Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The persecution continues...

With psychotic stalker homosexual sodomites that followed me to San Ysidro from Los Angeles. First they run their big mouths telling lies about how I'm some kind of animal bound to be violent at any time, especially to the ladies I attract. Now they run their big mouths with crap about being chicken of a fight. They are so full of crap they can't even get their lies straight! Not to mention what kind of psychotic loser wants to fist fight with Jesus Christ?

Hebrews are pathetic weaklings by themselves, so they programmed a bunch of mindless thugs to bully me. How many times have your thugs tried to cheap shot me and only wound up pooping in their pants? You ignore that and lie.
How many times have you shot at me only to have your bullets turn into insects or disappear? You ignore that and lie.
Proving that Hebrew is the language of the liar.
It's just a bunch of manipulations because Hebrews keep lying about me being some kind of violent psycho. They think they can goad me into using the death touch and killing somebody so they can say I should be locked up. It's these Hebrews and their "get with the program" programs that should be locked up.
Even God doesn't interfere with man's free will and those that do will perish. These people beg fr God to strike them down as if it will be quick and painless. I promise you, when God strikes you down, it will be done in a fashion that causes your soul to never behave in such a fashion again.

I only fight to the death because I am the first practitioner of the deadliest art known to mankind. A bunch of musclebound thugs can't see past their own muscles to realze that it doesn't take huge muscles to kill somebody if a person is accurate. I up the ante with a kogikatana and they always chicken out. To the death is to the death and you all are too chicken to use a sword. BAwk BAwk BAwk! Chickens

If these faggot stalkers follow me to Florida I intend to press charges for stalking me.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Still persecuted by the jews...

The hebrews persecuted the first Christ and they still persecute me. They will never believe and they are the only ones people listen to around here. I ask that nobody even try to give me anything until I arrive at my parents place in florida on the 26th of August. I can only afford the two week advance purchase fare. Two weeks from the 9th of august I'm going to florida. Hopefully my parents will be there since I haven't been able to speak to them directly via any electronic means. I haven't been able to speak to anyone directly for that matter! FOR YEARS!

Monday, July 29, 2013

I truly hope this reaches my audience unaltered..

After having been terrorized for years with American psychological warfare, I decided to try and terrorize some people out of their pill induced complacency and get them to do something about these idiots that think they can abuse whatever authority they have just to rip me off and keep everything material from me.  I know I have my own plane but I lack the documents required to make use of it.  I know that I have money, once again, I lack the bank cards to make use of it.
  The non-telepaths think they know how to be more wise with telepathy and constantly manipulate and test my capabilities.  As if their greed is wise at all.  If you are so wise why does the world attack you with atomics for lying and stealing so much???
Just to see what they do, I think China should invade with military to put an end to American psychological terrorism.  They've terrorized the earth with their mind control programs and Hebrew paranoia for long enough!

These bullies are so afraid of me, it is transparent behind their tough guy self images.  Their fragile egos can't stand the fact that they can not harm me and only fear retribution.  That is why they all wish to see me fist fight so badly.  These idiots are so self centered all they can think is "that's what I would do".  I am not you, you utter moron.  If you can not harm me (and you can not, if you haven't noticed), why should I harm you?  They fear payback from me for all of the evil rotten things these cowards have done to me while I was drugged unconscious.  I gurantee you this, these homosexual sodomites will perish and anyone that has helped their efforts right along with them.  Homosexuals have taken over America and nobody does a damn thing about it!

Even communications with my own parents have been tampered with, they are both getting old and are over 70.  Money has corrupted these people turning them all into demons, Mexico doesn't seem any better.  People will do or say anything for money.  I can hardly wait to go to a Buddhist nation where materialism and greed hasn't driven everyone insane!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Talk about a waste of natural resources...

