Monday, October 1, 2012

Your guns still don't work and never will..

No amount of lies and manufactured dirt is ever going to change that FACT.
No amount of fist fights will change that fact.
I sit here watching these toddlers in adult bodies have temper tantrums because their toy guns don't work, reading the minds of the world and laughing with them.
Your Axis of Liberty lost and you can't own up to it because you are a bunch of sissies.
You contend that someone else wrote this stuff, with no basis.
Besides it doesn't matter, I'm the one that can change the flight paths of arrows and other projectiles, THAT IS WHAT MAKES ME THE EMBLEM OF CHINA!!!
The crazy gun toting trigger happy maniacs with badges around here can't seem to believe their own eyes when their guns don't work.  The police, crips, bloods and peckerwood street gangs in this town have done nothing but try to murder me for years and just ignore the miracles and claim it's drugs.

No amount of lies can save you, only the truth can set you free.
I will get a kogikatana one way or another, the longer you delay, the longer I intend to take ending your pathetic excuse for a life.  Your lies fool nobody outside the jewnited states anyhow, even when you program the minds of foreign nationals.   Asking for invasion.

The more you idiots lie, the worse you look.
If you're so worried about looking bad, stop lying.

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