Wednesday, October 31, 2012

They still fight a 2 decade old "cold" war...

Even though it's gotten hotter then hell.
It will require "cold" war tactics for me to escape this lunatic asylum of blissfully deluded idiots.
Hurricane "sandy" didn't get a name until after landfall, awfully late seeing as how most hurricanes get names 80 miles off the coast.  I wonder how many gullible idiots really think it's a hurricane?

All of those foreign languages on my panhandling sign because I could give a crap about America or Americans.  They wage wars and then get angry when they have casualties.  "Those were good airmen we lost".. Yeah well, they take that risk when they don the uniform of a soldier.  Those men were soldiers and they died as such.  I'm tired of listening to American whining about casualties of a war they started.  They need to man up and be honest but I know they won't.  Just a bunch of sissies that are unable to stomach the casualties of a war they started.

All I have left to say anymore is sianara dummy!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What brought down the house of Romanov?

Arrogant decadence.
So, you can expect me to be the opposite.
Entirely humble and not materialistic.
That's what greedy pigs like Bill Gates can't seem to understand, why they can not shake me by keeping money from me.  It isn't money that makes a royal, it's divine intervention.  I forsee a permanent closure for the NYSE.

Only trust face to face communication with me.  These lunatics will do anything to keep me from leaving this Sodom of a nation.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The other portion of Joszef Mengele's research...

Is the anger factor.  When a person is very angry they have a tendency to see red and act upon impulses.  When a person is angered to this state of seeing red and combined with the fear of walking on eggshells a vengeful, afraid soul is created.  The anger blinds them to their action and hair triggers of lashing out are created.  The mind control program is actually a program of triggered "lashing out" from a soul afraid to the point of complacency and angered to blindness.

These Hebrews have crated and army of vengeful homosexuals violated and programmed into being homosexuals.  It is obviously apparent that this is a Hebrew creation, especially considering that Sodom was a Hebrew town and jews have hangups about justifying the behavior got destroyed them for.  Also the ulterior motives of a few zionist Hebrews with the intention of creating another Sodom on purpose for God to destroy and leave the land for Israel.

My rectum is bothering me too much from having been violated to hear anything any of these American capitalist pigs and their jew programmers have to say to me.  To put things in more adult language in a dialect of the english language that allows four lettered words, I fully intend to escape this country, Nippon would love the idea of helping me.  Once I do, I intend to paint "fuck you kike" on the side of a short ranged ballistic nuclear missile and launch it at this city. God destroyed Sodom and I pity those that forgot.

Sianara, you dumb motherf*ckers!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The joke is on you and your stupid hebrews..

And their army of faggot monsters controlled by hebrews.
It's funny I almost always see a faggot with a jew in tow.
Anyhow, the joke is on you because, I actually did sell Japan how to shoot down American stealth aircraft and your "Axis of Liberty" actually did lose devastatingly to MY "Allies of Peace".  You lost so bad you had to drill for oil in the gulf of Mexico and the sissies running this country don't have the guts to tell you!  One of the members of MY "allies of peace" is Canada and your hebrews and the lies of this hebrew controlled media has them so angry you have no NORAD anymore, so just start quacking like the sitting ducks you all are.  Oh, no, these stupid hebrews don't want to tell you all and panic the populace.  Instead they tell you all to laugh like crazy people and that's exactly what you sound and look like.

How do I look?
How would anyone look after being flat broke on the streets of Los Angeles after years of being on the run for creating the "allies of peace" and selling how to shoot down stealth?  I do the best I can and the lies of these faggots and their hebrew pig handlers do not matter.  My presence still makes women moist and I can still destroy cities with solar flares and telepathy.  No amount of lies or any other baloney will ever change that.  It's all just a bunch of childish nonsense from a bunch of childish first life souls that have no belief in past lives.  The billions of people outside this stupid nation of hebrew programmed idiots do believe in past lives.

Jacob Bergman is a faggot with a crush and I do not appreciate his efforts to force me into homosexuality to suit his selfish covetous desires.  I will never find men sexually attractive!  Especially these losers that violate me while I'm unconscious.  I have to laugh at them, they put their penises in my mouth while I'm asleep and act like they aren't the faggots.  Only a faggot wants another man's mouth on his penis.  I attract women like a chick magnet man among men and these jealous haters trying to force me to be a faggot have caused international crises.  What do a bunch of narcissistic, egomaniac entertainment industry scumbags know about the goings on internally in China, Japan, Russia, the Vatican or anywhere else for that matter?  These entertainment industry pigs know nothing of the goings on outside this nation and only know the lies that constantly flow out of their mouths.  

As for the muscle bound idiots that think they are more of a Grand MAster than me simply because hteir muscles are bigger.  Such an attitude only shows how little the know about fighting!  Skill is independent of weight class!  Just because a heavyweight is bigger than a flyweight does not mean he is more skilled!!!

Hebrews do not believe in past lives and did not believe in a fist Christ, they will never believe in a second!  My soul is the sun over your heads, that's what makes me the Christ.

I don't expect these hard headed morons to listen, the only thing they listen to here is money.  As of love of money is not evil or something.  These capitalist pigs have all forgotten to love one another and love only money!  Not to mention they care more about what their doctors say than what God shows with miracles.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Can't stop ganking my hookups, can they?

If nobody had ever messed wth things people have tried to give to ME, nothing bad would ever have happened.  I never had a problem with hebrews until I came here and that greedy jew pig, David Levine stole everything anyone ever tried to send me over at the St. Joseph's center in Venice.   That's how these jews operate, one of them robs you blind and if you try to call them on it, you're another Hitler that needs to be stopped.  Well, bad luck for you people because I am unstoppable.  I just happen to be overly humber and forgiving.   It's from being overwhelmed myself by all of the miracles I've seen around me.  It's a pity that a bunch of scumbags think they can call the Pope and Holy See a pack of liars, even though they have fully documented many miracles.  It's these superficial narcissists created by capitalism and it's "program" that causes this.  These sociopathic opportunists only see others as a mealticket for them to milk for whatever they can, even the Pope and Holy See.  Even the Polit of China, even the United Nations, event he government of Canada, they are all just seen as suckers for these con artists to take advantage of.