I've been here for nearly three months, all off sudden within the past three weeks there is an increase in air traffic and the weather changes.  I wonder how many thousands of gallons of jet fuel are being wasted to seed rain over places where food crops do not grow.  No wonder gasoline is over $4 a gallon!  What an enormous waste of resources and energy.  I believe the planes are flying out of Otay Mesa.  What are these hard headed morons trying to prove?  It's not like anything they do can change the fact that they can not murder me despite all the wicked and evil things they've done to me.  These people are too stupid to realize that rapist, murderers and thieves are not sin free enough to cast stones at anyone, yet they think that they can at their victim, ME.  As I've said before, only the second Christ could be the sacrificial lamb and be the victim of these evil wicked people for the world to see how truly wicked they are.  These sicko hebrews are so desperate to keep the title of God chosen people they think rape can discredit somebody because they can not find a way to murder me after years of trying.  They lie to everyone telling them he's a child molester and other such nonsense, in futile attempts to goad me into violence because they have also lied and told everyone i'm an animal prone to violence.  No proof of any such behavior, just a bunch of liars trying to prove how God chosen they are through false witnesses.  Thou shall not bear false witness, yet that is all that these Hebrews can do anymore.

America has been at war against terrorism for so long, they have become the terrorists. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Peace on earth..

Will require the disarmament of America by force.
These greedy warmongers think they can just invade any nation with "surgical strikes" of terrorism because they have selfishly used up all of their own resources.  They compartmentalize and ignore atomic strikes, an invasion is the only way to save these poor ignorant mindless programs.
These pigs think they can build their economy upon the blood of a war against terrorism that is only a lie to cover up their own selifish abuse of the natural resources of this earth.

When everyone has eternal life guns become useless.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The jealousy of academia..

Is why I never continued a regular college education.  Not to mention that after the Advanced Placement test I took in computer science where my answer to the essay question was never made public, along with my discovery of the "buckyball" was all kept quiet and the credit given to someone else, my life was already ruined after high school.  I was always in the gifted program throughout school and those that make claims doubting my authorship of anything Nobel worthy are merely jealous.  I met with some folks from Germany a couple weeks ago and they called me Herr Doktor. Interesting since nobody ever told me and I have recieved nothing in my inbox regarding such.  It's a pity that gmail and this blog are that insecure.  Perhaps I should just stop posting altogether until I can set up my own more secure servers.  It is true that while panhandling in Santa Monica, many have come and told me to my face that I've gotten many Nobel prizes and called me "Nobeleur" or Nobel Laureate but where is the documentation and cash rewards because I have been given none!?  More jealousy, I suspect.  Or just the idiots in the entertainment industry trying to muscle me so they can selfishly milk my talent.  Most likely a mixture of both along with a bunch of hebrew kids hacking my electronic accounts because I am a renowned anti-semite.  Along with US government sponsored identity theft because of the "allies of peace" and the major loss of the "axis of liberty", STILL not reported in the United States.

I have been considering naming names but everytime I try nothing happens but here goes anyways.  Jeff Hollaway is a two faced liar and no coach of mine, he is the largest "bamboozler" in the fact he never tells me anything and only uses cash given to him to pay for attempts to murder me or to pay people to lie.  Not to mention he is part of the peckerwoods identity theft ring.  Brandon Cleavinger is a delusional drug addict that has been convicted of fraud and has been in and out of rehab, he has money so people believe him and all of the lies he tells also a part of the peckerwoods identity theft ring. Derek Patton was the first handler they sent and I havent spoken to him in over 7 years.  He slapped me once and I let it slide, so now he thinks he can just tell whatever lies he wants claiming that he's pimping me or some other such nonsense.  All he ever did was try to murder me in my apartment in Hollywood, I fled to the streets of Los Angeles just to get away from that crazed lunatic.

Anyhow, I am still incommunicado, able to get word out it seems bu I receive nothin in return because some very unscrupulous people are trying to bully me into thinking nobody reads this blog.  That's going to be hard to do after all of the people I met while begging for spare change in Santa Monica and at LAX.  It appears to me that these jews would rather see everyone die instead of facing another holocost.  They brought it upon themselves in how they've done me.  Bully me and you die.

