Monday, February 27, 2012

I have diplomatic status..

I am a citizen of the People's Republic of China, with diplomatic status.
I also have diplomatic status from Vatican city as well.

American courts and American laws do not apply to me.
These fools think they can keep my diplomatic identity papers away from me and ignore my status and do whatever they want.
I do not believe in civil lawsuits, they are nothing but petty bickering over money.
I believe in criminal law.
I do not file a lawsuit, I press charges.

China shall invade the United States, to save them from these Hebrews and the pathological lies of the Hebrew run media.  These people are determined to destroy themselves, even if they take the entire earth with them.  I'd rather they die slowly. They are in such a rush for me to perform miracles, they ignore the fact that I am penniless and begging.  Why do I beg?  Because they have crooked psychiatrists just waiting to declare me with delusions of grandeur.  Even when other people come from other nations to declare who I am, they ignore it as some sort of hoax. Seed manmade rain in the sky and slander me in order to fool the local populace.  All because people attempt to bless me with wealth and riches and these pigs wish to steal it without ever telling and then murdering me in order to put a fake leader  in place that is entirely under their control.  I can never die and they refuse to believe out of the guilt from their own actions.  Rotten apples always display their rot with rotten actions.  These ungrateful pigs don't deserve life, let them enjoy the most painful deaths imaginable.

When Chi is seen as gravity, dragons on earth can breathe fire.
Telepathy is not for parlor tricks, as with the ocean waves, I can manipulate the corona of the Sun...
Solar flares crack like whips when my Wa unfurls.

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