Friday, December 7, 2012

They question my knowledge of the "death touch"..

And desire to see me fight before giving me MY kogikatana.
That would mean fighting to the death, I recommend using a katana and they fear fighting to the death with one.  They are not wise enough to judge the level of any martial artists if they can not judge my skill.  Those with the least amount of training can feel my presence as it is caused by the gravity of the sun over your heads, that is my soul.  The truth about the death touch is that it snuffs a dragon out of the sky when I use it upon their body here.  Such a thing could cause a cataclysmic reaction that could possibly destroy a galaxy and subsequently the entire universe.  IT matters not wether you believe, I intend and have been attempting to prove it with a sword that has a blade as hot as the sun.  These American pigs love their bull queers so much, they refuse to give me a sword to dispatch them.  They'd all rather be destroyed by God as Sodom was.  The level of their Atheism is that the only proof they'll accept is their own death.  So, God will make that a death your souls will never forget...

As much as they fear Shivva the destroyer deliverer of Karma, she also is the deliverer of good Karma in the form of Good luck.  Mother Nature is also Lady Luck when she's not being a bitch.  The holy spirit of God is female, the truth about being infinitely wise is that gender no longer matters because you've spent enough lifetimes as both for their borders to become transparent.  Things like this are why I have a dojo.  Delay my sword any longer and all shall perish as it were Sodom and Gomorrah.

I'm entirely curious to see what other things I can cut with it as a display of a blade as hot as the sun, I keep thinking perhaps marble, but what else could I cut through with a sword to impress people with a blade as hot as the sun?

Teachings of I Chi Do (once).
It also means once to the Japanese as in I only must strike my opponent once to end their life.  Instead of the blade becoming as hot as the sun, my opponent's entire body does.  Not much to see.  Flawless Viktory....

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