Monday, December 31, 2012

Identity theft is so rampant in the United States..

Even law enforcement from the FBI to the smallest police department are all in it up to their eyeballs.  Capitalism has made them all so miserable, they'd all rather be someone else.  Or is it the fact that the economy is in such a horrid state, the only way to profit is through thievery?

Rumsfeld and the Bushs you've lost control of the media outlet Spielberg and he's lying to everyone to cover for it now.  That asshole is causing nuclear strikes upon America just because he thinks he can call the Pope a liar!  Big headed jew indeed.

Still besieged by identity thieves and unable to get anything, still have no electronic devices to go online with.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

They still spray radioactive beryllium in the sky..

Just to make it rain.  They've gotten bombed and have had riots, they still spray that crap.  If anyone should be terminated with extreme prejudice, it should be the pilots doing the spraying.  I mean they are risking the health of the entire populace, just to make manmade rain.  What do doctors care?  All doctors see is more chance of people to get cancer and more chances to make money.  It just shows how suicidal these people are.  They want to murder everyone instead of enjoy eternal life.  Why should I not just leave and waste Los Angeles?  I keep asking myself this because the only thing I see is a bunch of people that only want to die and not live forever.

You can't "tweep" me and I highly suggest you stop trying, but I know that you wont.  I hate this place.    Capitalism has turned everyone into whores that do anything for money with jews as their pimps.

Friday, December 28, 2012

When I am on the field of battle..

Guns disappear.  These stupid idiots want to just write that off as luck or a magic trick and belittle miracles because they could never compare.  That's how these hollywood scumbags operate.  Whenever they get upstaged, they do whatever they can to belittle the person upstaging them.  I can still change the flight paths of bullets, disintegrate firearms, resurrect damage caused by atomics and destroy cities with my telepathy.  No matter how much these stupid pigs lie, they can not change those facts.  No matter how much they steal, they can steal that from me.  All they can do is prove they are insane out of jealousy.

Let's see how tough these Americans are without their guns, I'm sure their hand to hand combat training is quite lacking.  These spoiled children need to be spanked.  I implore China to come and spank them like the spoiled brats they all are.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blame those that make the bets in my name, I never bet...

When Amrica get's destroyed and I just leave it that way, blame those idiots making bets and keeping me to them as if it were me that made them.  It's just more bullcrap efforts to discredit me.  I still resurrected Miao, Stalin and many others.  Keep making bets and America shall perish for believing it was me that made them.  Ever since I went to a casino with my ex-wife and she lost all of the money we had, I don't gamble.  It's just a smoke screen to cover up a bunch of lying thieves.  these greedy pieces of feces will make any excuse to steal, even stealing from the Pope and the Second Christ.  Atomic weapons spare none, right now I'm asking myself why should I spare anyone?  I get robbed blind and everyone just looks the other way and laugh about it. 

These idiots handling me have deluded themselves into thinking they can stop me from leaving.  They've deluded themselves into thinking that I just think I'm the second Christ, after as many miracles as these deluded idiots ignore, I know who I am.  I don't expect a bunch of stupid hebrews to believe in a second Christ, it's not a part of their faith, it's a pity that these so called Christians here have more faith in hebrews as God chosen than they do in Jesus having eternal life.  Even after they've done everything they can possibly think of to murder me while I've been on the streets for the past six and a half years.  they just continue to ignore all of the miracles that keep me alive and still try to convince me otherwise.

They still think that China would lie about resurrection..

I gave China back Miao Tse Sung, and these idiots trying to pull one over on people by posing as me are plumb crazy and are causing a war.  Hundreds of people have been resurrected, aside from the annihilation of world war three that I saved you from.   All that you do to me is treat me like I'm some kind of test subject for your doctors to experiment on as if this place were Tuskeegee but times a million.  My telepathy is not a toy for you to tinker with, doctor.  I'm the one that outdid Dr. Menegele, not you, I am smarter than you and your programs.

I refuse to be arrogant, why should I be to wield the power that I can.  I can destroy portions of the earth as if it were my ant farm and the people the ants.  Of course this has made these power hungry money grubbing capitalists insane with envy.  No matter how much money they have they can still not have that kind of power.  Besides, as selfish as they are, they would never resurrect anything, they'd just leave it all destroyed, just for spite.  They lie and compartmentalize about this, but I'm sure that portions of Los Angeles have been destroyed and brought back, why is THAT not on television.  Oh, that's right, they are more worried about manufacturing dirt to make me look bad with than miracles of that magnitude.  Why don't they film what happens to bullets when shot at me?  Oh yeah, same reason, they're too busy smearing me to control the damage for the fact the America was on the wrong side of world war three and lost to Jesus.  That's their stumbling block, they don't want to be on the wrong side against Jesus, so they are willing to do anything to discredit me....

