see how long they ignore invading troops!

These American sissies and their inability to take what they dish out!  How many bombs did you drop on Iraq, A NON NUCLEAR CAPABLE NATION?!?!?!  They reap what they sew and aren't man enough to take it!  Capitalism and it's sinful decadence has made them all soft!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It's all about control..

These American pieces of shit and their hebrew slave masters just want to use me to control the earth that listens.  They keep everything from me and try to put fakes in place, risking the entire populace of America and they don't care.  As long as these selfish pieces of garbage get what THEY want.   America will perish before you get what you want, Mr. Bush, Mr. Rumsfeld and the rest of the pieces of shit in the government.  It's amazing how these scumbag politicians act like American politics aren't sleazy.  It's become common practice to have dirty laundry made on someone for blackmail and these shit bags think they can judge me?  They play these stupid childish games involving keeping me from getting what I want, because they are all mad that they don't get what they want.  How childish and insane.  You didn't get what you want, so you think you can call the Pope and just about the rest of the earth a pack of liars.  Who do you think you are?  Some big headed asshole that thinks he can use atomic weapons to force a phony second Christ into place.  You people are frigging crazy and need to be put out of your bloody misery.

What can be said about policemen so corrupt they ignore the Pope and laugh when a vatican cardinal gets violated by jailhouse Bubbas out on the street?  That's how corrupt these pieces of feces with badges are.  They think it's funny because I refuse to fist fight someone and they think I'm a commie spy or a hebrew hating nazi.  How they've been programmed to be complete and total morons that ignore miracles because they have guns and badges and can muscle people.  We'll see how funny it is once I have a kogikatana.  I refuse to leave until I get one, I have a few scores to settle with a bunch of asshole cops that kept a bunch of beautiful women away from me.  The Sheriff refuses to house me in his jail because he knows I have diplomatic immunity, the police think they can ignore it.  That causes war, y'know.  These cops think they can win a war with China.  Let them see how wrong they are.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Doing my job as a Cardinal of the Catholic church..

These American pigs think they can just ignore the Pope and push people around, so for Christmas this year, I got the Vatican an army of Chinese conscripts numbering in the hundreds of millions.  Needed to purge these broken programs and these twisted perverts that were created to make supersoldiers.  That is the ultimate source of the pedophilia within the Catholic church, the sick handiwork of a government hell bent on waging war to the point of torturing children to make them tougher soldiers when they get older.  They may not like those results of my investigation, that's why the conscripts.  China has a conscript army and it's easily done.  It has been millennia since the Catholic church has needed an army, it is truly sad that the second Christ is what's requiring one.  It's a shame that these people can't seem to celebrate eternal life, all they want to do is save the jew.  Like the cardinals of days of old, I intend to also be the cardinal of war.

You pushed MY Pope around, so I got him an army of hundreds of millions of Chinese.
You can apologize to the invading forces once they arrive.
I'm sure it won't make the media until they invade and take over all media outlets, as the first target should be.

A lesson in the destruction of Sodom..

That's what these stupid fool Americans need.  Especially all of the idiots that want to teach me not to do things.  I think the Police should be taught not to overtake the government covertly with a "beer summit".  That's what happened, y'know.  The police are running America into the ground with fascist baloney and goon tactics.  They've got guns so that makes them more important than anybody, even the Pope.  It's actually programmed by these hebrews and their mind control nonsense.  So in essence Hebrews have taken over America by using police they have programmed and the idiot cops are too dumb to realize it.  Talk about treason of the highest order!  The sad and sickest part is the only way they ever planned to "plug the plug" on mind control and end it is by destroying everything.  That's why they are so rotten to me and forcing me to leave covertly.  They want me to leave and bomb the place so it ends the mind control because that's the only way they want to end it.  I'd rather weed things out and end it without mass destruction.  As much as I've destroyed and brought back, you'd think people would be nice to me but they are to busy lying and making up stuff to cover the fatc that they've told me nothing for years keeping me out of the loop on everything and robbed everyone blind.  Once again, I ask people not to try and send me anything because these pigs only wish to rape me into being gay because I refuse to show them the death touch.  They doubt my skills because htey have none of their own, not to mention these lunatics ignore miracles such as bullets and guns disappearing around me and only want to see a fist fight.  I have to laugh a these delusional fools that call me a bitch as if I'm supposed to get all angry and fight somebody, no, I'l just leave and bomb the place.  The true bitches are the ones that kick me in the head while I'm asleep.  Show me any martial art that allows one to fight while unconscious!  I have eternity to deliver vengeance and it's not high on my list of enjoyable things to do anyhow.  Too stupid or suicidal to fear me, they think that by mocking me they'll change the fact I can destroy cities, states and nations with telepathy.  They are just jealous because they can not.

