Friday, November 16, 2012

The arrogance of these decadent pigs...

Does this Tsar have an air force?
Scramble up some fighters to shoot down these fools trying to destroy the earth by seeding manmade rain on the west coast of America.  These lunatics programmed by these zionist hebrews are attempting to cause another ice age.  Destroy the earth with an ice age and save only themselves.  The American neuveau riche power elite and their bloated egos brimming with delusions of grandeur.  How money does that to people, the decadence here allows them to buy whatever they want.  Bill Gates and his dirty business, manufactures dirt for blackmail and seeds manmade crap in they sky and acts as if that discredits me.  All of those bets were placed by Mitnik and Gates.  It's a pity that America shall wind up missing out on eternal life because htey all want to listen to a rapist.  They raped me, they wil never believe out of guilt from such behavior.  In the minds of these sick people, their sin and crime of rape somehow discredits me.  I'm most certain the world does not listen to the opinions and lies of a bunch of sicko perverted rapists!

So, you think you have discredited me, fine, let me leave then.
You don't have to believe, I just want to leave now.
They believe me in other nations and I'd rather go there.
I mean really, foreign heads of state tell you, "violate this man again and we launch a nuclear strike", you violate me again and they bomb you.  Why are you so angry?

For those that think Jesus shouldn't smoke tobacco:
I think you need to reassess whom it is you should be listening to.
All of the warnings from the surgeon general only cause illness with the placebo effect.
Western doctors have been in business causing illnesses to cure and laughing to the bank at all of their gullible patients.  They label things as carcinogens and make people sick with the placebo effect.  How can you trust a doctor that's only in it for the money?
I think the surgeon general of the united states should sit in a garage with a car running so he can learn what truly kills people, because it's not tobacco.

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