Who do you people think you are trying to shake my confidence when the Pope has full confidence in me?  What makes you so damn special that you think you can override anything the Pope says?

You think this just a script and you are a bunch of deluded lunatics because I am the second Christ and that is not up to any jew to decide.  Joseph was only Jesus' stepfather.  More memories from my past life as Jesus Christ:  Jesus hated Joseph, how many hebrew kids today don't get along with their parents for being such overbearing idiots?  Joseph wanted Jesus to follow in his footsteps as a carpenter and Jesus wanted none of it and fled to a nomadic lifestyle preaching from town to town.  Joseph as Jesus' stepfather made him an anti-semite.

Oh you didn't bother to check and see if it was really the Pope, so you thought your narcissistic self should just steal everything.  Well, all I can say is, I'll enjoy watching you all rot in hell from heaven because I am who I am and you are a bunch of stupid greedy fools for thinking otherwise.  It's a pity they compartmentalize all of the consequences this entire nation has suffered because of these greedy morons.  everyone would believe if they knew everything that's happened.  then again, these greedy hebrews don't want that to happen, they are too busy milking MY talent to feed their jew pig liars.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Impostor after impostor after impostor...

Crimes perpetrated by the CIA, Mossad, dumbland security and police.
Theft of everything people have tried to bless me with, all given to impostors because these idiots i mentioned above don't want to believe that a second Christ is a communist.
It's so backward of Homeland security to cause the greatest threat to the lives of the populace of this nation by helping to put phonies in place of me.  They ignore the consequences of such actions and cause a risk to this nation.  Even after I put my picture here, which I am going to try to update every time I post here.  I can change the fight path of arrows and bullets, period.  That's what has these people all so crazy, as if me fighting someone is needed to prove such a thing.  That along with being a communist is what makes me the emblem of China.  Yet all that these ignorant idiots want is a fist fight.  Whatever, people that don't believe only do so because they don't believe their own eyes.  The wretched behavior of these idiots responsible for "handling" me, people tell them who I am and how much clout I've got, they pretty much ignore them and accuse me of being on drugs instead.  Same goes for the delivery boys and the blessings, kept from me for what reason?  Jesus doesn't hold out and anyone that's seen my finances knows I'm not good at saving money and usually spend it as soon as I get it.  The spending habits of my past are a clear indication of a person that never holds out.  I'm here picking cigarette butts out of ashtrays, duck tape on my shoes and these jerkoffs accuse me of holding out.  "He's got money", they all say as they steal everything.  That's why I hate capitalism, it's made them all into sodomite loving, money grubbing, jealous demons that can't see past the surface of people.   A bunch of superficial idots that think keeping me broke is funny.  Again, whatever, your guns still don't work and you still look like lunatics for ignoring it.  Your bombs, poisons and everything else you've done to try and murder me still doesn't work and you just look even crazier for trying.

How these Hebrews have fooled you.  Especially these entertainment industry maggots that and I quote think "He deserves it for being a jew hating nazi".  For one thing, nazi stood for "National Socialist" and I am a communist, NOT A SOCIALIST.  Too bad you're all too ignorant to realize that.  For another, nobody deserves to be sodomized by gangs of faggots, as I was.  It's a pity nobody can be nice enough to give me a reason not to just leave and annihilate this place.  They are still too busy trying to stop me from leaving.  I am the leak that caused the CIA leak trial.  That is why they want me dead so badly, Bush and company at the CIA have so many skeletons in their closet it's crushing this nation to bits.  Capitalism has collapsed and only deluded fools say otherwise.  That's why the impostors, they think murdering me will save capitalism....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Since my communications are still being interfered with..

I have no choice but to leave these scumbag rapists and watch as the entire city perishes for them.  Perhaps even the entire nation.  Rape is not consensual and it's a pity that these idiots think they can act like it is.  Sins committed AGAINST ME do not make me the sinner.  These big headed morons with badges are so smug because they have dirt on someone.  Look at what it cost you!  How much of the nation is "all circuits are busy.." ? I hear the bombardments at night and see nothing about it in the media.   Does all of America desire to perish for a bunch of scumbags that think because they can manufacture dirt on someone that it discredits him?  That seems to be the only thing these pieces of feces will ever accept, my leaving and Moscow lighting up Los Angeles.  I keep saving these idiots and all they do is try to push drugs on me for producer dirtbags to milk my talent.  All I have left to say anymore is Sionara, Los Angeles can have it's faggots and die with them.  After reading some people's minds, I'm quite certain that once I leave here, I'll be treated so well, I'll never want to come back.  Fine by me.  I'm fed up with a bunch of jealous hate filled liars that can do nothing but steal and laugh like crazies waiting for men with white jackets to show up and take them away.  The lies only fool these gullible idiot americans and infuriate the rest of the world.  You are smug because you've kept me out of the media in the United States meanwhile the rest of the earth has heard of me and then some.  No matter what you do you will never change the facts and you keep deluding yourselves into thinking you have any chance at discrediting me.  You only want to find a way to apologize that smoothes things over for a stupid bloody contract when eternal life is at stake.  That's the idiocy of capitalism.  They're more worried about their economy than the lives of the people in this nation and the people are so miserable they all want to go with them.  Do you believe enough to kill for eternal life???

As for the lies of the Santa Monica police department, the Sheriff of Los Angeles county believes in me enough to refuse to house me in his jail.  SMPD pushes drugs on talent for the entertainment industry to milk.  SMPD manufactures dirt for blackmail and aids and abets in homosexual rapists and then laugh about it.

All because a bunch of retards don't believe their own eyes when their guns don't work and still want to see me fight someone.   Baloney, you want me to murder someone so you can say that I should be locked up.  YOU should be locked up for interfering with diplomatic communications and causing america to perish for you own selfish bull crap.

Believe or perish means your lives are on the line!  It's amazing how these capitalist pigs will go to war and murder for money and oil but not for eternal life.  Sad and pathetic and displays how miserable capitalism has made them all.  These idiots will settle for nothing less than my leaving and bombing Los Angeles!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

So, you don't believe...