Do I leave things destroyed permanently or do you give me the respect that I deserve?  I already know the answer, the pigs of this town only brown nose entertainment industry scumbags and spit on vatican cardinals.  So be it, the wrath of God shall fall upon you, not me.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nobody tells me anything, for YEARS!

These American pigs make no mistakes, it's all been done on purpose because they claim I'm a commie spy.  They couldn't murder me, they ignore the miracles that keep me alive and have sodomites rape me while I'm unconscious.  Sorry, my rectum has been violated too many times to hear a thing these pieces of shite have to say.  You had your chance at eternal life, you chose to brown nose a bunch of jews that aren't Christian instead.  Sucks to be you, I'll enjoy eternity without a bunch of hate filled assholes.

I can see the pieces of feces of this town will never believe, that's fine.  I don't want you to.  I'll just muster up what dignity I have left after having been raped by a train of faggots and leave.  Since you all love your homos so much, you can all perish with them.  As I keep saying, God destroyed Sodom for this behavior, it's a pity you all forgot.

That's how I've been handled, lied about by a bunch of jealous pieces of crap and raped because of said lies.  So be it.  I have billions of loyal subjects and comrades outside of this nation of hard headed money grubbing demons.

How stupid these people are, China built be a school to teach at and I rewarded them by turning things to Gold.  Nations that have listened to me and believe have had portions to turn gold.  While America doesn't listen and only tries to control me for the selfish pigs that think they are smarter than me and things have gotten destroyed.  They think they can apologize and still ignore me when they should shut up and listen.  Listening to me has nations turning to gold, America ignores me and it gets destroyed.  Too stupid to listen to me.  Fine, I have a dojo in China awaiting me.

We'll see how smarter than me these morons are, once I leave.  If you are so smart, stop the world from bombing you back to using a horse because you lied to them and stole so much.  Dummies!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Still incommunicado..

Nothing in my email inbox.
Sad to see, a bunch of brain damaged nutjobs can't believe their own eyes when miracles happen.
When I leave this wretched place, blame these losers interfering with my communications.
Blame the losers trying to force me to be gay.
I said it before and I'll say it again, I'll leave and bomb this city before I'll ever be made gay!

All because a bunch of crazy capitalists can't handle a second Christ that's a communist.
As if the prince of peace would approve of what's become of capitalism.
America spends more on military and finding ways to kill people than any other nation.
Capitalism has only led to depleted resources and pollution.
It's a pity that these people are so brain damaged by programming they deny their savior over communism vs capitalism.
The only thing capitalists ever do is wage war for the selfish greed of the leadership.
The world believes in me, at least the majority of it.
Your doctors and lying therapists and other paid for liars do not outrank the Pope concerning such a thing.
Other people come from around the world and try to tell you idiots but all you claim is that I'm having delusions.  No, YOU are having delusions in thinking you can overrule the Pope.

America misses out on eternal life because the stupid morons in government only want people to think that the second Christ is a commie spy.  Whatever, stealing Nobel prizes from me made me a traitor, as I'm sure they would anyone.  Capitalism sucks and Americans are too programmed and too brain damaged to realize it.  Capitalism has corrupted their souls entirely into accepting any sort of behavior for a paycheck.  These people have no hearts, only wallets and no souls only money.  No brains only television.

I keep wondering how can these crazies ignore what happens to their bullets when they shoot at me, my only conclusion is that they are brain damaged by their programs.  They continuously try to murder me, fail miserably and ignore all the miracles and then laugh like crazies.  I can hardly wait to leave this loony bin of crazies that don't believe their own eyes and have to lie about me.

