Sunday, November 25, 2012

The trap door on the scaffold..

For these stupid hebrews and their lie machine..
The jawbone of an ass came from a skull they had found, it did not rot inside the mouth of an ass killing the ass.  Although that's all these idiots compare my broken jaw to.  A person with a broken jaw has absolutely nothing to do with a person being murdered with a jawbone from a skull.  As much as these liars want to believe otherwise, the trap door springs open and they all now dangle, swinging freely from the noose of lies they have constructed.  I've been doling out the rope in the fashion of 50 plus Nobel prizes and they've hung themselves out with them.  Still all they wish to do is murder me to get away with their thievery.  Starting since High school and my discovery of the "bucky ball"  or the carbon 60 molecule in the shape of a soccer ball.  Ever since, Mr Bush has been planning a psthumous Nobel for me.  Too bad because I'm never going to die and continued efforts at attempting to cause my death will only worsen the relationships America has with every single other nation on this planet, including Canada and Mexico.  You've successfully alienated every single nation on this planet over me because of this hard headed stupidity and your belief in hebrews as God chosen.  Sorry to tilt Israel off of their high horse but I'm tired of tilting at windmills.  Hebrews are no more God chosen than any other group of people on this earth.  HEBREWS ARE NO BETTER THEN ANYBODY ELSE!!!

These piece of feces delivery boys, they try to spit on me and flee like demons before me instead of telling me anything or giving me anything!  Good thing my friend Kim from Korea calls me Jesus perhaps I should just leave and give up on these sorry sap jew worshipping morons!

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