Monday, January 30, 2012

Why China?

These smarty pants that think they are so smart because they have money and are evil and greedy have run up such a large debt with China, they wish to collect and shall come to America and seize all US government assets.

The reason for the mines on the border to mexico?
To keep these tough talking american sissies from panicking in the direction of that nation when Chinese troops arrive.  It's something many have discussed and should have been done years ago as the only real way to discourage illegal immigration.  It is necessary to control illegal immigration.  Besides, the nation that built the great wall can secure a border better than anybody.

These entertainment pigs and the police they've bought with bribes still do whatever they want to me because I refuse to fight for them.  Last time I fought someone, a person died.  They insist it was just luck and wish to see me do it again.  I am not a gun for someone else to pull the trigger on.  These people are crazy and the loonies of the united states need containment with a minefield.  These lunatics become violent when you critique their nation in a manner that is unfavorable, they lack the foreskins to handle bad news.   These fools still think it's a "ploy by the chinese" until I fight someone because I truly penetrated US government secured systems and they'd rather murder me than let me leave the nation.  They ignore the fact that they can not murder me and have temper tantrums and manufacture dirt for blackmail.  Dirt that will interest nobody as long as I am still alive.  dirt that means nothing because bullets shot and me become insects that fly away.  They ignore that because I have a broken jaw.  They ignore everything that I have survived because of a broken jaw.  Such petty nonsense is all just an excuse to hate someone out of jealousy for being an immortal that  can not die.

The days of these entertainers being able to do whatever they want to whomever they want will come to an end.  Even if I have to bring in UN troops and execute them all for crimes against humanity.  No God chose anyone to do the things that have been done to me in the defense of the hebrew language.  No God chose anyone to do as these jews have done to all of the talent in the entertainment industry.  That is why I am convinced that the evilness of these people must be pruned from the tree of life.

I have eternal life as long as I am alive.
No amount of dirt will ever change that.
Once again I say, f*ck you kike, you will not bully me.

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