I haven't been going accross the border into Mexico for several reasons:  First I only have my California state issued identity card and they always give me a hard time coming back into the United States.  Secondly, I have no cash to live on and only have welfare food stamps with which to buy food, those do me no good in Mexico.  Thirdly, some piece of garbage named Edward threatened to have the Tijuana police on his payroll beat me to death and toss me into the Tijuana river.  It seems everywhere I go, crooked police aid in those that rip me off.  Are there any honest cops out there anymore or do they all have a bloody price??

Is it any wonder why I'd rather be on the other side of the planet?  I am fed up with westerners, their doctors, their pill addictions and their greed!

Friday, July 19, 2013

This vicious circle of stupid insanity must end..

These crazy Americans, they try to murder me, get retaliated upon with atomics for doing so, yet still continue.  They must be under some sort of mind control because people in their right minds don't behave in this fashion.  I wonder how many times these trigger happy gun toting morons have been given drugs to make them forget they've tried to murder me for years to no avail.  Women always stick up for me and the more they do the more insanely jealous these idiot men get. Bullets still disappear when shot at me, why do you ignore and lie about that, America?  These stupid people only wish to glorify themselves, they have scumbag producers telling them "kill him and I'll make you famous.".  How selfish.  You want to be famous, so you think you can do whatever you want to achieve it?  Or it's just a movie?  If it's just a movie, why was Hollywood wiped off the face of the earth, again?  I'm not ressurrecting a damn thing until I have what's mine from Japan, my katana and access to my money.  Americans and American media has no credibility because none of them even know about the "allies of peace", years later.  You lost and killing me won't ever change that! they keep trying and failing and expecting that to change but it never will.  No backbone for honesty.  Rumsfeld has gone off the wire in a treasonous fashion.  Using mind control on the current and former presidents of the United States.  Well billy badass with mind control and guns, you still can't murder me.  Keep trying and America keeps getting destroyed.  Hope you're selfish lying pieces of garbage butts are happy, you caused it all will your stupid lies and crazy ignoring of my being immortal.  By the way, those teeth you cowardly knocked out while I slept are starting to grow back.  Chickenshit liars!  Grow a spine and be honest for once!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

These stupid hebrews..

And their constant cries of "he's another Hitler and must be stopped".  How many Hebrews did I resurrect when I resurrected the coast of Los Angeles??  They ignore every miracle that keeps me alive and then sit their stupidly wondering why I'm so confident.  Why are you?  The entire reason the nation of Israel ever existed after world war II is in case another Hitler happens for hebrews to go there.  Hitler was a man like me destitute and out on the streets and the jews ripped him off and laughed saying how could someone with no money be so smart.  Just as they've done me.  They laughed at Hitler in Munich but after Berlin they were putting jews in concentration camps.  Why are you hebrews so confident?  No concentration camps for you this time, only death is what I see in your futures.  I had thought in a nation filled with devout Catholics such as Mexico it would be obvious who the second Christ is.  After sitting for hours in front of the closest Catholic church to the border with America and watching people do the sign of the cross when they see a Catholic church, I sit here at the library in San Ysidro wondering why I am still kept homeless and still hae no money.  The only answer I can come up with is because of a bunch of lying jews trying to save their skins.  Hebrews have had YEARS of trying to stop me and I am still alive.  How can you ignore that?  Why doesn't the Mossad talk about all of the things they've done to try and stop me??  Starting with every bullet fired, nerve gas, biological weapons, bombs and everything else in their arsenal?  The truth proves that Hebrews are just as bad of sinners as anybody else and do not deserve to be considered God's chosen people.

China built me a dojo in Szechuan province years ago for I Chi Do and I've been desiring to see it for years.  All of these American con artists backed by these jews think they can lie and take credit for my writings because I refuse to fight somebody for them to watch.  If they are the original authors of those teachings, they should be able to change the flight path of arrows, bullets and any other projectile! If they want to take credit for MY teachings let them prove they wrote them by changing the flight paths of arrows and bullets!