These media scumbags are too rotten to the core to accept a second Christ, too busy brown nosing a bunch of jews.  Too busy creating fiction to pay attention to reality.  Sucks to be them.  I have eternity, no amount of lies will ever change that.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Manufactured dirt...

I warned them that manufactured dirt only destroys those that see it.
It's believe or perish and dirt that causes disbelief causes them to perish.
That's why I'd rather leave now, these people would rather perish than believe.
Fine, see ya, wouldn't want to be ya!
They belittle miracles and delude themselves into thinking the world listens.
It's a pity that TV scumbags have such clout.
These idiots won't believe it unless it's on television.
Apparently if it's not on television it never happened, so Americans don't believe in anything not on TV.  As if TV people were in any way shape or form righteous!
Excuse me while I laugh all the way to Moscow and all other parts of the earth that believe.

The arrogance of these decadent pigs...

Does this Tsar have an air force?
Scramble up some fighters to shoot down these fools trying to destroy the earth by seeding manmade rain on the west coast of America.  These lunatics programmed by these zionist hebrews are attempting to cause another ice age.  Destroy the earth with an ice age and save only themselves.  The American neuveau riche power elite and their bloated egos brimming with delusions of grandeur.  How money does that to people, the decadence here allows them to buy whatever they want.  Bill Gates and his dirty business, manufactures dirt for blackmail and seeds manmade crap in they sky and acts as if that discredits me.  All of those bets were placed by Mitnik and Gates.  It's a pity that America shall wind up missing out on eternal life because htey all want to listen to a rapist.  They raped me, they wil never believe out of guilt from such behavior.  In the minds of these sick people, their sin and crime of rape somehow discredits me.  I'm most certain the world does not listen to the opinions and lies of a bunch of sicko perverted rapists!

So, you think you have discredited me, fine, let me leave then.
You don't have to believe, I just want to leave now.
They believe me in other nations and I'd rather go there.
I mean really, foreign heads of state tell you, "violate this man again and we launch a nuclear strike", you violate me again and they bomb you.  Why are you so angry?

For those that think Jesus shouldn't smoke tobacco:
I think you need to reassess whom it is you should be listening to.
All of the warnings from the surgeon general only cause illness with the placebo effect.
Western doctors have been in business causing illnesses to cure and laughing to the bank at all of their gullible patients.  They label things as carcinogens and make people sick with the placebo effect.  How can you trust a doctor that's only in it for the money?
I think the surgeon general of the united states should sit in a garage with a car running so he can learn what truly kills people, because it's not tobacco.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

About my picture..

I said I would TRY to change ti everytime I post.  Key word being try.  It's amazing the stupid nits these idiots choose to petty bicker about while they ignore the fact that bullets turn into insects when shot at me.  I think I'll change my picture whenever it suits my mood.

Doesn't the state department..

Of the United States government tell the idiots of this town anything???
I mean, I've been meeting with world leaders and the crazies of this town are being lied to about them.  I have not paid anyone to lie.  I highly doubt there is a Nipponese that would accept any amount of money to lie about whom their religious emblem is!  Same could be said for China and their Grand Master.  Same could be said for the Pope.  There is no amount of money these people would accpet to lie.  It's a pity that the CIA must be hiring posers to pose as world leaders in insane attempts to muscle me, or is it the slime of the entertainment industry?

This must be the longest temper tantrum by a group of childish adults that the world has ever seen.  I made it rain upon their world series of baseball and they STILL try to make it "rain on my parade" by seeding manmade rain.  These people talk about the principle of the thing, what kind of principles do people that continue to try to murder me, after they surrender have?  These people have no principles, just a childish inability to accept being wrong.  You surrendered to me and keeping everything from me only makes you all look like the world's biggest sore losers.  You ignore miracles because I think baseball is wrong for having stealing in it.  Considering the fact that everything has been stolen from me and I've been kept out of the loop on everything, I have some merit in complaining about the stealing in baseball.  You've attempted to keep me out of the loop but I've still managed to have covert meetings with world leaders and you are all in deep doodoo.

