Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My patience wears thin...

These ignorant fools think they can attempt to destroy my mind with their drugs and programing techniques.  Why would they do such a thing to someone as talented as I am?  They are insanely jealous.  Blinded by the shards of their shattered self images they only slander me in futile attempts to compare themselves to me.  Compartmentalizing me with slanders.  One group of people think "he's a bitch afraid to fight somebody", another think "he's too dangerous to give a sword to", while another think "he's a male prostitute", and others even think "he's a pedophile".  All in attempts to smear me because my internet posts have made America look so bad.  I am the one and only spooky that posted to cracks.hk in retaliation for these selfish idiots in the music industry making plans for my talent.  Perhaps the CIA should have let these bozos in on the fact that the world believes I'm the second Christ enough to put atomic weapons where their mouths are. Nope they refuse to do so because their guilt is their stumbling block.  They are unable to forgive themselves for their own behavior and will never believe.   I see these people as souls too damaged by circumcision to even want it healed.  Why else would anyone interfere with my healing of everyone's amputated foreskins as these hollywerdos and music industry pigs have done?  If you were a telepath you'd learn to heal yourself by learning how to manipulate your own molecular structure enough to change shape.

There is no distance between the stars, only time.