Why don't I get what I want, well, gee, people try to give it to me and you interfere.  I got what I wanted, you only intercepted it before I ever found out about it.  That's the childishness of their behavior now, keep all of my gifts away so that I'll feel sad and dejected or whatever.  For one thing, the only gifts you should give are golden calves because that's how much you've perverted the crucifixion of Jesus Christ with your holiday that only celebrates materialism.  Secondly, people still attempted to give e gifts, your interception of them only makes everyone angry.  Let you suffer their wrath then, I'm saving mine for those that violate me while I was sleeping.  Cowards such as those, only deserve a painful death.

Christmas is about the life of JEsus Christ and the crucifixion he was resurrected after.  Christmas is about the forgiving of sins, not about the giving of gifts.  You can never forgive anyone else until you've forgiven yourself first.  Don't crucify yourselves for your sins by beating yourself up over it, just know that whatever you've sewn, you will reap.  THAT is why Jesus crucified himself.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Liver and onions for dinner, I ate the entire tray when I was in boot camp..

And the drill sergeants were all asking ME about their mainframe.
How much training did I really need?

On the eve of an invasion, what can one do but anxiously await the results.
I shall be by the sea, hoping a katana finds me before I must beg for anything again.
All of the lands that touch these waters are mine, even if there are those that do not wish it to be.
That equates to the entire earth, between you and me.
This time Jesus outdid the devil and got the whole world instead of just what he could see.
There is a lot more to this earth than as far as the eye can see.
Just like people, there is a lot more to a person than what you see upon the surface.
Anyone can look bad, how many can look good without having to smear others?
That is the only game these capitalist pigs play, who can sling the most dirt to make the other look dirty.
Now they've gone to far in calling the Chinese "a bunch of fags that will be stomped".
These round eyed pigs are calling you all homosexuals, are you all just going to sit there and take it??
I say you take their women away, they don't know how to treat them anyways and take everything for granted.  Let them feel what it is to go without the pleasure of a woman's company!  All they do is womanize them and abuse their hearts for selfish sexual desires.  Those are the only relationships these people have.  Women abuse the men for money and men abuse the women for sex.  All capitalists are whores, some are just better at negotiating a price.  End the reign of these evil pimp capitalists and enjoy the decadent spoils of this place of plenty!

They still fear my sword more than atomic weapons..

Keeping my kogikatana from me is in fact calling the people in China that built me a dojo, all a pack of liars.  You want to poke a stick at the sleeping bear of China in this fashion, you do so at your own peril.  I do believe there is an island being built off the coast here and you  might want to start telling people.  You're too afraid of not being liked anymore, though.  People don't like to be the messenger of bad news because the messenger of such gets shot frequently.

I'm quite certain that the rest of the American populace doesn't want to perish because a bunch of hollywood dirtbags want to muscle me into following their plans for MY talent by keeping Nobel prizes from me and stealing everything people with diplomatic status have tried to bless me with.  They've ignored the diplomatic status of everyone while keeping me incommunicado and altering the words I say, aren't they smart enough to know that this can cause war?  Now they fear for their lives and would rather see everyone perish instead of suffering their wrath, these hollywood shitbags like Spielberg the big headed jew.  You can't discredit my royalty, the divine intervention shall crush you.  Eventually, me and my sword will hunt you down and slay you when you least expect it, fear that because you can never stop me and all of your attempts at murdering me have only angered me to the point of wishing the same upon you.

Everyone responsible for keeping my kogikatana from me are responsible for all of the retaliations, as much as they'd like to blame me, it's their fault for calling the Chinese a bunch of liars.

Monday, December 24, 2012

I have them cornered...

Either they are calling the Chinese that built me a dojo, a pack of liars or they think they know more about Chinese Kung Fu than the Chinese.  I've had these foolish children mated for years and I'm tired of listening to them try to petty bicker their way out of it.  They think they can crush me with their materialism by keeping everything people try to bless me with away from me.  You steal the blessings but that does not negate the fact that people have been trying to bless ME!

What can be said about people that are so brain damaged they steal everything and then ask where the money is?

They've been waging war upon me and I have been letting it all slide, now it's time for me to wage some war back at these greedy hebrew pigs.  I never said a thing that was anti-sematic until these jews ripped off the Vatican.  They started it, now I'm going to end it.  It's pathetic that a bunch of egotistical false idol celebs think they can get away with brown nosing the jews that made them famous by stealing everything from me because some big shot jew idiot told them I was a jew hating nazi and that makes it ok.  Or those other bloated idiots that think I deserve nothing until they see me fight somebody.  OR those idiots that try to claim I'm some kind of pervert just to get away with their thievery.  Or those morons still fighting a cold war that ended over 20 years ago and claim I'm a commie spy.  These are the excuses they use to keep things from me.  Hardly justifiable but that's what goes on here.  Oh yeah the other group ripping me off, they are more worried about me "holding out" than me getting anything.  As if I can't get anything from anybody without them getting some of it.

