Monday, September 5, 2011

How can they apologize for this?

They keep everything from me, that is all thy can kidnap, not me.
Keeping me penniless on the street.
They think the world is lying and I'm hiring a bunch of actors in a ploy.
Because that's what Obama is.
A Hebrew ploy to put a phony Pharoe in place.
Bush's handiwork for his surrender to the "Allies of Peace".
An entity so damaging when compared to the "Axis of Liberty", the only way to control the damage was to not tell the American populace.
The war of the media versus the internet.
I hope the folks hosting this and at Google are willing to help me use the viewing audience of the internet to teach the television producers a lesson.
They have bull queers rape me and make "snuff" films of it for blackmail.
That's Lorne Michaels and Mike from xTra.
They want to apologize but still continue to give me nothing because I am a communist.
The only cooperation they will accept is for me to be entirely under their control with MKUltra as Obama is.
That is never going to happen, go sodomize someone else.
Until I get my Katana.
Then I'll storm the whitehouse and teach you fools who the real Pharoe is.
Bush has been programmed with such utter hatred for communists he thinks sodomizing them is appropriate punishment for being one.
The sickness of capitalism must be ended.
Bush didn't want a communist pope and attempted to assassinate John Paul the polish.
They even assassinated John Lennon for being a commie.

How dare they think they can do whatever they want because they spent so much on their military??
That is how the false idol of money deludes people into thinking they have false strength.
They are victims of their own greed, the skimming of the defense industry left them with nothing but shoddy equipment that always breaks down.

I can only blame these Hebrews.
America let them take over as God's chosen after world war 2.
To the point of circumcision of the male populace.
All these Hebrews have done is prove that they still carry on the traditions of Sodom.
Hebrew lawyers always fighting for the rights of homosexual sodomites.
It's standard practice in this town run by the hebrew "industry" to turn anti-Semites to sodomites. That's how these hebrews have been using nazi mind control research.

Hebrews carrying on the traditions of Sodom has nothing to do with the national socialist party nor is it racist.
They shall be divinely convicted with such as soon as I have my Katana.

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