Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Perhaps another air strike..

Will burst the inflated egos of these pig headed morons.
They think they can just ignore my diplomatic status and use the patriot act to keep everything from me.
Cities get smote, they ignore it and try to muscle me so they can put a fake entirely under their control in place.
LAX get's bombed with conventional weapons and still they try to muscle me so they can put a fake in place.

Let the headquarters of the Santa Monica police department be the next target of an air strike.
Since they think they can do whatever they want to me...
For every woman they've lied to about me.
Not a single one of these lying pigs with guns and badges has ever had an honest conversation with me.
Look at my criminal record, nothing but misdemeanors for smoking pot and tobacco.
It is because of these pigs that I am still on the street and I will make them suffer for it.

What will these industry pigs do when they have no muscle to muscle anybody with?

The only reason the hebrew language still exists is because jews still debate the translation of the torah.  After thousands of years they still can not decide what the correct translation is.
They should have given up the language once everything was translated to another.
They are simply too stupid to translate their own language and can never decide.
After thousands of years of God's grace to translate, they shall only perish now.

It's amazing how these egomaniacs that have never even spoken to me think they can make whatever judgements and assumptions about me.  They have entirely deluded themselves into thinking they have a leg to stand on.  I have the clout to order LAX bombed, they still try to muscle me with lies.  LEt the next air strike convince them not to lie anymore and give me what's mine. Only I have the scar of a dog bite on my right forearm.  Only I have a tattoo of a runic pentacle right side up on my shoulder.  How dare they lie and mistake me for someone else.  Done just out of spite.  Continue to keep me incommunicado and I'll annihilate the entirety of the United States just for spite.  Why should I care?  Nobody is doing me any favors.  Besides, everyone's brains are damaged anyhow.  I sleep on the street and people do whatever they want to me while I'm passed out from my kiai and my broken jaw.  I hate this place and only wish to leave and wipe it off the face of the earth.

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