I hate this place and the people in it, they've made me not care about them anymore because all they see is money.  There is more to a person than the amount of money in their wallet.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Further illustration of why UN intervention is necessary...

Guns disappear out of people's hands, bullets turn into insects when shot at me and all these fools want to see is a fist fight.  Not to mention the resurrections of many people they all want to ignore.  It's clear these people are not in their right minds and must be saved from such horrible programing.  These lunatics think they have more expertise in Chinese Kung Fu than those in China that built me a dojo.  Clearly delusions of grandeur.  What can be said about a bunch of cowards that attack me while I'm asleep at night and act as if that makes them tough.   They all run their mouths about a fist fight, I demand they meet me in a dojo yet all they do is run their mouths.  I have said nothing about the martial arts ability of others, only proclaimed my own expertise in the death touch that requires I fight to the death.  Those that question my abilities in the martial arts and say anytime anywhere, never set a place nor time.  You run your mouth, you set the place and time.  Let me know when you are not too chicken to fight to the death with katana because I lack the ability to pull punches after a lifetime of being under the gun.  You know, my parents had to flee a country during a revolution, you don't think people have been trying to murder me for my entire lifetime?  You are crazy.

The callousness towards human life must be ended and Americans must be taught how to have respect for all life.

People are being resurrected and these stupid hebrew pigs only want me to demonstrate the death touch, I think they can just bloody piss off.

I won the psychological warfare too...

By driving them all crazy.  These spoiled heartless hebrew pigs and their callousness towards life caused by the ability to murder whomever they want and get away with it.  Their inability to murder me has driven them all crazy to the point of wishing death upon the entire populace.

I've studied their programming to the point of having surpassed the work of Dr. Joszef Mengele, I am more than educated enough to have the rank of Field Marshall, in fact I think that proves I know psychiatry and human emotions better than anybody.  First order shall be mandated "UN" armbands to avert a panic of the populace.  They are programmed to have no malice towards UN peacekeeping troops.  When the truth about how they've been lying get's out, people will riot.  Think about the magnitude of this lie and the potential for an angry mob to form:  Jesus resurrects the children of Columbine and they'd rather murder them all than tell anybody!  Panic the populace?  I think piss off the populace is more accurate.  That is how low they have sunk in attempts to sink my ship, such a torpedo can only target the vessel that shot it.

Rumsfeld and his lies shall come to an end and I shall have the comforts I deserve.

No amount of money is enough when a kogikatana is what I want!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The lies will stop...

Even if I have to go around cutting tongues out of heads myself.
When the world is so entirely not fooled by your lies, they bomb your bloody country, it's time to stop lying.

These idiots still try to keep everything from me, even though people come from around the world to see me because of this blog.  They all get the runaround trying to find me, so, I panhandle in efforts to meet them.  Lazy?  How can you claim such a thing when you are still trying to prove it's more than one person writing all of these words?  If I'm so lazy why does it look like I do the work of an entire staff of writers???

Still, incommunicado because of a bunch of shitbags from the music industry.  If those contracts are so good, why do they interfere with anyone else attempting to financially reward me?  I will never do business with people that interfere with my communications in order to get more profit for themselves.  Too selfish and greedy to do business with.

All I can do is wait for troops to arrive, perhaps a set of "UN" armbands for my uniform...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Doing my job as field marshall...

Firstly, as for how I look, field marshall means, in the field and the only military I will ever wear is a field uniform.  I do not wish to advertise the fact I am a soldier when not soldiering.  I actually was in the United States Army for s short while.  Why don't they talk about my score on the Vocational Aptitude Barrage test I tool.  I do believe I scored waaaaaay off the charts...

  As the thieving capitalists always wish to do, they take credit for the works of others.  For example, Who built the Union Pacific railroad?  Chinese workers.   Who built the PAnama Canal?  Chinese workers.  China has been building things for the United States for a very long time.  They my as well just come here and rebuild the whole place and stay here.

To avert panic (riots) peacekeeping forces will be necessary to end the use of MKUltra upon the populace of the United States.  

Stealing my paychecks with the excuse of "just for the attention" is ridiculous.  What does wether or not people ought to pay attention to someone have to do with those that do paying him?

The truth for Israel, your army mind control drones self-propagated to a size beyond your control....

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The only way to defeat a hydra...

Is to ignore the heads and cut the body in half.  I am surrounded by a hydra of lies, every head is one of these lying pig sodomites.

Yes, I deserve everything because I AM smarter than you AND your experimental genetic creations, doctor.

