Friday, October 19, 2012

Today's hacker "howto"...

Howto be smarter than dumbland security:
See all matters of National Security as a threat to the LIVES OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION.

These idiots are more worried about commuism vs. capitalism,
a severly unhealthy level of competition has formed due to the nature of the beliefs of capitalism.  Money talks and BS walks, evil does all the talking.  Miracles take away the ability for money to speak and they can't relate to not being able to buy what they want even when they spend the money it takes to copy a miracle.  A copy is still just a copy.

What the Dalai Llama proably truly said:  For Americans, compassion is radicalism.
Christians indeed.  They've replaced Christianity with capitalism as their religion and the love of money has driven them all nuts!  The insane levels of decadence where money can buy rape for NOTHING but DRUGS ALONE!  That is why these lunatics refuse to accept what they see before their very eyes!  Everytime before it took drugs for people to survive it and now it doesn't!  I feel as if all I've done to save these ignorant fools from the wrath of the globe for stealing over three dozen Nobel Prizes from me, has all been done in vain.  Who'd believe some homeless guy?  Their love of money blinds them from reality and what they've bought before....

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