What makes you think that gives you the right to interfere with me communicating with those that do?  Especially when they try to bless me with the comforts I lack?
The only thing these lunatics do is accuse me of "holding out" as an excuse to keep everything from me.  Even the Pope.  Even the United Nations, even Canada...  Nothing is enough for these greedy people. You highly doubt and did not think to check, those are real and you are a stupid fool.  It's amazing this lack of logic, they keep everything from me and then mock me asking where the money is.  Well gee, where's my mail from Geneva, if I had that I could show you where the money is.  It's as if these idiots want me to just conjure up money out of my bum instead of going to an ATM like everyone else.  The people that believe far outnumber those that do not.  Besides those that do not are relying upon second hand information provided by a bunch of lying bogarts, lying to cover the fact THEY'VE STOLEN EVERYTHING ANYONE HAS EVER TRIED TO GIVE ME!!!  Then act as if I'm not supposed to get mad about it and neither are the senders.  They ignore my clout, so a flex it and order the use of atomics, just to prove I have it.  Then they whine about how I shouldn't do that right in front of everyone like that.  Hey, at least you get a bloody warning.  Typical of Americans, they can all dish it out and not take it.

Russia believes enough to give me their button to put my finger on.  Keeping my bankcards and my identity papers from me only makes me want to push it.  As does tossing me to your faggot army.  ALL BECAUSE SOME IDIOT PRODUCER WANTS TO SEE ME FIGHT!!!!

I killed the head of the "hell's angels" years ago, they all claim it was just luck and they've been trying to murder me back for it ever since or try to force me to do it again.  As I wrote on the wall, Heaven on earth does not include hell's angels.

All I can do is pity these poor people because these non believers of the media are simply too miserable for eternal life and will do anything to discredit it.  There is no low low enough for them to sink, as if sinning against me does anything other than show what sinners they all are.

Why it's not on television?
TV producers are blackmailing scumbags.  Too full of sin and will never accept me for who I am.

Forgiveness is wasted upon these capitalist pigs...

Jesus crucified himself so that all sins commited against him when he came again would be forgiven.  Every drop of blood is wasted upon these money grubbing demons.  They sin against me in evil attempts to defile me for the purpose of discrediting the fact that I am the second Christ.  Including horrible attempt by scientist atheists to destroy my mind and disconnect me from my soul.  A soul that happens to actually be the sun over your heads.  When I become angry solar flares happen.  I've even written my name upon the surface of the sun with solar flares.  You think you can delete my memory of it and give the credit to someone else.  You have taken leave of your senses.  Anyhow, I degress, distracted by reading the mind of the government observer watching me enter this...  They sin against me and ignore all of the miracles, I forgive them, they continue to sin against me.  A vicious circular pattern cause by disbelief.  Forgiveness is lost upon such people, the point of forgiveness is for them to never do it again.  There is no point in forgiving people that continue with the behavior that they are asking forgiveness on. 

Thise baloney about "just looking to escape the country", You bet I am.  They bow before me in JApan and these morons here think they can just keep my DOPLOMATIC PASSPORT FROM THE VATICAN, from me along with my BANK CARDS FROM GENEVA.  When a persn loses their wallet (I had my packpacks stolen numerous times!!) the firt thing that gets replaced are one's identification papers and their bank cards.  They keep those from me out of fear of me leaving the country.  The whole purpose of my trip to LAX was to prove that I can leave whenever I want and that keeping those from me only imprisons me on the street.  I have Japanese soldiers at the airport with orders to shoot anyone that attempts to prevent me from leaving by air, should I so choose.  Should I have to flee in such a fashion with troops using force to help me leave, I shall look forward to hunting those down responsible and slowly ending their misery with a katana.  Let these selfish idiots of Los Angeles suffer what they put the rest of the nation through, atomic holocost and ressurrection.  Once I leave, the world shall take turns until I rest up to come back and eliminate those responsible.  There is no "love one another" in the use of atmic weapons because they spare none.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

They've lost control of the program...

These idiots like Rumsfeld and Bush that thought using mind control upon the populace of this country was a good idea, created a monster that has spiraled out of their control.  The doctors don't need you to tell them what to do.  Remember the "beer summit" the POLICE had with Obama?  That's who's truly running this country.  This nation is under siege by the police because they have the guns.  These blackmailers use corrupt police to gather or make dirty laundry for blackmail and the idiots at the top have lost control of them.  Not to mention how these doctors having delusions of grandeur along with these dirtbag celebrities that think that because they can erase people's memories and program them, that they should.  YOU WILL NEVER PROGRAM ME TO BE A HOMOSEXUAL!!  

That's how these dirtbag producers operate, if you attract too many women or acquire the attentions of the wrong one, they retaliate with corrupt doctors and program you to be a queer.  I am a man among men, only deluded women that ignore the fact they become moist in my presence deny it.  As for "thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife"?  When a heterosexual man slanders me in a fashion that portrays me as a homosexual, I retaliate by taking his woman away from him.   That hurts worse than beating the tar out of him.  Break them up does not mean I want a relationship.  Not to mention none of these hate filled pieces of crap are my neighbor.  Love one another is the only commandment that counts, because when you love one another you don't do the rest!

It's funny how they ignore miracles, try to erase my memory and then tell people to "just laugh at me" as if these lunatics ignoring miracles can shake my confidence.  Opinions don't change facts, and the facts are I am unstoppable.  That is part of why Japan makes me their emperor.  I had hoped that after thousands of attempts to murder me that left no mark, these lunatics would eventually believe.  It's a pity that they do not.  I look forward to skiing in the Urals!


Friday, October 19, 2012

I convince the world I'm the second Christ..

Only the capitalists don't think I deserve a paycheck.

Today's hacker "howto"...

Howto be smarter than dumbland security:
See all matters of National Security as a threat to the LIVES OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION.

These idiots are more worried about commuism vs. capitalism,
a severly unhealthy level of competition has formed due to the nature of the beliefs of capitalism.  Money talks and BS walks, evil does all the talking.  Miracles take away the ability for money to speak and they can't relate to not being able to buy what they want even when they spend the money it takes to copy a miracle.  A copy is still just a copy.

