Sunday, January 27, 2013

Today's sermon..

As much as people smear each other in this capitalist society of blackmail.  I thought I'd continue doing the things that I've been sainted for.  Clearing the good names of other people that have been unrighteously smeared.  How saintly is it to delete the files used to blackmail heads of state?  The Diet of Japan, The President of the United States and others, all had dirt manufactured while visiting Los Angeles.  After seeing what was "flushed out" by that action of deletion, a conspiracy of Hebrews and homosexuals working together was revealed to me.  Homosexuals working in food service with a very high turnover rate or always having their queer pals covering their shifts.  Queers in place to contaminate whatever food and drink for whatever evil purpose they are being paid by a hebrew for.  Not always a monetary payment, jews are too stingy for that.  Payment through personal favors from people in the entertainment industry is the typical payment method.  As I say to most celebrities, who made you famous because you're nothing but their gofer.  These sick people do evil to innocent victims inn order to become famous and then act as if their fame erases their sins.  These evil people are the people that Americans idolize.  That is what has caused the degradation of American morals to the point of having a billion dollar porn industry and overcrowded jailhouses.  Clearly not a nation sin free enough to have a say in anything regarding a second Christ.

To Moscow:
Jesus should have been Caesar except that Romans would never accept a leader that had gone through a Bris and suffered the amputation of his foreskin.  By order of the Tsar, martial law upon this practice.

To those that have seen me transform into a woman:
The only sex I want to have is vaginal.  I've come to the conclusion that these childish souls can't get over their jealousy of my ability to become a woman and make use of my feminine wiles upon men.  They called her medusa because her beauty stunned them and turned their manhoods to stone....

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