Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blog moved...

Since my comments and such are being kept from me, I'm moving this blog to the more professional hosting sercvice at wordpress. As soon as I am able, I intend to register my own domain name, as I can through wordsmith for only $18. Once I have my own domain name, I shall post a link here, Otherwsie look for Viktor Christ on wordpress.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The most selfish thing I have ever heard of...

Portions of America get destroyed and these people think it's funny. I'm sure those that lost family don't find it funny. Of course these people think it's funny for reasons only known to themselves.

All of the women attempting to contact me and not being allowed to by the scumbags of the CIA and other government alphabet soup agencies while a bunch of homosexuals with too much money and no brains try to force me to become a homosexual, this will cause this entire nation to perish. As I've said before, I'd rather destroy this place than be forced into homosexuality. It's disgusting that medical "professionals" can sell their services to program people in such a fashion. You've kept me from my Princess for how many years now? Do you not expect me to leave and retaliate? You are stupid, selfish and greedy.

I can still torch America with solar flares, despite wether people laugh at me or not. I think they laugh like lunatics that need to be taken away in strait-jackets. I could also and have ordered nuclear strikes, what do these people find so funny about that? Only a crazy nutjob would laugh when nuclear weapons are shot at him or her. Whatever. My only goal now is to leave and be with my princess of Monaco. Pity that a bunch of jealous hate filled pieces of crap with too much money and clout think they should interfere. Causing an international fiasco. Oh well, not my fault. All I did was win the hearts of millions of women, causing these jealous haters to be jealous in the first place. There can be only one Romeo...

To own a pound of flesh without spilling any blood can be done with deed and title. One can have a deed entitling one to own a pound of flesh and have no blood spilt in a similar fashion to having a deed to real-estate.
William Shakespeare was a renowned anti-semite, read The Merchant of Venice. Hollywood should be ashamed at how they lick the boots of these hebrews. Of course if they don't they get labeled a Nazi and murdered as if it were stil world war II.

Americans are nothing but a bunch of slaves to these hebrews. I refuse to be enslaved and that makes these hebrews wish for my death. I can never die, no matter what you try or how much you lie.

I think a nuclear strike is called for every single bogus bet and for all of the words accredited to me that I've never said.

I hope you selfish pieces of crap are happy for causing all of this will your greedy lies.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

If I say nothing...

The posers posing as me won't have words to steal.
As if all of the words they've taken credit for change the fact that I can still change the flight paths of projectiles. It is truly unfortunate that these crazy people do not believe their own eyes when this happens and do nothing but smear me with lies everywhere. Making America look worse and worse. Just out to make me look bad because they've kept everything from me and done nothing but lie about it.

Still mad about the "Allies of Peace" and how horrible it made America look with their "axis of Liberty". Got your asses handed to you on a siver platter and nothing will ever change that. You got nothing from Iraq and were forced to drill in the gulf of mexico to compensate for the oil you did not get from Iraq.

I am still the author of that post at that caused the UK to pull out and switch sides. Kept that covered up while you try to terminate me with extreme prejudice. No trial nothing but an order for my death. Don't be surprised when I leave and return the favor. The world has no use for a bunch of lunatics that don't believe their own eyes when miracles happen.

"Just a bitch".
Spoken like a jailhouse homosexual rapist looking to rape someone.
That's how you look to the normal rest of the earth.
I do not assault people on the streets like some bloodthirsty barbarian. I teach my lessons in a dojo. A place all of these big mouth cheap shot artists have yet to meet me. They get all angry and lie because they only defecate themselves instead of cheap shotting me. Aww poor thugs, go cry to your momma and ask her to wash the feces from your pants because you aren't man enough to stand toe to toe in a dojo. All you do is talk your trash and steal everything. Jailhouse homosexual rapists and schoolyard bullies wantng to see Jesus Christ fight somebody, and these are the people handling me... I can hardly wait to get the hell out of here and go someplace where the people are sane.

Personne ne me donne rien et je ne suis rien dit.

Niemand gibt mir nichts und ich bin nichts erzählt.

Senki nem ad nekem semmit, és én mondtam semmit.

Nessuno mi dà niente e mi ha detto niente.

Никто не дает мне ничего, и я никогда ничего мне говорили.

A mí nadie me da nada y me han dicho nada.

Ingen ger mig något och jag får höra någonting.

Friday, August 30, 2013

When the leader of the world's oldest and largest Christian church...

Declares a person to be the Second Christ, it's not because he's on drugs. Despite what these criminals from the United States government have to say.

