Sunday, December 23, 2012

I won the psychological warfare too...

By driving them all crazy.  These spoiled heartless hebrew pigs and their callousness towards life caused by the ability to murder whomever they want and get away with it.  Their inability to murder me has driven them all crazy to the point of wishing death upon the entire populace.

I've studied their programming to the point of having surpassed the work of Dr. Joszef Mengele, I am more than educated enough to have the rank of Field Marshall, in fact I think that proves I know psychiatry and human emotions better than anybody.  First order shall be mandated "UN" armbands to avert a panic of the populace.  They are programmed to have no malice towards UN peacekeeping troops.  When the truth about how they've been lying get's out, people will riot.  Think about the magnitude of this lie and the potential for an angry mob to form:  Jesus resurrects the children of Columbine and they'd rather murder them all than tell anybody!  Panic the populace?  I think piss off the populace is more accurate.  That is how low they have sunk in attempts to sink my ship, such a torpedo can only target the vessel that shot it.

Rumsfeld and his lies shall come to an end and I shall have the comforts I deserve.

No amount of money is enough when a kogikatana is what I want!

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