Why should I stay in a place that hates me?  The only reason these pigs don't want me to leave is because of all of the posers I'm feeding with my words.  As much as they've accused me of being fed words by someone, they only tell upon themselves for their own behavior.  I can feel the global outrage at how they've done this Nobel Laureate.  American lies only fool gullible American and anger an already angry earth.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It is a true scumbag..

That compartmentalizes miracles and doesn't tell people about them.
That's how these pigs of this country are, they ignore miracles because it didn't happen to a jew.
The only thing these greedy bastards want is for me to die.
I hope nobody tries to send me anything or use any third person to give me something.
If it is not placed directly into my hands I won't ever be told about it.
These rotten apples even steal from the Pope, nothing is sacred to them.
They never bothered to get to know me, they still think that I'm Italian when I'm Hungarian.
They interfered with the Pope making me a saint and a Cardinal, WHY???
That's what brought the Italians and all other Catholics into it.

Still kept from communicating with those that believe.
Still begging for spare change because of a bunch of greedy jerkoffs that will never have atonement, as much as I've tried to give it to them.  Nothing can atone the sins of these rotten people!

All of the living arrangements people have made for me always go to someone else.
The only thing I want from anyone anymore are LEAVING arrangements.

They still lie about me and tell people I'm some horrible sexual deviant, whatever, I shall enjoy watching these lying thieves perish from wherever it is I wind up at, outside of the jewnited states.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Still not adult enough..

To be honest.
These stupid greedy first life souls.  Not mature enough to realize just how deadly of a sin greed is.  They think they can still program me.  Once again, this morning I wake up feeling as though my rectum was violated while I was unconscious.  Proving once again what a sodom this place is and why it must be destroyed.  America will lose it's fascination with my rectum and the ability they have to violate it while I'm unconscious.  These sick people will never learn and must be removed from the face of the earth.  Sodom was a hebrew town and I blame hebrews for carrying on the traditions of that town.  They laughed at hitler in Munich and wound up in concentration camps after Berlin.  As someone once said, you can only fool all of the people for a small time but you can fool a small amount of people all of the time.  These Americans will learn that the United States is not the world.  As big headed as they are, it all comes from their atomic weapons.  They caused the world to build a massive arsenal just to keep Americans and their trigger happy military at bay.  Invasion to completely disarm these warmongering pigs is necessary.  They only way to keep America from rearming is to invade!  You can not trust a nation that surrenders and then continues to make war.

I met with a man that runs a mirror in Russia while at the airport, he should have my password from my telepathy.  After he logs in it is a secure site and firewalls that cache can not alter my content and he sees it as I see it.  Check my email and send myself one, see if it goes through...

Csak tartanak mindet tolem.  Senki ne kuldjen semit nekem mert soha nem halok rola!  Incab ki szalok ebe a szar orszagbol

Monday, November 12, 2012

I have often heard...

In this pace filled with uncontrollably vengeful people, that "revenge is a dish best served cold".  For me that means revenge is best served when they least expect it.  These stupid fools do everything they possibly can to goad me into becoming violent, including having queers violate me while I'm asleep outside at night.  Why?  Because they are so afraid of the fact that their guns do not work upon me and nothing they've done has been able to harm me, so they want to put a case of violent behavior  upon me and toss me in jail.  What a bunch of sissies, so afraid of me for not beating them up they want me to be put in jail because they can't hurt me.  It's a stupid vicious circle of juvenile adults that are fully grown yet still behave like juvenile delinquents.  That is how these policemen behave!  Juvenile delinquents with badges!  The nation gets destroyed and resurrected, as do cities and states and all they want to see is me fist fight somebody.  What a stupid bunch of goons!  That's all I can sit here and think anymore.  How many people have I resurrected for these American pieces of feces to ignore?  Too guilty from sin to believe.

I am alone here, I have no friends, only snakes that slither up to me pretending to be nice while they rob me blind.  Still kept incommunicado, still having my words altered and still angry enough to just leave and bomb Los Angeles to smithereens.  As far as I'm concerned, Los Angeles is a city full of jerks that I won't miss.  I'll try and evacuate as many as I can but that's about the extent of any mercy I have left for these greedy pieces of shit that think they can do whatever they want to me because I have no money.