The jealous hate generated to cause lashing out has gotten out of control.  All these people can do is hate others simply for being different or having what they lack.  The program of capitalism must be ended and replaced with a life that's not limited by a program.  Live without limits means getting with no programs.

When everyone is a nice guy, nobody finishes last.

I think the rank of Field Marshall would be most appropriate..

Now, all I need is a kogikatana to lead them all with.
America so angered the earth, they now face the largest invasion force that has ever been gathered in the recorded history of mankind.  Actually, blame "MKUltra" and the failed use of it upon the populace of the United States.  They thought they could program an entire nation and bit off more than they can possibly chew.  The world is now going to intervene with peacekeeping forces from the United Nations in the form of Chinese Papal conscripts to the Vatican.

The real Tsar makes Rambo look like a sissy that needs guns.
I'm their worst nightmare,  most accurately compared to the fictional "Highlander" films and television shows of America....
More like the fictional character "Methos".

Anyhow, the angrier I become, the more silent I am.
All of the outbursts I've ever had in public were caused by adulterated food and beverages,
I'm so furious, I make for poor company...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

To those that are told to laugh..

You are listening to people that spike a person's drink with benzodiazepines, then do whatever they want to him and find it funny.  So you think rape is funny.  They think that behavior somehow discredits me.  What have I done other than be a victim of their evil deeds?  Why can they do this to me?  To prove that you are a rapist, not worth paying attention to.

You are still the sinners, not righteous enough to judge anything and you look rather childish and entirely evil, especially at finding humor in such behavior.  Clearly out of your senses.  Sane minded people do not find such behavior humorous at all.  These sick people here do.  This is why the west must be easternized.  The west, especially America has become entirely calloused and heartless.

As I've said before, these people have no hearts only wallets and no souls only money.

The truth of the matter is that I cut every single producer out of the action with the internet and they are mad about losing a piece of my very valuable pie.  I've entirely upstaged them entirely on my own and they can't handle it.  They have been driven insane out of jealousy.  Especially with the hebrew programming exploiting jealous behavior to program lashing out by triggers.  They are needled to jealousy and that is where the danger lies.  They have lost control of these jealous monsters they've created entirely.  I made myself a star over the internet and Hollywood can't take it.

How Dr. Rumsfeld double crossed Bush...

Programmed BUSH'S private army of Americans to be "Jew spies" more loyal to Israel than America.  Turning them all into traitors!  The insanity of attempting to give the credit for the resurrection of the children of Columbine to someone else in an attempt to discredit somebody is proof enough of programming upon the level of causing people to take leave of their senses.

Not to mention the unspeakable crimes perpetrated against me, proving to the earth the evil nature of this programming and use of the Mengele files.  This time I guarantee atomic weapons will not stop the persecution of Israel.  Matthew 10:6 is the knot in the noose that God tied around the necks of these lost Sheep.

Too antisematic for you? This is America, not Israel, freedom of speech exists here.  Even if it is antisematic, speech is still free.

How I make friends and money at the same time:
The Armani Code: designed to attract the opposite sex.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Dr. Rumsfeld and his damage control...

For the fiasco in Iraq, you know, you would have lost even without the allies of peace of my creation.,  Even though you think you can convince me I did not create it and you did not lose.  You lost the moment you drilled for oil in the gulf of mexico.  How backwards and sick minded these damage control minded people are, hundreds of thousands if not millions die in atomic blasts and world war three and it doesn't make the media, 20 schoolchildren die in a shooting and it's in the media everywhere!  Why did I even bother to resurrect anyone?  How many Americans have been resurrected?  Yet still, all these stupid pigs can think to do is murder somebody.  DISGUSTING!!  Rumsfeld is Bush's henchman for muscling his son George W. and others but Bush forgot something, jews are sharp, but jews and jew spies from the Mossad are more loyal to Israel and the national interests of the Americna populace will always take second place.

I keep hearing them question how I can be so confident, as if the opinions of these evil people matter to me.  They have no joy in their lives other than the sinking of other people's ships.  That's the only way these selfish idiots can make themselves appear superior to others.  They sling dirt on other bulbs in pathetic attempts to make themselves appear brighter.  Not to mention the only miracle they are interested in is one involving money.  I ressurect people like Chairman Miao and these idiots only want to see money.  Why don't they ask me to resurrect someone like Abe Lincoln or Ben Franklin?  Nope, all they want is money.  That's how the program of capitalism has entirely warped thier minds into stupidity and damaged their thought patterns,  Most sane minded people would give anything for eternal life, these morons don't want that, they want money instead.  As can clearly be seen by how much they've stolen from me in attempts to shake my confidence.

