Tuesday, July 31, 2012

You still can't stop me...

Because I'm not just another Hitler.
I am the second Christ and these pig jews will never discredit me.
The only thing these lunatics will do is cause America to perish.
What are you all so mad at me for?
People come from around the world because they read this blog and your police and handlers lie through their teeth and tell me nothing.
They ignore the fact that bullets turn into into insects that fly away when shot at me.  They ignore the fact that every single type of poison including nerve gas is ineffective upon me.  They ignore the fact that fuses and detonation circuits disintegrate and bombs do not function around me.  They ignore the fact that while I am fully awake and conscious I can use telepathy to prevent people from being able to cheap shot me and they defecate themselves instead.  Then they rape me while unconscious and tell people to laugh about it.
You called the world a pack of liars and God smote America.
Keep listening to these lying policemen and the jews that bribe them to protect their army of faggot sodomites and the destruction of America is all that shall happen.
I may or may not resurrect America, since these pig policemen in Santa Monica think I deserve nothing for being some homeless guy and everyone listens to their baloney,  I think America doesn't deserve eternal life.

What will these big headed Americans do when container ships filled with angry unstoppable Chinese fill their harbor?  With "just words" I taught them how to be unstoppable as I am.

Monday, July 30, 2012

I'm sorry I keep bringing things back..

All that these capitalist pigs wish to do is rape me as an excuse to give the credit for miracles to somebody else.
Rape is still a crime, isn't it?
It's clear that only criminals are in charge here.
How money has deluded them and blinded them entirely from right and wrong.

Things turn to ashes, I bring them back and they hate me anyways.
I even resurrect these stupid hebrews and they still try to stop me.
As much as these stupid jews cry he's another Hitler he needs to be stopped, it's the homosexual army of these jews creation that needs to be stopped.  Even they can not control it anymore.

A little taste of what I've saved you from when I turn things to ashes.
You still ignore it and all of the resurrections like the evil people capitalists all are.
God smote the hospitals because eternal life puts medicine out of business, to cover that up is to deny the populace eternity.  Fine by me, you love jews so much you've forsaken christianity.  There is no jews as God chosen in John 3:16.

How God has spared my ego thus far, I know I have turned local things to ashes, but I have not yet seen it.  Fine by me, I don't like to see destruction besides if you could resurrect things, you'd be as drunk with the power to bring them back and destroy them just to bring them back.

All of these moronic entertainment people need to learn how to entertain because all of the sex and violence they sell bore me.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

As more turns to ashes..

While people lie and steal from everyone attempting to bless me.
Those thieves are causing it.
Blame me as much as you want ashes is all you will get from me anymore.
Yeah, just for the attention I'm turning everything in America to ashes.
These lying pigs can slander me all they want, things still turn to ash.
They violate me while I sleep, more things turn to ash.

The punishment for sodomites in my realm is to force them to put their manhoods in sacks of feces until they learn that anal sex degrades themselves more than anything else.  Anal sex is sodomy and it is nothing more than getting feces on your manhoods.  I have to laugh at these faggot rapists they think they are so manly while they have my feces on their manhoods.

All of these big headed doctors and media morons can't change the fact that I can control flares.
Keep trying to erase my memory and I'll keep erasing America and parts of this city.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The music and entertainment industries...

Can just start singing the blues.
"All circuits are busy..." because it's not there, yeah baby!

Just to see what you all do, I'm going to see how close to myself I can torch something with a solar flare.  I got Inglewoood, I wonder what will be next.
Your murder attempts bore me, so I'm playing with your lives on a grand scale.
Trying to murder me only makes me want to return the favor.
All that these stupid greedy pigs can do is prove how much they wish everything to stay ashes.
Fine by me, It's a ton of energy to resurrect all of that.
As many times as I've done it for them to ignore and retaliate instead of rejoicing over a miracle, why should I bother to do it again.
All they do is continue to make plans to program me to be the head of their hebrew faggot army.
As I said before, I'll destroy the entire nation before I turn homo.

Fuck you kikes and your homo army.

Most of all...

Too stupid to realize that God smote Sodom, they make it a hate crime.

Cleanliness is only next to Godliness.
God smote Sodom, Godliness is to smote a sodomite.
Too stupid to realize that.

Today is my 39th birthday..

