Monday, January 30, 2012

Why China?

These smarty pants that think they are so smart because they have money and are evil and greedy have run up such a large debt with China, they wish to collect and shall come to America and seize all US government assets.

The reason for the mines on the border to mexico?
To keep these tough talking american sissies from panicking in the direction of that nation when Chinese troops arrive.  It's something many have discussed and should have been done years ago as the only real way to discourage illegal immigration.  It is necessary to control illegal immigration.  Besides, the nation that built the great wall can secure a border better than anybody.

These entertainment pigs and the police they've bought with bribes still do whatever they want to me because I refuse to fight for them.  Last time I fought someone, a person died.  They insist it was just luck and wish to see me do it again.  I am not a gun for someone else to pull the trigger on.  These people are crazy and the loonies of the united states need containment with a minefield.  These lunatics become violent when you critique their nation in a manner that is unfavorable, they lack the foreskins to handle bad news.   These fools still think it's a "ploy by the chinese" until I fight someone because I truly penetrated US government secured systems and they'd rather murder me than let me leave the nation.  They ignore the fact that they can not murder me and have temper tantrums and manufacture dirt for blackmail.  Dirt that will interest nobody as long as I am still alive.  dirt that means nothing because bullets shot and me become insects that fly away.  They ignore that because I have a broken jaw.  They ignore everything that I have survived because of a broken jaw.  Such petty nonsense is all just an excuse to hate someone out of jealousy for being an immortal that  can not die.

The days of these entertainers being able to do whatever they want to whomever they want will come to an end.  Even if I have to bring in UN troops and execute them all for crimes against humanity.  No God chose anyone to do the things that have been done to me in the defense of the hebrew language.  No God chose anyone to do as these jews have done to all of the talent in the entertainment industry.  That is why I am convinced that the evilness of these people must be pruned from the tree of life.

I have eternal life as long as I am alive.
No amount of dirt will ever change that.
Once again I say, f*ck you kike, you will not bully me.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

How I have to work on Sunday...

Because a bunch of evil, greedy jews thought they could just rip off a Nobel Laureaate because he was an anti-semite...

First act as Emperor to America is to ask China to mine the borders to Canada and Mexico as to generate no animosity.
The second is to force a mandate for the FCC to censor in a fashion that disallows blackmail.

As Tsar to Canada,
  Sorry to disappoint les Quebecois, but healthcare is more important than both languages.

as advisor to the governor of California,
  California must tighten it's fiscal belt, bilingual services are too expensive, that money should be redirected for educating them with english.

I panhandle Nobel Prizes,
   They keep everything from me, and spray the pot I bought with crank, just so they can say I'm a dope addict and rip me off.  That is how the jews of the Music industry force people to pay their dues.  Let's watch them swing from the gallows pole.  The stairway to heaven was made with nails soaked in blood.  Why should the band take the rap for a producers thievery, I would still knight thee.

I speak for China and these bozos still think they can just push me around as if I'm some nobody.
Here is how I push back:
UN peacekeeping troops inbound to keep you atheists from seeding the skies any further.  They  seeded so much radioactive crap that it drifted north to Canada and they blamed it on a bogus Japanese reactor mishap.  Something must be done before the only cleanup feasible is a nuclear explosion.

JEsus saves them again, they still kick me in the head for it because my jaw is broken in the first place.

Just for spite I want a katana.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ever since..

Israel has had their own nation to flee to, they have done whatever they wanted to whomever they wanted.
Whatever God these people worship, it is entirely evil and based upon money.  Capitalism is the program they follow, love of money, the richest wins.  Brain damaged.

As for all of these greedy pigs that think greed is way smarter, let me teach you a lesson in the deadly sin of greed, proving what fools these mortals be...

Greedy enough to steal a Nobel Prize, is dumb enough to cause a nuclear threat.

Speaking as Emperor to the earth,

  It should be clear to the billions that exist outside this media blackmailer dictatorship called the United States, the minds of the populace are severely brain damaged.  Their minds suffocate from being buried in the sands of ignorant bliss.  Especially as concerning the male populace, the emotional problems caused by the "procedure" called a circumcision or removal of male foreskin.  I have concluded that, removal of foreskin causes uncontrollable jealous rages in many males.  My broken jaw is the result of such a rage.  That is one of the reasons I have been so very forgiving upon the populace of this nation.  They've been hoodwinked and bamboozled by these jews ever since world war II.  To think, I used to love this nation, and I get to Los Angeles and find out that all anti-Semites are forced to become homosexuals.  That is what these jews think they can do to people.  I hate this place.  Hollywood should be entirely ashamed, since Shakespeare was renowned for anti-Semitism.  I consider it time for a civil war.  Think about this fact, all of the jews that are trained by the israeli military are nothing more than troops here if we ever go to war with Israel.  I demand that Israel withdraw their troops immediately and think we should declare war against Israel.

Teachings of I Chi DO....