Out in the cold alone, how these idiots think they can shake me because of a collection of thoughts I wrote.  It doesn't mean what they think it does.  Nothing is more lonely than being dead and having no vessel here on earth for one's soul to interact with others. 

I keep waiting for that idiot Rumsfeld to realize that throwing dirt at me doesn't make America look any better, it just makes them look worse and worse because bullets don't harm me, nothing harms me.  I am still alive and nothing can take the joy of life that I have from me.  The yoke of death that weighs down everyone is not upon me and that is the greatest joy there is.  I live my life without the fear of death, I am just so happy to be alive, nothing can take that kind of joy from me.  It's a pity these money grubbing greedy pigs can't understand that.  As I've said before, When the streets are paved with gold, how important is money???

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just to see what he does...

It is that sort of experimentation upon people that caused problems at the Tuskeegee Institute.  That's all that these selfish greedy thieves do to me here.  As if their thievery makes them somehow superior in intellect for them to experiment with my emotions in such a fashion.  Let's rob him blind and then needle him in every way possible for him to become violent, so that we can lie and say it's drugs when miracles happen.  That's the lunatics I'm surrounded by and would rather get away from.   That's how they do their research for programming, needle people emotionally and see how they respond.  How many people respond well to being treated like crap?  That's how stupid these doctors are, they treat me like crap and act as if it's not normal to become angry at having been treated in such a fashion.  No more resurrections for you pieces of shit to give the credit for to someone else.  What are you going to do now?

The jealousy portion of Mengele's research and using triggers to program how those being programmed lash out.  For example, subject being programmed has no food, a person walks by eating something thus triggering a jealous reaction.  They have most of these people so afraid of getting sick,, they are sitting on eggshells waiting for their doctor to crack one and make them jump or for someone to trigger a lashing out from jealousy.  I have been the victim of a bunch of jealous idiots that usually have to be "greased in" to places through personal favors by people they know.  Too idiotic to function normally within society, people always have to overlook their shortcomings and accommodate their stupidity.  That's how and why I am still on the street and have been told nothing.  It all started with that "juiced in" idiot David Levine at the St. Joseph's center thinking he can just bogart everything sent to ME because he knows people and can cause trouble for the people running the St. Joseph's center in Venice.  Ever since then it's been one idiot after another using my work and "just words" to make themselves look less idiotic.  How many idiot nephews are there in this bloody town?? Seems like every one of them has ripped me off in some fashion or another!!

They treat me like crap and expect me to break down because they refuse to believe.  Meanwhile I meet with generals of foreign armies that call me Jesus...  That island of derelict ships won't be covered up for much longer, once the raiding parties start with television studios and radio stations.  The reason for Papal conscripts?  Matthew 10:6, since I am BOTH Cardinal to the Vatican and Grand Master to China, you can expect millions upon millions of Chinese Papal conscripts for even attempting to muscle me any further.  You think you can just erase my memory of the fact that I can write my name on the surface of the sun with solar flares and continue to do whatever you want to me, you thought wrong.  How jealous can that be?  I write my name upon the surface of the sun with solar flares, these hebrew pigs and their doctors try to erase my memory of it AND my telepathic capability of doing so.... That equates to insane jealousy, especially when they try to belittle my writings to just being a script for a movie, I'm sure that island of derelicts off your coast and those that inhabit it are proof enough this is not just a script.   Just to see what they do, I'm not going to tell you....


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The absolute power....

The absolute power of the gun over life and death has corrupted American society entirely.  These greedy capitalist pigs think they can lie all they want and force people to believe it with their guns.  Your guns do not work upon me OR my loyal comrades and subjects.  I taught China how to change the flight paths of your arrows, what are you going to do when hundreds of millions of angry Chinese decide to help me teach you not to make plans for people other than yourself.

That's what's causing all of the bad karma here, causing a traffic jam known as purgatory.  A bunch of good souls trapped by the bad karma of others and their failed plans.  To have the audacity to make plans for someone without even consulting them is the most selfish act I have ever heard of.  Not to mention this entire posthumous Nobel Prize bullshit from George Bush.  Sorry your son is one of those "juiced in" idiots, the kind of idiot it takes a favor to get a job....  That does not give you a license to steal from me...

Buckyball, carbon-60, belongs to me.  To prove I know chemistry  I've taught China how to make fireworks with perchlorate.   Just to teach you people not to lie about the second Christ.  Your disbelief is no excuse for your behavior.  Your uncontrolled jealous lashing out is a direct result of hebrew programming and the use of Mengele's research upon the populace of this nation.   Something I think I have well proven.  Despite the vengeance of these hebrews and their army of queers, I am still alive.  Let Palestine live as long as I shall.  Israel had no right to target a nation claiming it's from their sacred texts to do so.  Let them now reap what they have sewn Matthew 10:6,  Seek out the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

So, if you bloody people don't mind, I'd like to accept all of the cash rewards for my Nobel quality writings.  You can stop lying to law enforcers telling them it's dope money being laundered and pissing the world off.  You have no proof of such activity.  All of those monies came from those sources and your lies have caused war and invasion.


