Friday, August 12, 2011

I see the funeral pyres are burning...

On the front page of the LA times.
For the jewnited slave states and it's master, Israel.
Are the Cossacks willing to fight alongside the tsar with swords in hand, remove the defilers of the Christ from the face of this earth?

Give me a properly made Katana, not a garbage replica made of 440 stainless and I'll show these kikes a thing or two about God's chosen.

The reason Jesus called the house of Israel "lost sheep".
Hebrew was the language of Sodom.
Hebrew is the language of the Sodomite.
If you speak it, you are a Sodomite.
If you speak it, you ignored Lott and his wife.

Wrong thing to ignore.

The Hidden prophecy in the Bible:
A chariot in the sky is the prophecy of the airplane.

They say I'm lazy, look at my handiwork,
Several posts to craigslist and I run B'nai Brith out of the United States and onto the streets of Tel Aviv. A lesson in money to these kikes. They push me and I push back. Once I have a proper blade, my mercy shall end.

Fight alongside the Tsar without projectile weapons and bullets can never hit you.

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