Sunday, January 29, 2012

How I have to work on Sunday...

Because a bunch of evil, greedy jews thought they could just rip off a Nobel Laureaate because he was an anti-semite...

First act as Emperor to America is to ask China to mine the borders to Canada and Mexico as to generate no animosity.
The second is to force a mandate for the FCC to censor in a fashion that disallows blackmail.

As Tsar to Canada,
  Sorry to disappoint les Quebecois, but healthcare is more important than both languages.

as advisor to the governor of California,
  California must tighten it's fiscal belt, bilingual services are too expensive, that money should be redirected for educating them with english.

I panhandle Nobel Prizes,
   They keep everything from me, and spray the pot I bought with crank, just so they can say I'm a dope addict and rip me off.  That is how the jews of the Music industry force people to pay their dues.  Let's watch them swing from the gallows pole.  The stairway to heaven was made with nails soaked in blood.  Why should the band take the rap for a producers thievery, I would still knight thee.

I speak for China and these bozos still think they can just push me around as if I'm some nobody.
Here is how I push back:
UN peacekeeping troops inbound to keep you atheists from seeding the skies any further.  They  seeded so much radioactive crap that it drifted north to Canada and they blamed it on a bogus Japanese reactor mishap.  Something must be done before the only cleanup feasible is a nuclear explosion.

JEsus saves them again, they still kick me in the head for it because my jaw is broken in the first place.

Just for spite I want a katana.

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