What the Dalai Llama proably truly said:  For Americans, compassion is radicalism.
Christians indeed.  They've replaced Christianity with capitalism as their religion and the love of money has driven them all nuts!  The insane levels of decadence where money can buy rape for NOTHING but DRUGS ALONE!  That is why these lunatics refuse to accept what they see before their very eyes!  Everytime before it took drugs for people to survive it and now it doesn't!  I feel as if all I've done to save these ignorant fools from the wrath of the globe for stealing over three dozen Nobel Prizes from me, has all been done in vain.  Who'd believe some homeless guy?  Their love of money blinds them from reality and what they've bought before....

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I was at LAX this morning..

Working on arrangements to leave, I could have hopped on a Japan Airlines "Jump Seat" and gotten out of here.    Now, again, I regret not taking it.  Why should I stay here, when I get around Buddhists they bow before me?  As everyone in the terminal saw when I walked by them.  Everyone here treats me like crap because they don't wont to believe in miracles and other stupid reasons that only prove how infested with demons this place is.  Those that do not believe are infested with demons that need to be cast out.  Something I no longer have the energy to do.  I mean, I ressurrect the bloody country and all they do to thank me for it is try to murder me and toss me to the sodomites, just so they can put another fake in place and cause another bombing.  Why can you?  Well, let your smear campaign give you eternal life then because I'm taking my eternally living butt elsewhere.  Someplace where I get the respect I deserve for being a pacifist, "price of peace".  I'm disgusted by the psuedo Christians of America that ignore the words of Jesus himself in Matthew chapter 10 verse 7, "seek out the lost sheep of the house of Israel.".  Jesus instructs his disciples to persecute hebrews and these people ignore it and let these hebrews do whatever they want to me in futile attempts to discredit me because eternal life is not a part of judaism.  Not to mention these sick doctors that do the same.


Sionara, I'm going to Japan and you losers can keep your faces buried in the entertainment industry butts you brown nose until you suffocate for all I care...  Nothing but a bunch of jealous haters hating on me for stealing Nicole Kidman from Kieth Urban, anytime I want.  Pbththth!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The music industry can piss off and die..

Along with allof the other sleazy entertainment industries.  I do not do business with dirtbags that have to interfere with my communications to get a better deal.

It's a shame the things that the dirtbags have been kept ignorant of.  You'd think they'd let these morons in on how much clout I have globally.  Too bad for America.  They love me in Osaka, they love me in Beijing, they love me in Moscow, in fact they love me just about everywhere outside of this nation of devil worshipping demonic money grubbers.  That's what capitalism has turned you all into.  A nunch of money loving shitbags that I think the world can do without.  I highly doubt you'll ever be able to change my mind regarding this fact.  I mean ll anyone does here is jealous hate me and lie through their teeth,  I'm so squeaky clean people believe the lie that I don't sleep outside.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

You did not out hack me..

By getting my passwords.
Break into highly secure government databases, protected with an unlimited budget, then come back to me about hacking.
I am the leak that caused the trial and they still fear me to the point of forcing me to "escape the country".
I hacked the "big iron" in college, I was expelled for breaching the security of my own mail on a VAX/VMS mainframe using my friend's account and the "backup" command.

I wonder how the skiing is in the Urals?  Perhaps Moscow would be so bold as to drag me away, my heart is sacred and I can't seem to stop trying to save these ungrateful fools.  Princess Renier is the General of the church that wants to marry me.  The snob she is, she used to pray for someone to talk to, so I flooded her with requests to be a concubine.  Let the flood continue until she comes and whisks me away to Moscow....

About my sister...

Who has not had a conversation with me in over a decade and has been pretty much forced to rely upon second hand information, has been fed nothing but a pack of lies.  As has so many.  To think about stealing my "power of attorney" in such a crooked fashion.  Using doctors that have never spoken to me, and judges whose courtrooms have never seen me because police in the Santa Monica Police department tamper with my fingerprint record.  Typical Hebrew fashion of how they exploit their Hebrew laws of man to completely flaunt all laws to commit a crime such as embezzlement.  Hebrew laws of man are null and void concerning me for one simple fact.  God destroyed the city of Sodom and the behavior responsible for causing said destruction is protected with hate crime laws.  So, if you attempt to prevent sodomites from sodomizing people, it's a hate crime.  Completely against the holy text of these Hebrews.  Matthew 10:6-7

There used to be such a thing as "Christian Charity" in this nation.  It was destroyed by the slimy greed of capitalism.  "Give us this day our daily bread" has gotten replaced with "no such thing as a free lunch".  They still think that I'm just talent for their stable.  All of these poor deluded fools kept in an ignorant bliss, making blissfully poor decisions because they are ignorant of the facts.  Those that fear a panic of the populace truly fear being persecuted for causing the destruction they are covering up.

Assaulting people on the street is illegal.  Especially when it's a homosexual.  They call that a hate crime.  Which is all that these Hebrews keep trying to do to me.  Toss him to the sodomites until he murders one, than he can be arrested for a hate crime.  They have a bunch of queers lie about me, and if I beat them up for it, it's a hate crime.  Dirty rotten lowdown Hebrew slime.  How can you tell when you've done business with a hebrew?  Your anus hurts because they sodomize you to get a better deal.  After seeing how "the talent" is stabled in this town, I'd rather defect to communism than be treated like this.  How many talented people have been murdered in their stables?  Michael Jackson,   Kurt Cobain, Chris Farley, Jim Bellushi, Jim Morrison, Bob Marley, Janis Joplin, Ritchie Valenz.... The list goes on and on.  These are the type of slime handling me.  Wrong people to handle a second Christ as they are filled with demons that need to be cast out!  Casting demons out of the masses is dangerous work because they don't want to be cast out....

As I've said before (I hate repeating myself because fools refuse to listen) Self defense is about you not getting hurt, it is not about harming others.  Since they can not harm me, why should I harm them?  It is more entertaining to laugh at the stink of their feces when they defecate themselves.  A wounded pride hurts longer than physical damage because it scars the soul.  The "prince of peace" is not going to fist fight anybody.

It would have been hypocritical of me...