Monday, December 10, 2012

All they do is try to sell sex and violence...

That's the only thing these hollywood pigs know how to do.  These no talent producers and the dirty laundry they manufacture when there is none.  I've warned you all time and time again, air manufactured dirty laundry and it causes those that see it to perish.  The destruction of cities and states, you always ignore because I always save them and resurrect them.  Those that wish to take credit for MY wa and MY kiai had better know how to use a kogikatana because that is what those skills are for.

They keep trying to smear me out of spite because they can not murder me.  So smug because they just assume that their own evil behavior somehow discredits my non evil behavior.  What have I done besides tell it like it is in this blog and elsewhere on the net?  HA HA HA HA YOU STILL CAN'T MURDER ME!!!  And no amount of dirty laundry you've made will ever change that.   See in your small mind that's limited to only 100 years of life or so, you can never comprehend what life is like when you live on an eternal time scale, that is what life with no limits is about.  Tommy Lee has you all limiting yourselves to the moment because you all see life as short.  When you have eternal life, life has no limits!  LIVE LIFE WITH NO LIMITS!!

The way the people here behave, it's as if  they are all begging for God to destroy this place as it did Sodom and Gomorrah!

Not to blow my own horn, but I did kill somebody AND BEAT UP THE DUDE HE WAS WITH PROVING IT WAS NOT A "LUCKY SHOT".  It just so happened that the dude that died was a hell's angel and these backward poser Christian Americans have idolized those goons because they see them as tough.  That's the only thing American men seem to want to be is tough and not smart.  How tough is someone that kicks a person while asleep on a sidewalk and then sticks their penis in his mouth?  Sounds like the behavior pattern of a bull queer with a crush wanting a blow job.  Anyhow, I've been dealing with the vengeance of those that have idolized hell's angels and TAHT is why my jaw is broken and has been for three years.  Who is the ass anyhow?  I'm the one that took a vow not to harm others after I killed someone.....  At least not until I have a kogikatana, any one will do as long is the blade is made in a fashion akin to those from damascus because it is the teachings of the hashashin that have allowed me to channel knowledge from past lives into my fighting abilities.  Along with the scar on my right arm that I consider to be the mark of a Dragon that brought forth the teaching burned into my soul the day I carried that cauldron searing my arms...


Sunday, December 9, 2012

YOU lied, YOU made YOURSELF look bad..

That's what I'm so fed up with, all of these people lie through their teeth about me, just so they can steal the things people try to bless me with and then they accuse me out of their own paranoia for having stolen. Those that accuse me of anything only tell on themselves and their own rotten behavior.

To the death is to the death, what does adding a sword matter?  All it does is make death quicker.  Fight to the death like a man, use a sword, or are your muscles too big and your brain too small to do so?

You think that I'm lying?
Have you ever sat down and had a conversation with me?  Do you know me at all?  I know you don't because nobody in this town of superficial morons has ever bothered to get to know me.  The only thing these idiots know is their own egos and how I look.  How would anyone look after years of being on the streets and thousands of murder attempts that failed?  You think I'm lying because all you know is the smoke people have blown up your butt and you've never bothered to get to know me.  Not to mention you've been kept so far out of the loop you've no Idea about those that actually do believe.  Not to mention who are you?  There are over six billion people on this earth what makes you think your stupid opinion is more or less important that any of them?  Opinions do not change facts, they only stink up the place and delude people into disbelief of facts.

Hey you stupid morons, you will never convince me nobody is listening when I meet with the people bombing your country at the airport, it's sad that you still try.  Proving what a bunch of suicidal nutjobs I'm being handled by.  It's funny how their chief handler, I'll call him "sarge" to spare him embarrassment, is an ex con from leavenworth that is just another bull queer with a crush.

Still incommunicado, do not send me anything by third party, put it into my hands or I will never know about it because these American jerks don't want me to be myself.  They fear vengeance too much to celebrate eternity.  They will only continue to make every excuse they can think of to ignore my eternity, whatever man.  First chance I get I'm going to my dojo, and these liars can have whatever they want, I could care less.

I'm sure those that have come from around the world to see me and have only gotten lied to and a runaround are just as fed up as I am and would rather see me leave.

Friday, December 7, 2012

They question my knowledge of the "death touch"..