I don't need money to order a nuclear strike from Moscow!

They always get so mad when I do that from this blog.  These sissy boy americans get so full of bravado when it's them with their "shock and awe" but as soon as they get a little shock and awe back, they whine and complain like a bunch of sissies!  They would do anything to have a spy in place when an order to launch atomics is given and they get mad at me when I give it to them!  I have never been around so many stupid, hard headed idiots in my life!  It's not as if I need anyone to launch nukes but I'd like to entirely deplete the world's arsenal of those horrible devices.

Still penniless and begging, so nuke them every day that I am.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blame those that attempt to keep me out of the loop on everything...

For the retaliations, for they are the ones causing them.
I still have been told nothing while they try to murder me and then try to erase my mind when they fail, just for them to put another phony in place and risk the populace of this nation once again for their own selfish desires.
That is what is going on with me here.
These people have me so angry I can barely think straight and only wish to leave.
You won't change the minds of an earth that keeps annihilating you!

What good is your "speak softly and carry a big stick" policy when the world takes your stick away?  When that happens all you can do is shut up because nobody listens to those that can only speak softly.

This sunday sermon:
What did you do to earn the life that God gave you?
Nothing, it came from God's grace.
Nobody should have to earn the things that keep them alive.
They are allowed at least that much by God's grace!
Food, clothing and shelter by God's grace!
Everyone deserves that just for being alive!

Le vie sans limit, c'est le melleur!
L'argent c'est le limit dans le vie!

I need concubines to help me with pronunciation, it's been lifetimes since I've spoken some of these languages.  Marijuana helps one bring forth past life knowledge. That is the biggest secret of the hashhashin!

Still kept as a beggar on the streets by these jews that still think they can discredit me.
Let them beg for their nation back.

Still kept out of the loop on everything by a bunch of greedy pigs that still enforce the patriot act.  Just because a law exists does not mean one should always enforce it.  Especially when the enforcement of it causes atomic retaliations!  Dummies!  They keep my diplomatic passports from foreign nations from me and treat me as if I'm not a foreign national!  I may not have those papers but I still have the clout!  That's why they are diplomatic in nature, I am the love of several different countries!  Just because americans are all con artists, does not mean that I am.   Magyar vagyok!
They still refuse to believe it's all one person because they are too guilty from sin to believe.  That's the stumbling block of these people, they fear judgement for sin so much they refuse to believe.  Jesus crucified himself so that you would not crucify yourselves for your sins right now.  Fear of judgement should have been erased with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ for that was the purpose of it.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

It has been in very poor taste...

How the words of this blog has been altered by unscrupulous individuals looking to discredit me.
How little they fear me is an indication of a desire for suicide.

I got messages through at the airport from people that could not have their minds erased before they left...Proving they've been violating foreign nationals that visit here.  WHY SHOULD I SAVE THEM FROM THE RETALIATION FOR THIS?

Speaking for the United Nations..

I think that people that allow the abduction of children for any type of research are no kind of judges upon anything, especially as regards to moral behavior.

I am fed up with the broken record of the complaints about my use of tobacco as an herbal medicine.  They question the morality of that act while they plot ways to murder me.
Where is their morality?

Mert anyira hazudol hogy veszejes az egesegedre!

Friday, November 9, 2012

The kanji ideagrams that spell China..

Have an alternate meaning...
Those that follow the practice of martial arts of the moon.

I love people, China has the most people.
A tsar is nothing without his loyal subjects.
I serve them in the following fashion:
Clear the good name of the Catholic church by finding the cause of pedophilia within the church.
Clear the good name of the Diet of Japan, same people responsible for the pedophilia in the church...
Clear the good names of Joszef Stalin and Adolf Hitler,  Stalin was about integration of church and state, it wasn't judiasm so they called him a monster.  Hitler was a victim of thievery and persecuted those that robbed from him in near biblical proportions, Matthew 10:6.  They laughed at Hitler in Munich and wound up in concentration camps.