To not have gone to church this morning.
After all, I asked these Americans addicted to western medicine as if it were a cult like the "moonies" when was the last time their doctor went to church.  If anyone "deserves" to bogart a single thing of mine it is Pastor Bill of the church I went to this morning.  The way I figure it, people that never go to church and haven't spent a penny on tithes aren't going to be able to cast any stones that can hit somebody.  That goes for any kind of house of worship, Wether it be Shinto shrines or the Mosques of Islam, the point is having faith in something greater than one's self and humbling one's self for the greater good of everyone.

These Hebrews steal the money and have sodomites violate me and then laugh because I refuse to become violent.
"All circuits are busy..." keep listening to that while you wonder why I don't fist fight somebody.  As if you have expertise in the martial arts enough for me to teach you what it is you so desperately want to learn.  It took me lifetimes to master and you think that if I show you once you can learn it.  It shows how little you know of the martial arts of asia.  It is a well known fact to the real players that the "death touch" is a secret that must be kept out of the wrong hands.  My heart is a sacred diamond, you can not force me to use the death touch through manipulation by angering me.  All you can do is cause me to smite (destroy) cities, states and nations.  I do not require your belief in my ability to do this.  I can still do it wether you believe or not.  Opinions only stink up the place because they all stink and don't change the facts.

End the reich of these false prophet doctors that have everyone believing in medical miracles instead of God's miracles.  These doctors have them all thinking that they can not heal without the doctor or their medicines.  Clearly delusions of grandeur on the part of the doctors.  Nobody requires a doctor to heal anything, doctors only ease the symptoms while the body heals itself.

As for this heathen nation of pseudo Christians called the United States,
I suggest you all go to a Catholic church and learn how to be Christian.
As much as they've slandered Joseph Stalin, he was about integration of Church and state and put the Russian orthodox Catholic church in charge of the Soviet.  That is why Russians are better Christians.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do?

It's a pity that a bunch of Christians are letting a bunch of atheist doctors that never go to church and other NON Christians decide for them who a second Christ is and how he should be.

What would Jesus Do?
Well, according to John 1:15 this is what Jesus actually did do:
And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with sheep and oxen.  And he poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.

That's what Jesus did, inside a Hebrew temple.  That is the action of an anti-semite.
This time it's much worse for these jews have used television and medicine to take people's minds away and turn them into mindless programs walking around.  Unable to think for themselves they just get with the program and do whatever the program dictates.  People that ignore miracles are deluded.  Especially a bunch of atheist doctors that have never bothered to speak to me and have only highly doubted me.  All they do is highly doubt and never bother to check about anything or anyone attempting to contact me or bless me.  Then they do everything they can think of to infuriate me into becoming violent.

Why don't you people believe your eyes when your guns don't work?
Because you are too guilty with sin to want a miracle or you are just another program running around disconnected from your soul.

They tell people to laugh at me as if that will change the fact that guns disappear from people's hands and bullets turn into insects that fly away.  The only thing that has been done is that these Hebrews have proven what liars they all are.  Proving again that Hebrew is that language of the liar.  They are incapable of honesty anymore because that would lead to another holocost for Israel and they'd rather see all of America die before that happens.

Still told nothing, still begging, still on the street while they give everything to another poser.
Too bad for you all that you shall miss out on eternity because of a bunch of ass kissing entertainment industry brown nosers.

These crazy Americans thought they could produce a war as if it were a film.
They wound up drilling for oil because their stealth aircraft got shot down.
That variated from their script so much they've been running around like chickens with their heads cut off ever since.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Last ditch effort..

To save these hateful hebrews and the ignorant fools that still listen to them..
Call around America with your telephone, when you hear "all circuits are busy" it's because I nuked it.
Think about that before you tell people that the guy begging is just a look alike.
Think about that before you continue to ignore my diplomatic status and keep everything from me.
Of course, you're too selfish, self-centered and greedy to care about anyone other than yourself.

Maybe if I dumb myself down and put it in a way these idiots can understand...
It's bottom of the ninth, your batter just struck out giving you your final out, you lost and now you don't want to leave the field.  Demanding extra innings like a bunch of sore losers.

It's a shame that these stupid hebrews will do anything to discredit a second Christ.
The bigger shame is all of the so called christians that listen to them and their homosexual army.

You think I should care if you believe or not, why?
You are lying thieving losers that lack the stones to be honest.
I could care less about a bunch of sinners so guilty fro sin, they refuse to believe in miracles.
After all of the things I have survived only a deluded idiot guilty from horrible behavior would not believe.
Fine by me, Russians are better Christians anyhow.
I miss snow at Christmas, and since America hates me so much as to do all off this rotten stuff to me they should all be happy to see me leave.

I wonder what Christmas is like in Moscow....

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This is ridiculous...

These idiots can only lie about me to my loyal subjects.
It's a pitiful disgrace and America should be ashamed but they are too ignorant of the facts to feel any shame.
There is no excuse for ignoring my diplomatic status and interfering with my communications, yet these morons still do and infuriate the earth even more.
You aren't fooling anyone, especially me.
All these people can do is make others angry with their lies.
If jews are so chosen by God why are they being so deceitful?
That lunatic psych ward reject David Levine started it all and these stupid jews all back him up, digging the grave for Israel.  I would rather people cull their own but it seems that these jews can't stop lying and only wish to perpetrate further crimes against me and act as if God ordained it because God did not strike them down.  That's how absurd things have gotten.  I still have idiots answering my messages and am still flat broke, on the street begging.  That's what I get for saving you from nukes because I think jews are no better than anybody else and these egotistical hebrews can't handle that kind of truth.  They'd rather all die than lose that.

I can never die and only a deluded lunatic would think otherwise.
You will not control me, all further attempts will only result in mass loss of life.
Not that the selfish idiots trying to control me care about anyone, other than themselves.

I earned my kogikatana from Japan by deleting dirt used to blackmail the Diet.
It was manufactured while they were on holiday in Los Angeles by Wong the setup man and Holloway the rapist.  THAT is how an emperor earns a katana.  Of course an organization with the clout to blackmail foreign governments has a lot of power and that is why I'm on the street penniless and unable to communicate with those that wish to communicate with me.   Especially when it's financed by the government of ISrael and sanctioned by the CIA operating on American soil against their charter.  My destiny is to end this blackmail because these blackmailers are the cause of World War three.  The manufacturing of dirt where there is none is the most evil act I can think of.  I earned every yen from Japan for surviving the wrath of these piece of garbage blackmailers.