And desire to see me fight before giving me MY kogikatana.
That would mean fighting to the death, I recommend using a katana and they fear fighting to the death with one.  They are not wise enough to judge the level of any martial artists if they can not judge my skill.  Those with the least amount of training can feel my presence as it is caused by the gravity of the sun over your heads, that is my soul.  The truth about the death touch is that it snuffs a dragon out of the sky when I use it upon their body here.  Such a thing could cause a cataclysmic reaction that could possibly destroy a galaxy and subsequently the entire universe.  IT matters not wether you believe, I intend and have been attempting to prove it with a sword that has a blade as hot as the sun.  These American pigs love their bull queers so much, they refuse to give me a sword to dispatch them.  They'd all rather be destroyed by God as Sodom was.  The level of their Atheism is that the only proof they'll accept is their own death.  So, God will make that a death your souls will never forget...

As much as they fear Shivva the destroyer deliverer of Karma, she also is the deliverer of good Karma in the form of Good luck.  Mother Nature is also Lady Luck when she's not being a bitch.  The holy spirit of God is female, the truth about being infinitely wise is that gender no longer matters because you've spent enough lifetimes as both for their borders to become transparent.  Things like this are why I have a dojo.  Delay my sword any longer and all shall perish as it were Sodom and Gomorrah.

I'm entirely curious to see what other things I can cut with it as a display of a blade as hot as the sun, I keep thinking perhaps marble, but what else could I cut through with a sword to impress people with a blade as hot as the sun?

Teachings of I Chi Do (once).
It also means once to the Japanese as in I only must strike my opponent once to end their life.  Instead of the blade becoming as hot as the sun, my opponent's entire body does.  Not much to see.  Flawless Viktory....

Thursday, December 6, 2012

You can't trust a capitalist...

They will do anything for money, even sell their own mothers.
Ever since the "allies of peace" these pieces of garbage have been trying to murder me and continuously ignore miracles.  I know words are wasted upon these lunatics, they don't believe what they see with their own eyes, they are not going to listen to anyone.

Especially a bunch of dirtbag producers that could never do anything to compare to my miracles and have to pay crooked doctors and police to lie.
Americans are so gullible they believe whatever is on television, even if it's a blatant lie, as if tv producers weren't the scum of the earth that they all are.  Same can be said about AMericans and their doctors, they just assume that because a person has a PhD and goes by doctor that they aren't a scumbag.  There is no guarantee a doctor that's only in medicine for the money and self glorification can be trusted, yet these fools trust them anyways.

I'm tired of the lies, I have been given nothing yet people are being told that I have.
If I had anything I would most definitely not be begging and I would much rather sleep indoors.
It's all just a bunch of bogus lies because these people just wish for my death.
They rob me blind and act like that makes me the criminal.
That's the truth about these liars, they say I should be in jail because they stole from me and were not able to murder me to get away with it and now they are afraid.

There are no Christians here, just a bunch of posers pretending to be Christian, love one another? No they only love money.

Too stupid to realize a bunch of shitbag politicians and producers are no judges of anything.  Who gives a crap about these people, I certainly don't!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

People that gained notoriety for works of fiction..

Are not worth listening to when it comes to reality, experts at fiction they have no clue when it comes to reality.  They lie through their teeth and say "oh he's just someone that thinks he's the Second Christ"  they don't tell you that the Pope and United Nations happen to agree with me.  In fact every nation aside from the Jewnited States and Israel believe.  All because of a bunch of rotten apple false idol celebrities that think their fame makes them experts at everything when they are the last to know anything.

They still think they can muscle me, these stupid entertainment industry pigs.
When China invades, I'm going to have them take American's televisions away because the idiot box has made them all into braindead idiots that are only capable of discussing fictional television shows and have lost the ability to cope with reality.

Still incommunicado by a bunch of crazy fools that would rather see everyone perish than have eternity.  Keeping me incommunicado is reneging on a surrender.  You got bombed and surrendered, you started a war and lost and now you're all nothing but a bunch of sore loser babies.

I abandoned my facebook over six months ago and never use it.  I couldn;t find an option to delete the whole thing.

I still have a dojo in Szechuan province of China that I would rather see more than anything, no amount of American lies will ever change that fact.  Keeping my from it is causing war with China.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

As many times..

As I've been reported dead to people, including my own family.  It's obvious that I'm not making things up for attention when I claim that all anyone does is try to murder me.  It's a pity that the state department of this government can't seem to be honest with the people in Los Angeles and Santa Monica "handling" me.   China, Japan and southeast Asia love me for I Chi Do.  A new way of life that teaches one how to live forever and change the flight paths of projectiles.  Americans are such programmed idiots all they understand or listen to is what their doctors say.  I've already given a perfectly sound scientific explanation for how I have survived all that I have and these fools refuse to listen because I have no money.  That's how retarded these money grubbing capitalists are.  They igore miracles because the person has no money.  As I have explained before the science behind my eternal life is quite simple, the human body sheds and regrows dead cells in a normal cycle, one can acheive homeostasis in said cycles of shedding and regrowth and nothing can break it, NOT EVEN ATOMIC BOMBS!!!