I am surrounded by the dumbest people on the face of this earth.
Too stupid to do the math on why I don't die and how that proves who I am.
Too stupid to realize that all of the rotten things they've done to me only discredit themselves as any kind of judges.  (Who listens to faggot rapists?? Only other criminals).
Too stupid to realize that China loves me for changing the flight path of arrows and fist fights are a moot point.
Too stupid to realize that a person's confidence won't be shaken by thievery and keeping things from me.  It was still all sent with MY name on it!
These women are too selfish and stupid to realize that what they feel around me is the passion of Christ.
Too stupid to realize that even if they change my fingerprint and DNA records, it is still MY TELEPATHY controlling solar flares.
The list of stupidity goes on and on.

Too stupid to realize that the second Christ is a pacifist and will not fist fight.  These morons think I deserve nothing because I refuse to fist fight.  I am ashamed to be white because of these muscle bound fools.  I should be the pride of my race because of the respect I've garnered in China, Instead I am only the most jealous hated.  Especially these bogus police and their blue brotherhood of baloney.  Never bothered to get to know me and believe whatever smoke is blown up their asses.  These morons bloat their egos with the delusion that I am chickening out on a fight.  Nope, I'm just leaving to get out of the way for God to smote this town too.

If you are so self confident as to think you can shake my confidence, why is the nation still ash?
Too stupid to realize that all efforts at programming me have led to a nation turned to ashes.
Too stupid for eternal life.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

You raped me like the bitch that I am..

So, I smote your nation like the Sodom it is.
America has been turned to ash, except for Los Angeles county.
Since these stupid pig jews refuse to tell the truth and only continue futile efforts at discrediting someone, I predict that Koreatown will wind up being the only portion of the United States that wasn't turned to ash.

All that these fools can think of now is vengeance.
Unable to celebrate the fact that hey, at least it wasn't them and celebrate being alive.
Nope they are far too miserable to celebrate the fact they survived world war three.
I'll happily put them out of their misery this harvest season.
They shall reap the harvest they deserve for treating me how I've been treated.
I'm sure they'll never treat me in a fashion that makes me want to resurrect what turned to ash.
I mean how many times have I brought things back for them to ignore?

A short sermon for the sane minded folks of the rest of the earth:

Death is the true yoke that is the weight upon people's souls.
It's a constant weight that people tent to let weigh themselves down.
People fill themselves with fear os getting sick and dyeing they are unable to enjoy life.
Made miserable by mind control and it's broken programs that make people insane.
The resurrection power of me is what removes that burden of death.
With the ability to resurrect the dead, death loses all of it's significance.
Celebrate life because death is no more.

There is no point in living a life that you do not enjoy.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

All circuits are busy...

Because it's not there anymore.
Anyone else want to laugh?

Now if you have any more doubts about who the second Christ is, I resurrected my mother.
Her name is Anna Varsanyi and I resurrected her from her home in Sarasota florida to Kispest, XVIII Ker., budapest  on joseph utca.

All foreign tourists caught up in the annihilation of the United States shall be resurrected in their beds at home.

Continue to program me and America stays dead,

These stupid jews and their lunatic ploy to put a phony Christ in place.
God would not resurrect for a retaliation.
God resurrects to rejoice over the miracle.

America reaps what it has sewn..

These greedy capitalist pigs think they can just start world war three with the "Axis of Liberty"  and bomb Iraq with shock and awe to "kill them all and let God sort them out".
So have you sewn, so shall you reap.
How does America like it when the world decides that killing them all and letting God sort them out is something that should happen to America?
They get all angry at me as if I pushed the button and even accuse me of such.
As if those that started the "Axis of Liberty" had nothing to do with America getting bombed.
As if those that have interfered with every single line of my communications have had nothing to do with it.
As if letting sodomite faggots have their way with me while I'm unconscious has nothing to do with it.

They have more of my pity.
I pity them because they are all being kept in a fictional ignorant bliss, ignorance of the facts is fiction.
That is all that these angry demons handling me know about me and all of the miracles surrounding me, fiction.
How many portions of this city, this nation, this world have been smitten by God and resurrected?
Everytime I have been violated by these sodomite faggots the people in this town allow to do whatever they want to whomever they want, something got smote.
They ignore it and laugh, or those that laugh have been fed a bunch of bullcrap about me by a bunch of people that have never even bothered to speak to me and don't know me at all.
Starting with that 5150 psych ward lunatic golden jew liar David Levine and ending with those lunatics Officers Wong and Holloway of the SMPD that think changing the flight path of an arrow is not enough to make me Grand Master and need to see a fist fight.  All just a bunch of lame excuses and lies so they can continue to steal.