How many guns have just disintegrated?
How many setups and frames have not panned out?
Proof positive these people are being programmed by a bunch of hebrews.
Nobody in their right minds would call the Pope and the Holy see a pack of liars and keep me incommunicado!
Hollywood and all of these Americna false idols think they are more important than the Second Christ.
They ought to be ashamed but they are too blinded by their own egos and all of the money they've stolen.
I am going to leave this wretched place one way or another and when I do it will not be good for America.
How I've been handled is a threat to the national security AND the lives of the people of this nation. Nobody seems to care, they'd rather see every American perish than accept a Second Christ that's not a capitalist. They refuse to believe because they don't like my politics.

Just a spy or hacker trying to escape are the lies they tell everyone. How does that explain the fact that guns and bullets disappear, the fact the firing circuits on bombs disappear, the fact that I'm immune to poison.. How do you explain away all of the miracles?

Oh that's right, miracles are only recognized when they happen to bloody hebrews.

America thinks it can call the Pope a liar, America is wrong.
Chinese papal conscripts and an invasion?
Is that what you people want?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I'm treated like a lab rat...

To be experimented upon. Every rotten thing they can do to someone, "just to see what he does". If you are so smart you should be able to predict a reaction! Of course nobody has ever given me what's mine and actually been nice to me, "just to see what he does". Nope they only try to defile my spirit by violating my flesh. Risking the populace of this entire nation. I have eternal life and I don't need your doctor's advice or your damn doctors. My eternal life is a gift from God, no matter how you try to curse it, I will never die. Your doctors want to glorify themselves and create some pill that gives everyone eternity. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN! It's all about power and control. These selfish, evil and power crazed people think they can control who winds up having eternal life. Not sin free enough. You have to learn how to love one another because you have no clue.

You should not have tried to erase my memories and program me.
I might forget America ever existed..
You should not have tried to harm me in any way shape or form.
I might unleash massive solar flares that wipe out America or even the entire earth.

You don't believe and it doesn't matter. You don't matter.
I can never die.

America is no longer the "land of opportunity". All of the opportunities have been ruined by sociopathic opportunists exploiting others for their selfish profit.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It appears to me...

And most likely the rest of the world.
The CIA, FBI and other alphabet agencies are behaving in a fashion that shows more loyalty to Israel than to the bulk of the populace of the United States. Treasonous to be sure. Japan bombs you, and all you have done is encourage them to do so again. That is treason. You want to protect this country from "all enemies foreign and domestic" that doesn't mean angering the world futher jeopardizing the populace to blaot your own egos! Israel has been using and advancing Nazi mind control research upon America and the government is under it's control. A bunch of Christians more interested in saving a bunch of jews and a bunch of homosexuals over believeing an the Second Chsit? You people look crazy to the rest of the world. Oh yeah that's right your egos are so big and bloated America is the only country that matters to you. Say that when Japan sells you no more electronics and when China, India and the rest of the nations of the earth that America has financially enslaved make nothing for America.

The only way to end this is to give me what's mine. I don't see that happening because Americans have their heads too far up Israel's arse. Pity to see so many Christians not wanting eternity and missing out. I have no choice anymore. I don't die and I'm not going to stay here to be treated like this forever, of that you can be sure.

You did not give me what is mine, got bombed for it. I was merciful and resurrected what was destroyed. Why should I continue to be merciful? Americans only see mercy as weakness and generosity as stupidity.

I still will never die and you all should be ashamed of yourselves.

Monday, August 26, 2013

They still think they can break me...

With stupid childish petty games.
I still don't die, ha, ha ha ha...
You can't kill me, ha ha ha...
They keep everything from me and act like that makes it so it doesn't matter.
Japan still bombs you, keeping that from me doesn't change the fact that I know or that it actually happened!
Oh that's right I forgot how delusional these television people are and other media big shots, it wasn't on television or in the media so they think they can act as if it never happened.
They tell people to laugh at me, as if I care, not going to kill me ever, doesn't change a damn thing!
I'm still alive and all they do is lie and steal, defrauding an already angry earth.
They still think it's drug money or some other such nonsense, NO PROOF!!!

I'm still leaving, guess I'll have to sneak out on a Chinese freighter since my parents have been kept out of the loop on everything. You know, I have actually met with world leaders, despite what a bunch of liars have to say!

I recieved a message from Moscow, telling me how much they love me there.
Then why do you let these Americans do whatever they want to me and get away with it?

I don't die and no amount of money can cause my death.
No amount of money can make your bullets hit me.
No amount of money can give you power over solar flares and you are jealous.
What can someone like Bill Gates do without money?
Acting as if he's more prodigal, when all he's done is ruthlessly ruin other people's lives for profit. How is that prodigal? A true prodigal son would never put anyone else out of business but help them in any way possible. Selfish greed is not prodigal. Eternal life is.