Still incommunicado while these idiots still try to pass of fakes and risk the entire populace of the Unitd States just for their childish spy games and frail egos.  

These morons honestly think that the Nobel prizes are fakes and that it's just for the attention or some other such nonsense.  All just a bunch of lame excuses to steal from a lying, thieving government.

Now that I'm sure the biological weapon they gave me is not airborne I plan to leave and these stupid fools will only try to stop me again because they are selfish idiots that think their greed makes them smarter or more wise.  There is nothing wise about being greedy, all it does is anger others into wishing you harm!

It's a pity that these stupid fools don't want royalty, Jesus the Lord of Lords, King of Kings IS royalty.  America will miss out on eternal life because they don't want Jesus to be a commie.  How sad stupid and childish!  Unable to accept that capitalism is a horrible way of life where it's near impossible to make an honest living because of all of the criminals.  I am loved around the world while they only hate me here, I have no friends in America and trust nobody here.

Monday, December 3, 2012

This is how America treats the second Christ..

They steal all of his blessings, keep him out of the loop on a world that believes and tell people to spit on him.
You will never have eternal life and I shall laugh all the way to China.
It's a pity that a supposedly Christian nation behaves in such a childish fashion, it only shows how bogus their Christianity is and how they are all nothing but a bunch of lying judases that sold Jesus out to a bunch of lousy jews and atheists.

You think Jesus was a myth?
It does not matter, the bible is still the largest read book on the face of this earth, your pathetic opinion is tiny by comparison to those that believe.  Myth or not, the stories about the life of Jesus Christ in the Christian bible still have had a very large and profound effect upon the way people live on this planet.

Why don't I fight somebody?
When they grow balls enough to meet me in a dojo like and adult.
Scared of jail?
Why should I go to jail because some jealous hateful piece of garbage doesn't think I can fight and thinks they can just cheap shot me to prove otherwise?
Not man enough for a dojo, not man enough to fight me.

These lame excuses these people make, just to steal everything from me.
All they have done is anger the earth into an invasion.
I think those that have lied about me and stolen from me ought to be crucified and left for dead on the beaches here in Santa Monica.

Your doctors will never have that breakthrough they claim is just on the horizon.  They are merely jealous that I have eternal life and it did not come from their research and their medicines, therefore they refuse to accept it.  They have delusions of grandeur and all of these stupid doctor worshipping americans seem only capable of doing just what their doctors say.  Hey dummy, are you capable of doing things your doctors don't say?

I hate everyone in this town for trying to force me to be gay.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The world will never again believe in another hebrew phony...

Israel thinks they can just manipulate the arab world with a phony pharoe.
Unfortunately for these jews, the pharoe also happens to be Tsar to Russia, Grand Master to China, Buddha to Japan and Veeshnu to India.  Despite all of the lies in futile attempts to discredit the fact that bullets turn into insects when shot at me, a miracle that is more than enough for China, along with the fact that I have resurrected and diverted atomic weapons.  These crazy Hebrews and their attempts at murdering me for their phony to take place, they try their biological weapons whenever it looks as if I may actually leave, attempting to typhoid mary the earth, using me, with A Hebrew made flu designed to murder.

True freedom is financial independence because money is the whip that makes slaves.  As capitalism has enslaved America to the point that everyone here is so miserable they beg to be destroyed as Sodom was.  They take this abundant decadence for granted, I'm quite certain that China shall not.  In fact, I think a Chinese invasion is necessary to save the world's economy.  China must invade and teach these capitalists how to make things for themselves by building factories and manufacturing things here, in america.  China needs the factory space in mainland china for housing and must unload millions anyhow due to overpopulation of the Chinese mainland.  Capitalism must be brought to an end.  These stupid fools still think they can teach me how a life without money is not possible by keeping it all from me.  Only greedy, selfish people think that.  The hypocrisy of capitalism and how they point the finger at others and tell on themselves.  The number of times I've listened to such rhetoric as how fascist China is while America is far more fascist.  Chinese fascism revolves around forced sharing because with that many people and only so much to go around, such a thing is necessary.  While American fascism is totally the opposite and revolves around selfishness.  As in, they don't want to share the outdoor park with tobacco smokers, so it is made illegal to smoke in parks.  One long look at the municipal codes that exist here and one can clearly see which lifestyle is more fascist, and it is capitalism.

What have I done that is criminal?
All I ever did was tell these jews to piss off for ripping me off and I get labeled a criminal for it.
Shame on me for being so forgiving.
Watching them spend their lives tortured with disabilities caused by conventional weapons is far more gratifying that watching them get vaporized with atomics.