I own no electronic devices and only go online at the apple store on the third street promenade to post to this blog.  I do not email and I do not text message anyone.  Anyone that says otherwise is a bald faced liar.

These posers are so smart and so righteous as to pose as me, let them resurrect what has been smote.
These doctors that question my sanity, let them do a medical miracle and resurrect what has been smote.
These jews that think I need to be stopped, let them do a miracle and resurrect what has been smote.
These capitalist pigs that think they are righteous enough to end my life, let them do a miracle and resurrect what has been smote.

How many times have I resurrected things?
Why should I resurrect anything when you keep everything from me and let faggot sodomites break every law of man and do whatever they want to me and then pick on me for not following laws of man.

Men that make laws that protect sodomites are not competent enough to make laws.
Why is it a hate crime to violate a sodomite?
Did God commit a hate crime when it destroyed Sodom and gomorrah?

I went to a chinese restaurant yesterday, the people there bowed before me in respect.
It seems that capitalists are nothing but angry demons that can't stand my holy presence and want me to disappear for them to continue their evil behavior for profit.  I shall leave and America shall perish.  It shall perish for harboring and fostering sodomy (thank Howard Stern and his hours of discussing anal sex) and sodomites with laws that make it a hate crime.   America shall perish for the lies of the media smearing me because they can not murder me.  Those lies caused disbelief and disbelief means perish.  I shall leave after the tourist season and it shall happen.  You thought you could put a fake Tsar in place, a fake emperor in place, a fake pharoe in place and a fake grand master in place while suffering no consequences.  That is what caused America to perish.

You highly doubt because you are so low in the pecking order you have been kept out of the loop on every miracle and you know nothing but fictional ignorant bliss.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My ultimatum to the earth..

I saw a woman so beautiful the other day inside MacDonald's on colorado Ave near the pier,
I'd disintegrate the entire populace of the earth just to be alone with her.
As it is now, anyone that attempts to lay a finger on her disappears.
If my telepathy serves me correctly, she's brazilian but come from barcelona.
My telepathy does not require your belief in it to function.
All of these jealous hateful pigs keeping women away from me because some entertainment industry faggot has a crush is what is causing the entire problem.
I'm just going to sit back and let the world perish, why should I care, it's not like anybody is seriously helping ME.

What can you expect from people that don't know wrong from right.  That's how these capitalist pigs are blinded by money.  They do all of these rotten things to me because they are blinded to the fact that rape is wrong. Blinded by the false blessing that money is.  Funny how rape seems justified by those that got paid to aid in doing it.  That's how low these jews have sunk to save themselves.  Lying through their teeth and manufacturing false evidence.  The American Medical Association and all doctors of western medicine can go back to pulling carts filled with snake oils and selling them on the streets.  Eternal life puts medicine out of business and these money blinded doctors only wish to prevent that from happening.  How can you trust a medical profession that amputates healthy tissue for no reason other than it's easier to keep clean?  All these doctors wish to do is make money and use it to glorify themselves.  Eternal life did not come form western medicine and they are insanely jealous.

Not all souls are adult enough for eternal life.  Some souls will perish out of a need to grow up and realize that there is such a thing as reincarnation and gender does not matter.  the next step in evolution for the human species is that of a hermaphrodite.  Man was created in God's image, God has no gender and neither shall mankind.  God will perform a miracle, I shall give up my manhood and become a woman in order to heal all of these ungrateful pigs of their amputations.  the reality of my legend is a woman so beautiful God kept her safe as a man.

The story about Jesus and satan where Satan offers Jesus all of the land he sees.  That was about giving up his manhood too, for the same reason.  This time I made a counter offer instead of saying no. The price for such a thing is rule over all of the lands that these waters touch.  While sitting on the beaches of Santa Monica and Venice beach.  That brazilian woman from barcelona is the model for the body of the woman I will become.  

Jacob Bergman (the GIMP project caused the annihilation of the United States) and the Mosaad/CIA assets he keeps buying, laugh and mock me for these things because they are the ones doing things to me.  You want to know who are the ones violating me?  Look at the people that laugh at me.  Those are the ones, they laugh out of lunacy.  I figure that a person that can turn bullets into insects that fly away is worth listening to.  They ignore that and wait until I'm passed out from exhaustion and do whatever rotten things to me they can think of and then laugh about it later.  How does the rotten behavior of other people have any hope of discrediting my eternal life?  I am still alive, am I not?  You have changed nothing and only proven what evil demons your are with your own behavior.

