Friday, June 22, 2012

PHD,MD or Doctor does not equate to honesty...

These pathetic fools ignore my eternal life and continue to violate me out of deluded disbelief.
They don't have the intestinal fortitude to own up to having been fooled by a bunch of crooked doctors in to religiously following their medicine as if it were some kind of cult.  These people only want their doctors and their medicine to give them eternal life, not God.  They have lost faith in God entirely and replaced it with their doctors as false prophets performing bogus miracles of medicine.

No amount of money in the world can give anyone the telekinesis that I have.
These doctors lie out of their jealousy.
I can change the flight path of an arrow, something I have been demanding to demonstrate for years while these American capitalist pigs just delay and milk my talent for money.  These people are so immersed in a fictional media the only way to have them relate to things is by comparing reality to the fiction they are immersed in.  I was begging for spare change outside of "The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf" this morning and someone compared me to the fictional "Highlander".  I am Immortal except my attitude is more like that of the fictional character Methos.  I have nothing but contempt for these fragile mortals and their pathetic pettiness.  People that can't even survive smoking a cigarette will be easy to conquer.  These Americans all talk so tough yet as soon as they have a tiny little boo boo or hint of any illness whatsoever they run to their doctors like a bunch of sissies with no tolerance for pain.

I have eternal life.
No amount of opinions will change that fact.
No amount of lies will change that fact.
Those that still try to murder and slander me only do so out of insane fear.
After a lifetime of these idiots attempting to program, control and manipulate me because they have never been able to murder me, I know how they operate and can delete their programs whenever I want.  All they try to do anymore is destroy my mind so they can continue to keep fakes in place.  Why would anyone even try such a thing?  Control.  these people wish to use me to conquer the world and control it themselves.  They lack the wisdom and can fool nobody outside of the jewnited states.  Since these American pigs think they can dictate that all I'll ever be is "some homeless guy".  I've destroyed large portions of it.  They just ignore it and continue these childish attempts at controlling me.  I still have eternity and will outlive these idiots.  They are so focused on things happening immediately.  They are only focused on going to hell when they die and they don't care about that.  They got blessed with money to perform evil acts upon me.  What kind of blessing is that kind of blood money?

As I said on my first sign in the Russian language:
Only money can buy your soul, what else can you do with it?

They all wish to blame me for the nuclear strikes that they tell nobody about.
Why don't you blame the faggots that you all let rape me?
They ask why can we do this?
Why are there still sodomites upon this earth?
Did not God strike that town down for this behavior and say not to continue it?
America is next and you have only these Hebrews to blame.
Them AND their army of queers.
Change my words and millions perish.
Hold me to bets I never made and millions perish.
You are nothing but an insignificant peon whose opinion is formed out of deluded ignorant bliss.
That is why you don't believe.
Opinions do not change believe or perish.
If yours is an opinion of disbelief, you shall perish.
That is final.

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