IF you are so smart, why can't you be honest for a change?

Ignorant bliss only leads to blissfully bad decision making because people are ignorant of the facts.
True bliss is the absence of curiosity.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

People come from around the world..

Because of this blog and me.
They tell the idiot cops in Santa Monica that I have clout.
I tell them that I have clout.
They ignore us both.
You ignore my clout, why do you get mad when you get retaliated on for doing so?
You think you can just call the world a pack of liars and steal everything because you don't believe?

These idiot cops, Wong and Holloway (CIA agents undercover poaching on FBI turf) would rather die than see me get anything from anybody outside the United States.
They report me dead when I'm not, why are they mad when I retaliate for that?
I've given up on this town, I'm convinced these idiots are simply too reedy and beyond hope.
To think they still think this is just a script.
I guess when I'm pushing the button from another country and Los Angeles becomes a mushroom cloud maybe then they'll believe it.

I have billions of dollars outside the United States, what makes anyone think that I'm interested in cash from any other sources???

It is impossible to discredit me...

I saved you from atomic weapons and World War three...
They kept it out of the media and off of television IN THE UNITED STATES ONLY!
America was on the losing side of another war and it toppled the country.
They turn on automated trading and act like it didn't happen.

I save you from a nuclear holocost and you thank me with attempted murder followed by violating my rectum out of a temper tantrum because you can not murder me.  That is how you thank me?  You sit there and ask why can you do this to someone as if such behavior is not criminal.  How these jews have destroyed your morals.  Call him a Nazi and it's ok for sodomites to rape him.  That is what has been done here.  It's a pity that the fragile American ego can not handle the collapse of capitalism.  They can't handle not being the best, as if they ever were.  All men are created equal.  Why do so many try to appear better than others?  Money.  These stupid idiots would rather see an annihilated nation than a collapse of capitalism and a change to a different form of government.  This one obviously does not work!  I suggest by starting with switching from this corrupt hebrew law to native American law.

Every fake you've tried in place of me has caused nuclear strikes and you still try.
It is clear that capitalism has made you all so miserable you'd rather die than have eternity.
If capitalism is so great, why is it that only criminals that do dirty business that are rich?

America is not the only nation on the face of this earth, the bulk of the populace of the planet is outside of the borders of the United States.

I still beg for food and cigarette money because a bunch of idiots think I'm "holding out" on something.
It's just lame excses to steal.  Lame attempts to shake my confidence when that's not possible.  They keep me out of the AMERICAN MEDIA ONLY while Moscow puts my finger on their button.  Everything is kept from me, I'm told nothing, everyone is lied to while they still try to "convince me otherwise".  To prove my level of confidence AND that Moscow listens to me and not the twit in the Sea Castle AND since they continue to seed clouds.  We can help them make fake clouds, with fall out.   The state of Arkansas because that is where the pedophile they switched my fingerprints with is from, f*ck him and his family.  Just to prove that my finger is on Moscow's button, keep that compartmentalized further and steal from my loyal subjects trying to pay tribute to the tsar and see what happens.

Like I said the only thing they can convince me of is that they can anger the world into continuous nuclear bombardment.  I thought I could save these women, as beautiful as they are.  They are nothing but greedy money grubbing whores.  Gold diggers only interested in men's wallets.  No money, no honey, spoken like a hooker.

As my current two begging signs say,
cheap FOREIGN LABOR CAUSES depression.

End the counterrevolutionary lies!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

This hard headed stupidity will never come to an end..

All of these people want to prove they are smarter than me.
Whatever, if you are so smart, you wouldn't need to steal passwords.
You'd write this blog yourself, instead of stealing credit for it.
People come from around the world because this blog is world renowned and all these idiots handling me can do is try to send fakes in my place angering the earth to the point of war.
Nobody here cares about eternal life, they are more interested in milking my talent for their own selfish purposes.

America loses out on eternal life because the CIA, Mossad and entertainment industry dirtbags don't want to lose to the second Christ.  Too bad, go whine to someone that cares.  You stole from the second Christ, the United Nations AND the Pope will back me.  Who the hell are a bunch of dirty scumbags to say otherwise???

More names?
Kieth Urban wasn't man enough to keep his woman.
David Levine that 5150 psych ward reject, cough syrup addict rotten jew, anything but golden.
Mitnik (aka Paul Mack) the pestering sociopathic opportunist that is only good at pestering people into doing things for him.

I have billions outside of America and you all should be crying because you're missing out on eternity but you are all more interested in kissing jew ass to prove otherwise.  As I've said before, John 3:16 says nothing about Hebrews being God chosen to be saved.  I'm convinced now that nothing can save these greedy capitalist pigs from the love of money that has rotted their souls.  These people have no souls, only money and they have no hearts, only wallets.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Miracles are the wrong things to compartmentalize..

The fact that nobody is being told about all of the things I have survived that would have killed anybody else only proves that everyone around me "handling" me has a death wish and they want to take the entire nation with them.

Before you lie anymore, I highly suggest you check with Ottawa because the Canadian government is one of my clients as well and how I'm being handled has angered them to the point of pulling the plug on their end of NORAD.  In fact, I think all of these liars like that bogus cop Wong, Derek Patton (Sykes), Medved, Holloway, Gurchik, Cleavinger should shut up and start quacking like the sitting ducks they all are.  You aren't going to muscle me into a contract, you are going to muscle me into leaving and once I do, I know for a fact Moscow will light up Los Angeles just for spite. Don't take my word for it, contact Ottawa and Moscow.  Of course you won't because you are too full of yourselves.  You managed to pull one over on people that never met me and now you think you know it all.  You can't fool Canada, they have my fingerprints, pictures of me, my scar and my tattoo.  It's a pity that the only miracle you seek is money and when someone blesses me you interfere with it.  Meanwhile portions of Los Angeles turn to rubble and ashes.  That's all that's going to continue to happen.  Your lies won't do anything but convince me your a bunch of deluded lunatics that refuse to believe your own eyes and must perish.