The Santa Monica Policemen that have been keeping these ladies form me are lying jealous haters that have done nothing but derelict their duties in efforts to have sex with the women trying to contact and bless me.

I am still told nothing and they still alter my fingerprint record in order to give everything to other people.  They still think they can force me to fit their mold.  Never going to happen, I'll destroy the earth first.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who is being punished?

The people that stole from everyone that has ever tried to give me anything,
angering the world outside of the United States to the point annihilating the entire nation,
Me getting violated by the hebrew army of sodomites in order to manufacture dirt for blackmail, while I was unconscious?

This time nothing is coming back.
I can not save these greedy pigs.
These jews and their mindless capitalist pig drones steal everything, then ask where the money is and then become angry when they get caught for highway robbery.
It's sheer lunacy.
they have all of this dirt hey manufactured.

Where is any proof that I was ever given or told about one single thing anyone ever tried to give me?
There si none because I am still being strong armed by the music and entertaiment industry pigs that think their clout is more powerful than mine.  They see this is just a insignificant little webpage.  Meanwhile the world bombs the United States over it and me.

When I become angry, you get Shivva the destroyer.
She is unchained and shall be seen by the world before she sees herself.
Vik to LEI.
How dare they lie and compartmentalize solar flares?!?!
Oh yeah, they lie and compartmentalize to save these jews.
Who cares if the entire nation gets annihilated, let's still try and save the jews.
I can project death and have no real need for a sword.
I just thought it would be a nice demonstration of my talent, a sword with a blade as hot as the sun.
Too bad most of America won't live to see it because of these entertainment industry pigs and the jews they worship.
Not to mention these idiot doctors that are too stupid to realize what happens when you needle someone is that they become angry.
I warned you about solar flares happening when I become angry.
You interrupt my meditation while I try to control them and they get larger and go haywire.

Continue these pathetic attempts to erase my mind and program me and more shall perish.
Continue these childish attempts at "convincing me otherwise" and more shall perish, you are no judge and your opinion is worthless.
Not that these selfish people actually care about anyone other than themselves.
As is obviously apparent in the way they don't tell America what is truly happening.
They are so stupid they wonder why I'm so confident.
Because I can actually spell my name on the surface of the sun.
That is being compartmentalized and lied about but it's still a fact.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A pack of liars angry about being caught lying..

That is how I would classify these Hebrews and their capitalist pig mind control drones.

Aww, poor babies, maybe you should have chosen honesty instead of dishonesty.  Starting with the lies about circumcision being a medical procedure.  What kind of medical procedure amputates perfectly healthy tissue for no reason other than sheer laziness to the point of being unable to keep one's own manhood clean?!  Preventative medicine is a hoax and a confidence scam along the lines of a ponzi scheme.

These idiots never bother to check if anything is real because in this town of fictional films everyone creates a fictional life to impress people with.  These fools just assume that's what I've been doing and never bother to check if anything is real.  These people are so immersed in a fictional ignorant bliss, they can no longer recognize reality when they see it.

Reality in the form of my being impervious to weapons fire.
Reality in the number of people paid to cheap shot me and were only able to defecate themselves (peckerwoods, be honest!).
Reality in the fact that the deadliest substances known to man do not harm me.  I only regurgitated them as proof of ingestion.

Blinded by the fictional delusions concerning the jawbone of an ass.
A bulldozer may scratch the earth but it can not destroy it.

I have to laugh at how China and Japan drag their feet in getting me a sword to vent these atomics I've stored up.  It proves how much they must truly hate the United States and wish for them to perish painfully.  Fine by me.  These poor hapless gullible Americans have put their faith in a media that is entirely corrupt and is the cause of the the global hatred concerning the United States.  These selfish pig people running America only wish to deny America heaven on earth.  Ok, let them feel what Hell on earth feels like as they burn alive from solar flares.  You want to keep a lid on me, you want to cause those you keep ignorant of me to be condemned to hell.  So I'm giving you what you want, America.  You don't want my heaven on earth, you can have hell instead.  Blame the leadership of this nation and the selfish pig blackmailers of the media.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I can still write my name in solar flares..

No amount of manufactured dirt will ever change that.
The sun the earth orbits is my soul.
This is not up for vote or up to anyone's opinions.
Facts are facts and the lies of the capitalist pigs can't change them.

