Sunday, October 14, 2012

About my sister...

Who has not had a conversation with me in over a decade and has been pretty much forced to rely upon second hand information, has been fed nothing but a pack of lies.  As has so many.  To think about stealing my "power of attorney" in such a crooked fashion.  Using doctors that have never spoken to me, and judges whose courtrooms have never seen me because police in the Santa Monica Police department tamper with my fingerprint record.  Typical Hebrew fashion of how they exploit their Hebrew laws of man to completely flaunt all laws to commit a crime such as embezzlement.  Hebrew laws of man are null and void concerning me for one simple fact.  God destroyed the city of Sodom and the behavior responsible for causing said destruction is protected with hate crime laws.  So, if you attempt to prevent sodomites from sodomizing people, it's a hate crime.  Completely against the holy text of these Hebrews.  Matthew 10:6-7

There used to be such a thing as "Christian Charity" in this nation.  It was destroyed by the slimy greed of capitalism.  "Give us this day our daily bread" has gotten replaced with "no such thing as a free lunch".  They still think that I'm just talent for their stable.  All of these poor deluded fools kept in an ignorant bliss, making blissfully poor decisions because they are ignorant of the facts.  Those that fear a panic of the populace truly fear being persecuted for causing the destruction they are covering up.

Assaulting people on the street is illegal.  Especially when it's a homosexual.  They call that a hate crime.  Which is all that these Hebrews keep trying to do to me.  Toss him to the sodomites until he murders one, than he can be arrested for a hate crime.  They have a bunch of queers lie about me, and if I beat them up for it, it's a hate crime.  Dirty rotten lowdown Hebrew slime.  How can you tell when you've done business with a hebrew?  Your anus hurts because they sodomize you to get a better deal.  After seeing how "the talent" is stabled in this town, I'd rather defect to communism than be treated like this.  How many talented people have been murdered in their stables?  Michael Jackson,   Kurt Cobain, Chris Farley, Jim Bellushi, Jim Morrison, Bob Marley, Janis Joplin, Ritchie Valenz.... The list goes on and on.  These are the type of slime handling me.  Wrong people to handle a second Christ as they are filled with demons that need to be cast out!  Casting demons out of the masses is dangerous work because they don't want to be cast out....

As I've said before (I hate repeating myself because fools refuse to listen) Self defense is about you not getting hurt, it is not about harming others.  Since they can not harm me, why should I harm them?  It is more entertaining to laugh at the stink of their feces when they defecate themselves.  A wounded pride hurts longer than physical damage because it scars the soul.  The "prince of peace" is not going to fist fight anybody.

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