Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A life without money...

I have said that heaven on earth is a life without money.  Ever since I said that, these greedy capitalist pigs have been trying to teach me something about money and how it makes the world go 'round.  My lesson back to these people is; What good is money when you can't buy food with it?

As I slam my trap shut on the economy of the United states by having China cash in it's treasury bills early, ensuring that they default on every single loan.  Why would I do this?  They manufactured the money to pay those debts by using a crooked stock market fixed with automated trading.  China shall seize all government loans made to farmers and agriculture.  Especially for seeds that should be free, to end the indentured servitude this brings.  They shall foreclose on all farmland, not to evict but to ensure that everyone keeps their homes.  Chinese troops shall prevent evictions while chinese farm advisors shall teach them how farm hands do a better job at farming than machines.  America needs the jobs and farming by hand makes for better food to eat.

Also, to undo all of the unnecessary evictions caused by the collapse of the economy of the United States, Chinese troops shall enforce squatting rights on vacant land within reason for those without homes.

Any resistance to these measures to ensure collection of a debt shall only been seen as attempts to bully out of paying a debt.  Debt welters shall be treated accordingly.

The earth shall be given the lion's share of American farms while America will be sold only oil at an affordably adjusted price..

Americans have gotten spoiled.  Especially the "one percent".  Generations without ever having a food shortage has made them greedy.  They will have a hard lesson in what it means to go without.  Food is the most valuable natural resource of all, not oil and these pigs that think they can invade any nation for oil have caused this all to happen.  Blame them, not the Chinese debt collectors.  I encourage looting.
The greedy egos of the "one percent" think they can use US armed forces to welch on a debt.  Making America look like a bunch of debt welchers. 

I can smite and resurrect cities.
Money is a petty thing to me.
Centuries from now I'll still be chuckling about every time I yelled "F*ck you kike".
Is that reason enough for anyone to murder someone?
These jews seem to think so.
All anyone does is try to murder me and it's gotten boring.

The sign I panhandle with says, "DESTITUTE PLEASE HELP".

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