There is a tree of life upon this planet.  A tree of bloodlines of humans.  Sometimes branches go bad due to corruption caused by the "seven deadly sins".  Those sins are the sicknesses of this tree of life.  Capitalism is the sickness of greed and the time has come to prune the corruption of it.  It is time to end the global police state and switch to elected law enforcement.  Police are the hired guns of the wealthy while sheriffs are elected by the majority.  Police are so incompetent they have only honed their expertise at framing people for crimes they never committed.  Especially within the United States, capitalism, where everyone has a price, including the police department.  Integrity means not having a price upon your soul.  Accepting bribes to ignore victimless crimes, is one thing, taking bribes to force people to be gay is another.  Suffice it to say I am beyond upset.  I am in a constant state of fuming rage, the fumes are the things I shout at people while I panhandle.  These pigs have done everything they can think of to make me angry enough to strike someone because they all want to see the much fabled "death touch".  Such an audience could never be worthy of the teachings of such a powerful technique, they lack the respect for life required to master it.  It is only through life mastery that one can master death.

Anyhow, still kept on the street, so again I sit on a bench yelling f*ck you kike you don't scare me, bully someone else because I will not be made into a homosexual!

The cells of the human body are the feathers of the soul.  With the beak of your chi it is possible to preen them and change your appearance.  Curiosity is the sharpening stone for the beak of your chi...

It's things like the above poem, that's poetry to China.  THAT is what makes me Grand Master.  Not just the ability to fight but the ability to open doors within people's minds.  That's what the prodigal son is about.  New ways of thinking, advancing civilization on this earth.  A renaissance, as I've been saying....

I am exhausted, I wait for peace keeping troops to hand deliver me something because the jew morons and their mind control slaves still think they have any hopes left of convincing me of anything other than the need for the extinction of the hebrew language.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Brain damaged bullies..

That can no longer bully anyone.
They attempt to use the media to bully me with lies.
They attempt to bully me with handlers keeping everything from me and handling all of my correspondence,
They can't hurt me, yet they still try because their hearts are blinded by the materialism that they see with their eyes.
Soulless money grubbing demons that can't understand why I don't love money.
I have eternity to be rich.
The only thing these people have convinced me of is the necessity for many to perish.
Brain damaged by the love of money that is capitalism, they would rather have money than eternal life.

I have to laugh at these pathetic children, they sin the sin of greed and think it makes them righteous.
They sin the sin of pride and wonder why I have no pride.
Money is just a number that indicates how greedy people are.

I can change the flight path of an arrow.
Bullets turn into insects that fly away and they ignore it because I refuse to fist fight someone.
These bullies think they can bully the earth into accepting a fake Second Christ.
American ordinances will never explode upon any of MY loyal subjects.

What kind of moron wants to see the prince of peace fist fight someone?
The same kind that ignores cities getting smote and airports getting bombed.

The billions of people outside this nation obviously believe enough to bomb LAX.
The media here has only convinced the earth that they are insane.

These people are nothing but a bunch of tough talking bullies that can't hurt me and all they do is make me and the billions of people outside the reign of the American media angrier and angrier.
They keep everything from me, keeping me on the street and expect me not to be angry and to do nothing but be bullied.  Sorry for your bad luck, I'd rather leave and go to a nation that considers me it's symbol, like China.  Why should I stay here and be kept on the street because a bunch of bullies want to force me into something?  They are so greedy they ignore cities smote and airports bombed because all they want to do is keep the money they have kept from me.

Pathetic excuses for human beings.

It's amazing how money deludes people into thinking they are smarter than those without it.
Greed is still a deadly (mortal) sin, there is nothing smart about being greedy.
Still not smart enough to change the flight path of an arrow.
Still not smart enough to have eternal life.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Perhaps another air strike..

Will burst the inflated egos of these pig headed morons.
They think they can just ignore my diplomatic status and use the patriot act to keep everything from me.
Cities get smote, they ignore it and try to muscle me so they can put a fake entirely under their control in place.
LAX get's bombed with conventional weapons and still they try to muscle me so they can put a fake in place.

Let the headquarters of the Santa Monica police department be the next target of an air strike.
Since they think they can do whatever they want to me...
For every woman they've lied to about me.
Not a single one of these lying pigs with guns and badges has ever had an honest conversation with me.
Look at my criminal record, nothing but misdemeanors for smoking pot and tobacco.
It is because of these pigs that I am still on the street and I will make them suffer for it.

What will these industry pigs do when they have no muscle to muscle anybody with?

The only reason the hebrew language still exists is because jews still debate the translation of the torah.  After thousands of years they still can not decide what the correct translation is.
They should have given up the language once everything was translated to another.
They are simply too stupid to translate their own language and can never decide.
After thousands of years of God's grace to translate, they shall only perish now.

It's amazing how these egomaniacs that have never even spoken to me think they can make whatever judgements and assumptions about me.  They have entirely deluded themselves into thinking they have a leg to stand on.  I have the clout to order LAX bombed, they still try to muscle me with lies.  LEt the next air strike convince them not to lie anymore and give me what's mine. Only I have the scar of a dog bite on my right forearm.  Only I have a tattoo of a runic pentacle right side up on my shoulder.  How dare they lie and mistake me for someone else.  Done just out of spite.  Continue to keep me incommunicado and I'll annihilate the entirety of the United States just for spite.  Why should I care?  Nobody is doing me any favors.  Besides, everyone's brains are damaged anyhow.  I sleep on the street and people do whatever they want to me while I'm passed out from my kiai and my broken jaw.  I hate this place and only wish to leave and wipe it off the face of the earth.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Not to panic the populace..