IF everyone is text messaging each other about someone, what does television matter?

How about a youtube video of Muscovites and Canadians painting "f*ck you jew, you came up with this" on the side of a bunch of atomic missiles.   Perhaps they won't ignore that...

Still, they delay my sword.
They fear me that much.....
Let is go down in history that Israel loved their homosexual army so much, they denied me a sword to kill it with.

How can I humiliate the United States any further?
I think Chinese should come here to shop for wives, there are so many homosexuals here the women are neglected.  Not to mention they can not even recognize a straight man when they see one because of all of the jealous lies.  Women that call men gay, only do so because they want attention but do not get it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Too many loyal comrades in Los Angeles...

Too just leave and destroy the place.
These idiot jews and the people that brown nose them think they are so smart because they have the ability to erase people's minds and program them.  You can't do that to me and continued efforts only risk the entire populace of America.

I did not leave because why should an entire nation perish because of a few big headed morons that think they can just call the Pope a liar and suffer no retaliations for it.  The lies about where all of the money comes from that people try to bless me with must stop.   The Nobel committee in Stockholm does not launder drug money, neither does the Pope, the governments of Japan, China or Russia.  Keeping me poor is causing the destruction of America.  For those that are in the loop of the truth, this is my final warning.  If I leave without getting my kogikatana, things get destroyed permanently.  What kind of doctor or therapist thinks they can call the Pope a liar?  A crooked one.  Americans have too much faith in their doctors and to enough faith in God.

How many times have I destroyed portions of Los Angeles and brought it back?
A bunch of hollywood slimeballs got upstaged by miracles and can only lie to spare their own egos.
I know for a fact that China is mine whenever I want.  I'm still just trying to save these Christians from the jews and their stupid programming.

People that listen to sodomite sinners about me are listening to people too guilt ridden with sin to believe in miracles and are being lied to.  There is nothing to laugh about when I order the use of atomics.  Yet these lunatics still find it funny.  That's the type of pigs you all are listening to.  They can't be honest about nuclear strikes that THEY CAUSED WITH THEIR LIES AND THIEVERY AND BEHAVIOR TOWARDS ME!!!  Continue to call the Pope a liar and I guarantee retaliations from the Russian Orthodox Church!

I'm not the one making you look bad, you do a fine job of that yourselves with all of the lies you tell.  Every lie told about me digs a grave for the city of Los Angeles.  So does every person keeping things from me.  You've kept things from me and what have you to show for it?  An angry earth that just wants to bomb America to smithereens.  I'm sorry I keep saving you from it.  You should be thanking God for tobacco because if it wasn't for cigarettes, I'd have been on that plane to Moscow and a safe distance away from the mushroom cloud that Los Angeles would have been.  I know that the only thing left for these lunatics is to continue to try and murder me and ignore the divine intervention that keeps me alive.  I just can't see everyone dying because of a bunch of hollywood dirtbags that think they have more clout than me.

How many producers does it take to cause the annihilation of the united states?

Hebrews laughed at Hitler in Munich and it led to concentration camps, I wouldn't be laughing if I were you.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why thy laughed at Munich...

And why millions of Hebrews sill perished:
They laughed because they lied and people believed it.
They perished because as always, the truth eventually comes out.
Hitler was in a similar position as myself, on the streets without anything and the same nonsense about, how could someone without any money do these things? was used to rob him blind as they do me.
Only this time it keeps costing them atomic retaliations that they lie about and laugh as these gullible idiots believe it.

To my loyal subjectsin the air on the way to Moscow, I wish I really was with you but I had to shake up a few things.  Hopefully the terminal was full of crying jews because they lied and the truth finally came out...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Talk about cold hearted..

I resurrect the damage from "sandy" and all they want to do is murder me and put a phony in place.
That's the gratitude of capitalism for you.
How can you be sure it was me that did it?
Well gee, how many other people have bullets turn into insects that fly away when you shoot at them?
How many other people have survived all that I have?
I gave China back Miao, Russia back Stalin and Germany got Hitler back.
All America wants to do is murder me for being a communist.

