Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who is being punished?

The people that stole from everyone that has ever tried to give me anything,
angering the world outside of the United States to the point annihilating the entire nation,
Me getting violated by the hebrew army of sodomites in order to manufacture dirt for blackmail, while I was unconscious?

This time nothing is coming back.
I can not save these greedy pigs.
These jews and their mindless capitalist pig drones steal everything, then ask where the money is and then become angry when they get caught for highway robbery.
It's sheer lunacy.
they have all of this dirt hey manufactured.

Where is any proof that I was ever given or told about one single thing anyone ever tried to give me?
There si none because I am still being strong armed by the music and entertaiment industry pigs that think their clout is more powerful than mine.  They see this is just a insignificant little webpage.  Meanwhile the world bombs the United States over it and me.

When I become angry, you get Shivva the destroyer.
She is unchained and shall be seen by the world before she sees herself.
Vik to LEI.
How dare they lie and compartmentalize solar flares?!?!
Oh yeah, they lie and compartmentalize to save these jews.
Who cares if the entire nation gets annihilated, let's still try and save the jews.
I can project death and have no real need for a sword.
I just thought it would be a nice demonstration of my talent, a sword with a blade as hot as the sun.
Too bad most of America won't live to see it because of these entertainment industry pigs and the jews they worship.
Not to mention these idiot doctors that are too stupid to realize what happens when you needle someone is that they become angry.
I warned you about solar flares happening when I become angry.
You interrupt my meditation while I try to control them and they get larger and go haywire.

Continue these pathetic attempts to erase my mind and program me and more shall perish.
Continue these childish attempts at "convincing me otherwise" and more shall perish, you are no judge and your opinion is worthless.
Not that these selfish people actually care about anyone other than themselves.
As is obviously apparent in the way they don't tell America what is truly happening.
They are so stupid they wonder why I'm so confident.
Because I can actually spell my name on the surface of the sun.
That is being compartmentalized and lied about but it's still a fact.

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