The media is more interested in blackmailing people instead of telling America what's really going on.
The bombing of LAX should blow the compartmentalization of the fact that the United States has been forcibly disarmed and refuses to accept it.

They get bombed for seeding rain and continue to seed it, proving they are suicidal.
I think the populace of Los Angeles should be warned because the planes being shot down will rain upon the populace.
India has the oil reserves to fuel air support since these fools keep ruining the monsoon causing drought and famine in India.  UN Peacekeeping planes shooting down the planes of these soulless scientists that believe in the God of science and ignore the soul.

I Was going to post a lesson in I Chi DO, but why should I sew more pearls before such swine that would rather seed fake rain instead of believing in eternal life.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Because they still try to keep me from leaving peacefully...

I wish to carpet bomb the city of Los Angeles with conventional weapons.
They fear the atomic retaliations for all of the phonies they've put in place, so we must destroy them before I leave.

Hollywood's best kept secret is world war 3.
Axis of Liberty versus the Allies of Peace.
Bush already surrendered to me and they have done every dirty rotten thing to me out of sheer spite.
Nothing will ever take that surrender back or make it go away.
My duties as a world leader are for more important that any form of entertainment.
These greedy capitalist pigs will never see a life without money.

Heaven on earth is a life without money because when everyone is rich, there's no need to keep track.
Sorry to disappoint Mr. Bush, the CIA and the pigs responsible for mind control on the populace of the United States, but a utopia of pill popping television viewers without minds of their own is no utopia, it is only hell on earth.  These jews started using Mengele's research as soon as they got their hands on it and the first major implementation of it was McArthy and the "red menace" scare.  Soviet conscripts for the Pope and they call it a menace!  Soulless money worshipping demonic capitalists that they are!  Capitalism is the program of hebrew mind control.  McArthyism proves it.  Capitalism will die even if I have to destroy the entire nation to end it.

All they do is keep everything from me, put words in my mouth and have temper tantrums because they can't murder me.
I still have eternity and the pigs of this town are costing America eternity.
How many cities have I smote when my wa unfurls?
They ignore it and laugh!
The sheer lunacy, I would unfurl my wa upon this town but it is too powerful.
Asking God to strike down a single person as akin to trying to kill a single ant with an atomic weapon while sparing everything else.
God is that powerful.

No amount of money will give you eternal life.

Carpet bomb them for eternal life, carpet bomb them for the fake tsars, fake Christs and all other posers.  How DARE they!?

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's a pity

My plans once I leave the jewnited states is to make a paper mache cow out of money and send it to America with a note attached telling them to let that give them eternal life because God won't.
Money is the only thing these pigs have faith in.

Only in the JEWNITD STATES do they behave in such a fashion:
They keep the second christ on the street and do whatever evil things they can think of to him because they think it proves otherwise.
They manufacture dirt for blackmail using corrupt doctors and such.
that's how desperate they are to die because they are too miserable for eternal life.

They ignore miracle after miracle and worship only money and their false prophet doctors with their bogus miracles of modern medicine.

All of the money in the world can not buy eternity and nothing the pigs of this nation have done prove that I don't have it.
As long as I am alive I have eternal life and nothing will ever change my attitude.
Hell on earth is the United States.
They spend billions on war and destruction and next to nothing on loving one another.
The most backward hate filled society that has ever existed.
I hate this place and all I want to do is Find that Canadian girl I met online on dalnet IRC.
I spent a few nights at her place in edmonton many years ago, I have regretted not staying there ever since.
One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.
I will continue to smite city after city as long as I am being kept incommunicado and out on the street.

Cities get destroyed and all these jew pigs do is tell people to laugh at me, as if the opinions of these greedy money worshippers matter to me.
I seek nobody's approval, I have eternal life and america is missing out because of those pigs.
America shall only get my pity.

It is an evil hateful person that laughs at another's misfortune.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Not for all of the money in the world..

Will I grant Hollywood or Los Angeles Eternal life.
All anyone here is interested in, is collecting a paycheck for proving otherwise.
These people will exploit anything for money.
Blinded by their own greed they can't see that I have the talent of the prodigal son.
These people are so crazy, they cover up World War three to exploit it for film rights.

Those that want to see me fist fight somebody need to get a clue.
I am well versed in the martial arts and have taught myself to unfurl my Wa.
In essence channel the lessons from every fight my soul has ever had in all of my past lives.
When I unfurl my wa without a katana it smites cities.
You "highly doubt that" because you don't know crap about me and have had smoke blown up your arse.
JApanes that come near me always say that it's the most powerful wa they have ever felt before.
LEt the posers continue to get my rewards and more cites shall be smitten.
Why should I care?
People here are too miserable for eternal life anyways.