Saturday, January 5, 2013

America has collapsed get over it!!

The high inflation of the Carter Administration that left workers underpaid has been compounded by the crushing debt of the Reagan Administration's deficit spending.  The only thing that trickled down was feces, it is commonly said that "shit rolls down hill".  The seed of the entire economic problem in America is that people are not paid enough.  Wages for workers in America did not keep up with inflation.  For example, in the 1950's there was no such thing as a six year car loan to buy a car.

America can no longer afford the expense of a military.
Get over it.

How pathetic these people are, I wake up this morning.  See a beautiful sunny day, so, I decide to spend it on the beach.  They try to erase my memory and seed manmade clouds to keep people from seeing the effect I have upon the surf.  They can never man make a bogus miracle that compares to the effect I have upon the surf.  Not to mention, show me someone that is impervious to firearms and poisons as I am.  Nope, all they want to see, is, show me the money.   Pathetic excuses for human beings.  Too blinded by the shine of materialism to see a miracle.  I need a kogikatana to put these pieces of feces out of their misery.  I don't mention very many names because I know who and I intend to eradicate the problem myself, once I have a proper blade to do it with.  Death touch is not a skill to be taken as lightly as these insensitive Americans.  A person with the attitude of "why doesn't he just kill someone and get it over with" could never possible understand what it takes to master the skill.  They lack the respect for life it takes to find all of the weak points in it.  Anyone that interferes with me getting a kogikatana is accomplices to the identity ring I am being victimized by.  Same can be said for those giving people the runaround when they come to locate me.

Told nothing, have nothing.  Begging for the lives of these stupid fools that assumed I hired actors.

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