Wednesday, February 27, 2013

This lunatic asylum of pure evil..

I am disappointed in these so called "God fearing" people.  That is the largest farce I have ever heard of. The pseudo christians and their golden calf of money.  There is no good or evil here, the only thing these people know is money.  To imagine, they buy their own gun, buy their own ammunition, shoot me with it.  See the bullet become an insect that flies away and they write it off as luck.  Then they do every evil thing they can think of to somebody except for murder because I don't die and, ask why.  Why can evil be evil?  Because you don't know better and you damn well should.  What happens to bullets when shot at me is God's way of saying "Don't touch" but you love your guns too much to notice, or is it the money being made to discredit me.  It's too late to discredit me, there's SCUDS in Mexico pointed at this country.  Yet all they still do is keep everything from me and let these sodomite pigs have their way once I'm unconscious.  America just got bombed at San Francisco and American guns did not work on me.  I'm going to bomb America again and American guns still will not work.  Then I'm going to bomb them again and their guns still will not work.  Perhaps after every member nation of the United Nations has a go at it, they'll believe their own eyes.

Tags I've left all over the internet and in public restrooms:
sp0.oky can never die....
Please don't cane me..
I've got the world lining up just to bomb the United States and all they do is keep money from me and toss me to the faggots!

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