Saturday, June 30, 2012

Still stuck in a trafic jam of bad karma..

Caused by a bunch of dirty rotten blackmailers.
They think that keeping me and my blog out of the media has kept my audience small.
They've deluded themselves into believing that all of these people attempting to contact me are just an act.
I have been told nothing, I have been given nothing.
The only thing I get is more dirt manufactured for the use of blackmail.
Starting with people posing as my mentor.
God is my one and only mentor.
I am a protege of God and nobody else.
These pigs manufacture dirt for blackmail so they can blackmail me into keeping what they've stolen.
This behavior makes it hard to care about a single person in this nation.

So desperate to prove themselves more of a saint than me they are blinded to their own stupidity.
Manufactured dirt don't fly in a situation such as this!
No amount of dirt will ever change the fact that I can write Vik on the surface of the sun in flares that appear as sunspots because they are directed at the earth.

Final and absolute proof I am the Christ and definition of what being the Christ actually means!
I am the Christ because my soul is the sun the earth orbits.
Vik written upon it is proof enough.
They only thing these foolish shallow, first life souls can do is lie because they can never compare.
All these greedy pig capitalists can do is keep everything from me in futile attempts to spare their own egos.
You've lied and compartmentalized me, for what purpose?

Make my results to the United States Armed Forces vocational barrage exam should be made public.
Autistic savant?
Definitely not, I've always been this smart, you all ignored it out of jealousy.
Blackmailers only get my pity and my contempt.
Go ahead air the dirt and watch God smite everyone that sees it.
God shall smite those that have faith in anyone other than me as the Christ.
Keep putting fakes in place and you cause it.

Make sure China knows how the Grand Master has been actually handled!:
Told nothing, given nothing and only sold as a slave by doctors that drug innocent people and rape them for blackmail.

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