I Chi Do is the fountain of Chi.
Chi is gravity, it is obvious after watching how people have a tendancy to gravitate around each other.  I refuse to fight bcause I respect human life enough not to do murder for the entertainment of others.  All of the bullets shot at me have had their energy stored for punches, along with atomic weapons.  All that these superficial American idiots see is how skinny I am and they think their larger muscles can compensate for the fact that I can boost my strength with telepathy.  No amount of larger muscles makes up for a lack of intelligence!!  I beg China to come get me and bring me to my dojo in Szechuan!  I am the meek that inherit the earth, a humble servant to my loyal subjects and comerades  for without them I rule over nothing!  All of the trials and tribulations I've been through over the past 7 years on the streets have left me very timid and not very trusting of others.  Trust nobody claiming to be sent by me for I have no friends here.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mindless programs..

They apologize but do not change their behavior.  As can be expected from people that reneg on a surrender.  Every attempt to murder me is a reneg on a surrender.  These people anger the world into using atomic weapons then take it out on me while I sleep outside at night.  I'm surrounded by layers of hateful liars keeping everything from me.  That's how they handle me.  These hard headed pieces of garbage ignore atomics and the resurrection of them because they caused it with their lies.  They tell everyone "he's just trying to cause a panic".  No, I'm trying to let the public know what's really going on and how the media is causing a nuclear war and covering it up.  The use of atomic weapons doesn't matter to these selfish pigs, they could care less about the populace, as long as they can find a way to agrandize themselves by finding a way to murder me.  They all want to be the one that finally murders me so they can be the big shot.  Whatever, I am beginning to think only an invasion will free me from these wrteched pieces of garbage handling me.  I hope someone comes and just drags me out of here!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Americans not adult enough for honesty..

They lie like children caught doing something wrong.  They think they can just program me and destroy my mind.  As they say "get with the program".  No.  I'd rather destroy your entire nation of mind control idiots.  These hebrews have destroyed the minds of the populace with their programming.  I resurrect their country and they lie about me to everyone telling them I'm some kind of pervert or whatever.  Then they sell me on the black market by drugging my food and drink because they are more interested in hebrews being God's chosen people than they are in eternal life.  I despize this place so much I just want to get as far away as possible from it.  Japan, China, India or Moscow.  These lying rapist, murdering thieves will never have eternal life because money is the only thing they listen to.  Money talks and only evil is heard.  Bullets still turn into insects or disintegrate when shot at me.  As do guns from within my eyesight.  They ignore that completely like the braindead mind control programs they all are.  This nation of childish liars needs to grow up and admit the truth.  Perhaps after several hundred years and several generations they'll be adult enough for eternal life.  Until then, I intend to leave and keep America isolated fromt he rest of the sane minded earth.  Easternize the west and rid the world of Americanization!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Holed up in a motel in Tijuana Mexico...

Since I still only have American welfare and foodstamps, I've gotten A Motel room in Mexico at the Motel Diaz room #302. I only had enough money for 4 nights and tonight is my last night. Should I be forced out into the street to sleep outside again, I'll have given up on the west entirely. If I am the Tsar, where is the money? Despite what these criminal American "packerwoods" and the law enforcers on ther payroll have to say, I do have a job. General Secretary of the United NAtions and I'm currently working on an arms deal for Mexico. These crazy Americans thought they could seed manmade rain over Mexican soil, So I'm arming the Mexican Federales with shoulder mount Surface to Air Missile systems, to be followed by scuds. The crooks in the DEA want to claim I'm some kind of drug dealer? No, I deal in ARms and information. I am the Tsar and I can sell Soviet atomic warheads to whomever I want, even Mexico. See if America continues to bully Mexico after that... Motel Diaz, room number 302, Tjuana Mexico, tonight is my last night because I am out of funds..Please help!