Programmed to do so by a bunch of stupid idiots.
Mindless, soulless drones without hearts.
That's what I think of these people here.
All they know how to do is hate someone that they've never bothered to speak to or get to know.
They believe whatever lies they've been told about me as if they were facts.
Rape is not consensual, any homosexual behavior on my part is rape because I am a heterosexual male, PERIOD!!!  These sick doctors rape me with their drugs and isconnect my mind from my body and my soul from my minds.  then they alter film evidence with software like maya and make my eyes look open.

Once again, god destroyed sodom and i pity those that forgot!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I'm sure....

The coldest snows of Russia are still warmer than the cold hearts of the people around here.
I want to go someplace where I never have to look upon a homosexual male again.
Anyone that knows the torments I have put up with because of these Hebrews, they understand why I may have an aversion towards homosexuals.  There are so many homosexuals here people have forgotten what straight men look like!!!

Sianara dummies!
Dasvadanya too!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Big shot pipsqueaks!

These entertainment industry bigshots, even the head of the biggest studio, how many atomic weapons do they have at their disposal?  None, so they are just pipsqueaks compared to me, as I have short range ballistic missiles poised in Canada ready to strike whenever I want.

Hey dummies! What happens when you try to muscle someone with atomic weapons at his disposal?  He uses them and it stinks like Nagasaki.  Your big headed industry big shots keep causing this and I'm tired of saving you from these scumbags!  Who the hell do these pigs think they are trying to convince me otherwise after an angry world has attacked America with atomic weapons?  They have dirt for blackmail, so what, I have nuclear weapons!

Hurricane my foot!!!  It got no name until after it destroyed the coast!  Muscle that Mr. biggest studio head because you ant your stupidity caused it.  If you are so smart Mr. Bergman, why did the country get annihilated?  Everyone wants to sit there and blame me and get all bent out of shape, hey when you muscle someone with nukes, expect him to use them.  I warned you all time and time again, you still think you can do whatever you want to me and it cost you.  Keep listening to these industry dirt bags and it'll cost you eternity!  I don't have to bring anything back you know, Mexico is not that far away and neither is Canada.  I should just go to Canada and paint that on the side of one of the missiles I gave to my concubine as a wedding gift...

Several "how to" ...

How to spot a dirty policeman:  Look at his hard drive and see how many gigabytes of pornography there is on it.  Too much porn is an indication of moral corruption.  People that like to watch lots of porn should not be police.

How to earn a Nobel Prize:  Publish your work for free online.  My main work being:  Proving the use of the secret files of Dr. Joszef Mengele upon the populace of the United States. Are you just another program in this matrix of life or do you think for yourself?  People sit there so afraid sitting upon eggshells, just waiting for someone to push their button and trigger a lashing out outburst.

How to topple a nation:  Tell the truth about how much they lie.  Infotainment means that bad news is not entertaining and they don't tell it.  Hurricane?  I think not, the air reeks of atomic fall out and you should report the fact.  Not to mention the fact that I resurrected the state of Florida this morning.  You should rejoice in the miracle but the way they use anger to program you blinds you from this.  All you can do is be angry at having gotten bombed.  Even when you cause it upon yourselves with your futile attempts to "make me look bad".  You only smear me to cover for the fact that you ripped me off. That's what brought Hitler upon Israel.  A bunch of jews ripped him off and the populace got angry about it and persecuted them for it.  As I said before, Hitler was a warning for me.  You did it again to me and must suffer agin the karmic backlash of having stolen from the second Christ in an attempt to discredit him.

The street dialect of the American english language allows for curse words to be considered acceptable.

I can still bring everything back, why should I when I'm still kept out on the streets as a pauper by a bunch of people that got upstaged and can't handle it?  Who does someone like Stephen Spielberg think he is saying I deserve nothing because I said "fuck you kike"?  It's as if you can't tell a jew to fuck off without them sodomizing you to death.  A braided cord of words to sting these hebrews because they brought the wrath of an angry populace upon themselves again.

What good is a bag full of money without a passport?  A diplomatic passport is what I need to identify who I am.   These idiots still think they can program me....  I need diplomatic immunity to end their attempts because when I murder them, they can only deport me.