Since these greedy capitalist pigs only seek a heaven made of streets paved with gold instead of a heaven made up of loving one another, They shall get introduced to what hell feels like.  Ever scald the inside of your mouth with a hot beverage or hot soup?  Hurts quite a bit, doesn't it?  Well I can channel that pain stimuli to every single one of a person's nerve endings.  In essence giving them the feeling of having their entire body scalded.  If people suddenly break out in screaming fits without any explanation it is because they lied about me, continue to plot my death or continue to attempt ways to control me and force me to use my telekinesis for their own greedy selfish purposes.

Women in the surrounding areas can feel miracles when I make them happen.
When I do a miracle, I share the joy with women in the form of a rapture.

I wonder how many times I'll have to roast these stupid pigs to death slowly and resurrect them before they come here and end the reign of these lunatics that can only think to save a jew and their money.  Since they've ignored cites being smote by God and resurrected, let's see if they ignore a slow burn.
I certainly doubt that those roasted alive will ever forget that feeling.  Perhaps they'll learn how to be honest and not to lie in order to steal.

That idiot penny for the homeless person in Venice is a lying theif that ought to be thrown in jail.  Right along with the police that aid and abet his efforts to discredit me.  The only thing those efforts will lead to is more that will perish out of disbelief. Fine by me, nothing is going to take my eternity away.

If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead already.
My heart is sacred and I love everyone enough to forgive them.
My forgiveness shall end once I have a sword.
If it takes the burning of a cinder of the entire united states for me to get a sword, so what.
That's what you get for interfering with a legend in the making getting his sword.
Blame the selfish pigs of capitalism that don't care if the entire nation dies a slow and painful death, just as long as they get their way.

Love one another not money.

Continue to contend that it's just a computer posting and continue to be roasted alive.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

America still lacks the fortitude for honesty..

All that these superficial narcissist pigs can do is ignore reality and continue to tell lies.
They should not have put words in my mouth.
They should have taken the time to check with observatories about the solar flares.
All that these idiots, especially the errands boys with badges that have gotten too big for their britches, can do is assume the worst.
All they see is some homeless guy without any money.
They keep everyone from contacting me.
They interfere with diplomatic messages.
They highly doubt that I would get.
Your highly doubting and not thinking to check has deluded yourselves into thinking you have any chance at all of discrediting me.
I don't need money to use my telekinesis to control solar flares.
I don't need money to smite and resurrect cites.

These crazy people do not believe their own eyes and accuse me of using dope when miracles happen.  It's not on television, so they don't want to believe it happened.  More lame excuses for lacking the gonads for truth.

I'm so angry now, you get to watch america slowly get burnt to a crisp with solar flares.  These fools think they can childishly try to cause another ice age by spraying chemtrails in the sky and altering weather patterns (to the point of causing the spring thaw of MT. Everest to be a little trickle!) .  The bad karma for such a thing is that your lands get used to repair the weather patterns.  These suicidal lunatics care nothing for themselves.  Instant death was too painless and taught them nothing.  Perhaps watching America slowly roast to death by solar flares that make the air temperature over 200 degrees in some places will change their minds.  I doubt it since all they do is ignore the fact I'm indestructible. Keep attempting to boss me around and I'll continue to retaliate with solar flares.  As if these television idiots care about the populace.  America gets nuked and nobody cares about the populace enough to inform them.  SO be it, eventually these pigs will all perish and the world will rejoice in  eternal life.  Assuming the worst is for fools that hate people that con do things nobody else can.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

File under saintly...

Destroying the electronic evidence used for blackmail by electronically resetting a device using a factory method of deletion and reversion to original load of software and operating system.

The dirt of an organization powerful enough to use children to manufacture pedophelia dirt.


The culprits being:
The government of Israel sponsored Mossad, B'nai Brith and every hebrew that served in the Israeli military.
Blackmailed those stealth aircraft that were Bush's pet project.
Blackmail was the only way to get a child to part with such a treasured toy.
Some assets used were acquired via quid pro quo from the CIA.

What I need versus what I want.
I need a sword to whistle the steam off from the kettle that contains what did not go off.
You may not believe in my telekinesis, that doesn't change the fact it contains nukes.
A sword to ven tthe energy of them to is what I urgently need.
The solar flares will only continue to get larger until I have one.
Leilani needs one to protect her beauty.

What I want?
Diplomatic identity papers for Victor F. Varsanyi and bank cards to my accounts.