Why don't you want eternal life?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bergman's toadies...

Starting with Medved the biggest slimebag of them all.
Failed in convincing Moscow he could be the Tsar, he thinks he can keep it from me and toss me to the sodomites.  Done out of insane jealousy.  He posed as the Tsar, lied through his teeth and Moscow got mad and bombed America.  They tried to bomb Los Angeles but I keep saving this cesspool of a town of ungrateful pieces of feces.  Why?  The brutality of nuclear weapons, they spare nobody.  Remember when there was a time when they used to say "spare the women and children"?  Atomic weapons did away with that.  All of these beautiful zaichiks here and I can't let them perish because of a bunch of jealous idiots that only wish to smear me for no reason than to make themselves look better. You posed as the Tsar, YOU pushed the button on this country.  You had faggots violate the Tsar, YOU pushed the button on this country.  YOU interfered with the communications of the Tsar, YOU pushed the button on America.  You keep trying to murder a Tsar protected by divine intervention and YOU shall cause all of America to perish.

I have eternal life wether you pay attention to the miracles or not.  Ignoring them only causes others to miss out on eternity.  Fine by me.  They will always love me in China, no matter how America smears me. In fact the more they hate me here, the more they love me in China.

More ploys by Rumsfeld and Bergman...

Donald Rumsfeld and Ingrid Bergman, blackmailing most of the United states government.
They have people laugh at me at a most childish attempt to goad me into fighting a person or goad me into using drugs that I have never touched let alone partaken in.
Rumsfeld cut the traitorous deal for those stealth aircraft sold to Israel, coerced through blackmail.
Rumsfeld may trust Israel with stealth aircraft, I did not and taught the Japanese how to shoot them down.  I deserve every penny for that, you're just mad because you didn't get to make money playing both sides of the fence and you know it.

I'm tired of having my intelligence insulted by slime that manufacture dirt for blackmail, as if that makes them sin free enough to judge anybody.  They keep everyone out of the loop regarding how much clout I actually do have and foolishly attempt to convince me that I don't have it.   Look at the list of my illustrious clients, from the Pope to Vladimir Putin.  They all just assume that they are not the real people and that I'm laundering money of some sort.  The insanity of this assumption only proves what lunatics these people are.  Not to mention the number of attempts at murdering me that failed due to miraculous divine intervention.  After having attempted to murder me for years and always failing due to divine intervention, what makes you think you should continue trying?  Only your selfish desire for a death that takes everyone with you.

You laugh because I refuse to fight somebody.  What do you know about Chinese Kung Fu?  You're obviously not well versed enough in it to feel my presence and size me up like those from mainland China that are highly trained.  I have had lifetimes of training that a bunch shallow superficial idiots don't understand because they don't believe in past lives.  Whatever, I'm not going to fight when I can turn things to rubble and ashes with solar flares and the force of my telepathy.  As what's been happening at those hapless fools that lie about me and those that believe it.

The American media can ignore me all they want, what does that have to do with interfering with my paychecks and all of my other correspondence from those that wish to pay attention to me?  You only tell others to ignore me because you are lousy rotten thieves that should be ignored.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Another piece of valuable information...

Knowledge from the secret files of Dr. Joseph Mengele and how it's been used upon the United States. In particular the portion where he speaks about how people can be "kept under the thumb of fear" and manipulated completely. That is how these Hebrews have enslaved the United States.  Everyone is afraid of something, Doctors have them in fear of getting sick, lawyers have them in fear of a lawsuit, accountants have them in fear of bankruptcy and the media has them afraid of crime.  Everyone is living on eggshells here, waiting for someone to come by and crack one to make them jump, in a fashion that makes money fall out of their pockets.  Every time a shell cracks, it takes a bigger crack to make them jump.  Complacency through fear is eventually achieved.  The fear keeps them in a state of high paranoia causing them to be susceptible to psychosis that cause compulsive behavior.  In essence when the metaphorical shell cracks and they jump, something triggers a psychosis that leads to compulsive behavior and they jump.  That is how the nation and government of Israel has been putting to use the research of Dr. Joseph Menegle.

How I've been doing business, is to post valuable information here and those that deem it such try to pay me.  It is most unfortunate that a bunch of jealous hateful idiots think they can interfere with my monetary transactions.  Ignoring the diplomatic status of the payers and the Geneva convention.  I am an information broker, I do not accept requests, as information becomes available to me I make portions of it public for interested parties to test the veracity.  What I truly require are secure communications gear and secure bank accounts with bank card access to funds, along with my diplomatic identity papers from the People's Republic of China, who I am actually a citizen of.

There's no point in speaking of the use of atomic weapons, they ignore them anyways...  They had to drill for oil because their stealth planes got shot down, that's how good my previous information was.  It drove them out of their minds. "Speak quietly and carry a big stick" doesn't work when your stick gets taken away.  They are still running around like chickens with their heads cut off and don't know what to do.  All I can say any further is that an invasion must ensue.

To those keeping everything from me: Those that like my information and attempted to reward me for sharing it are angry about your interfering.  I suggest for your own safety that you stop.  You will never shake my confidence after the air has reeked like Nagasaki.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

They report me dead...

But can not murder me.
It drove them all crazy.
They only want me to leave for the world to bomb them to smithereens out of guilt from all of THEIR sins they have committed AGAINST ME.

Why should the entire populace of the united states perish because of a bunch of cops with drug habits they blame on me?
I think ALL Police should be subjected to random drug testing since they are surrounded by it as a part of their jobs.  Especially ones that seem to wear badges but behave more like entertainment industry toadies ass kissing and brown nosing people.

Tell the truth about why you don't think I deserve my money.
I sold Japan how to shoot down american stealth aircraft and you're mad about it.
I sell information and that particular piece of information would happen to be the most valuable piece of information in the world.  You don't think I deserve it because you are jealous because you aren't that smart.  What would you do with your telepathy to make money?  I divine valuable information farmed from the minds of the populace of the earth and make a living selling it for profit.  I know this but every one seems to think that they can kick my ass and that means they can steal my paychecks.  Just a bunch of muggers with a delay.  Kick my ass later to prove what?  IT still came with MY name on it!  What does kicking my ass prove?  Not that you can when I'm out of my sleeping back and awake.  Anyhow it doesn't matter, people that do not believe their own eyes aren't going to be listened to for long.  They report me dead, here I am still alive and all you can say is that I should fight somebody.  You are crazy and the world ignores you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

All they can do is smear me with lies..

