Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mindless programs..

They apologize but do not change their behavior.  As can be expected from people that reneg on a surrender.  Every attempt to murder me is a reneg on a surrender.  These people anger the world into using atomic weapons then take it out on me while I sleep outside at night.  I'm surrounded by layers of hateful liars keeping everything from me.  That's how they handle me.  These hard headed pieces of garbage ignore atomics and the resurrection of them because they caused it with their lies.  They tell everyone "he's just trying to cause a panic".  No, I'm trying to let the public know what's really going on and how the media is causing a nuclear war and covering it up.  The use of atomic weapons doesn't matter to these selfish pigs, they could care less about the populace, as long as they can find a way to agrandize themselves by finding a way to murder me.  They all want to be the one that finally murders me so they can be the big shot.  Whatever, I am beginning to think only an invasion will free me from these wrteched pieces of garbage handling me.  I hope someone comes and just drags me out of here!

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