As excuses to steal.  These incompetent morons keep confusing me with other people?  Baloney, they are paid to do such a thing by a bunch of entertainment industry pieces of garbage.  If their contract is so good, why do they interfere with all of my communications?  It's all just a bunch of crap because they are all programmed to kiss jew butt in this town.  That's the only way to get paid here, they kiss jew butt and then the jew poops money onto their faces.  All they see here is a big jew butt for them to kiss and then money blinds them as it gets pooped onto their faces to the point of not believing their own eyes when a miracle happens.  Everyone in this town is a brain dead idiot that only knows how to kiss jew butt and murder the nazi.  Completely proving that these jews have been using nazi research to enslave the minds of innocents for their own selfish purposes.

Police can be jealous hateful pieces of crap too.  Especially after they take bribes or personal favors to "handle" somebody in a fashion that is nothing more than attempts to string them out on drugs for their talent to be milked.  That's all that these selfish greedy pigs have done to me here, push dope on me so they can milk my talent.

The people in this town are sociopathic opportunists that only see other people as a mealticket to exploit for profit.  Entirely self-centered and selfish they see nobody else as human, only a thing to exploit for money.

I have been labeled guilty by association by a bunch of people that never bothered to get to know me.  I used to hang out with a couple of people that are addicts to study their behavior.  One of which happens to go around saying "you can't snow the snowman"...  Since he's the snowman, he's the one pulling all the snow jobs.  Just another rotten piece of crap in this cesspool of jealous haters.  Amputation of foreskin has damaged their emotions and they can not control their jealousy, not to mention jews exploit this with their programming.  I took a pipe used to smoke drugs from someone, to keep them from using.  There was no dope in that pipe.  I have no history of addiction and anyone that says otherwise is a bald faced liar, lying because they stole form me.

They all think they are so smart because they stole from me and got away with it.
I did not steal anything from anyone and am flat broke to the point of begging, I must be stupid for not stealing.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Your guns still don't work and never will..

No amount of lies and manufactured dirt is ever going to change that FACT.
No amount of fist fights will change that fact.
I sit here watching these toddlers in adult bodies have temper tantrums because their toy guns don't work, reading the minds of the world and laughing with them.
Your Axis of Liberty lost and you can't own up to it because you are a bunch of sissies.
You contend that someone else wrote this stuff, with no basis.
Besides it doesn't matter, I'm the one that can change the flight paths of arrows and other projectiles, THAT IS WHAT MAKES ME THE EMBLEM OF CHINA!!!
The crazy gun toting trigger happy maniacs with badges around here can't seem to believe their own eyes when their guns don't work.  The police, crips, bloods and peckerwood street gangs in this town have done nothing but try to murder me for years and just ignore the miracles and claim it's drugs.

No amount of lies can save you, only the truth can set you free.
I will get a kogikatana one way or another, the longer you delay, the longer I intend to take ending your pathetic excuse for a life.  Your lies fool nobody outside the jewnited states anyhow, even when you program the minds of foreign nationals.   Asking for invasion.

The more you idiots lie, the worse you look.
If you're so worried about looking bad, stop lying.

These stupid jews...

They just assume that all of the people attempting to contact me are not the original article and continue to keep everything from me and continue to have their army of sodomites violate me, ignoring miracle after miracle.  In truth they are nothing but a bunch of spoiled brats having temper tantrums because they can not murder me.  Israel has gotten away with every evil deed under the sun because they consider themselves to be God chosen.  These greedy pigs think they can do whatever they want to people because they were saved from Hitler and concentration camps.  They think that stealing everything from me and violating my rectum will cause me to toast them.  Hah! The only toasting they keep getting is with solar flares and atomic weapons.  I resurrect even these ungrateful hebrews and this is how they thank me.  These people can only steal money and then ask me where it is.  If these stupid jews are God chosen why do they have to interfere with my communications and steal money from me to prove it?  They break every single one of their own ten commandments and use my anti-semitism as an excuse.  Israel is going to learn the hard way that they can not do whatever they want to a person simply because they are ant-semites.  I'm quite sure the nation of China will agree, these jews have done nothing but try and murder the emblem of China and rob everyone that has ever tried to give me anything.  What is their justification?  He's another Hitler and needs to be stopped?  If you hate me so much let me get on a plane and leave here, no you are too busy greedily milking my talent for all of your fakes.  You've programmed that moron Wong to sit there and tell people what a fake I am and that they should laugh, if I'm such a fake why are you forcing me to "escape the country"?   Truth is there is nothing fake about me and these greedy pigs only see me as talent for them to bilk.  I'd rather go someplace where they revere people like me instead of hate them jealously.

Was Stalnist Russia ever so bad as to have people selling themselves as torpedoes to sink ships?
This town is filled with such people, any dirty deed to sink a ship for dirt cheap.
Not to mention how these dirty doctors withhold social security checks and welfare checks in order to get people to lie and do rotten things.  They all want me to leave for Moscow to bomb them and give them a quick and painless death.  Even if that does happen, I plan to resurrect them and come back with a kogikatana and give them the slow and painful deaths they all deserve.

Rob me and rape me, have temper tantrums because you'll never murder me or stop me.
All they do is take advantage of when I'm unconscious and act like it makes them tough.
You still haven't left a mark upon me, you big sissies!
It's funny how these deluded morons think that big muscles makes them more of a grand master than me.  In truth it's just a bunch of goons that think they can rob me and then mug or murder me later to get away with it.  They all talk tough while I'm in my sleeping bag and only crap their pants while I'm awake.

Penz az istenyuk es ordog let beloluk!
Money is their God and the devil has become of them.

Anything not given to me while I hold my sign begging, I do not get told about.  All they do is accuse me of "holding out" and keep it from me.  Just lame excuses by lame people.  People that do not believe their eyes when miracles happen won't deliver anything to the correct recipient.