Tuesday, March 27, 2012

They surrender and still make war..

The patriot act is a lie to cover for attempts to win back a surrender.

Such suicidal treachery.
Everything these people have "bogarted" from me that came from people with diplomatic status are immune to american laws and should never have been kept from me for any reason. Each interfered with message is an act of war against the nation it came from. These fools refuse to accept that this blog has the viewership that it does because television didn't tell them it does. How they'v been programmed to rely upon television for all of the information. With news being replaced by infotainment. Painful truths are not very entertaining, therefore they are ignored by infotainers. They'd rather delude the populace with lies than admit to the truth about having lost world war three. Jesus saved them from it and all they can think is to murder him because he's an anti-semite. They couldn't murder me so they try to program me. All allowed under the patriot act. America's surrender is null and void for as long as the patriot act still exists,

America want's to pick on China for having to murder it's Children.
Then they won't mind when China comes to America to have it's children since America has so many wide open spaces, China grows a city the size of Los Angeles every year, mainland China has no space left and America has plenty. Christians worship an infinitely wise God, chinese revere wisdom just as much. Let China impart it's wisdom upon a nation of first life souls. Interestingly enough when greed rules, first life souls are the most greedy because greed is unwise. Greed means taking more than you need....

I sit here reading the world reactions to the words I post here because I can feel my audience.
What can be said about a group of people that think they can call the Pope a liar and do whatever they want to a person because they wish to discredit him?
That is all that these Hebrews have done to me, call the world a liar and try anything to discredit me. Give up the Hebrew language and you might just learn a lesson from me. You will never murder me.

The only home I wish to go to is the Schloss in Vienna.
I am fed up with these rotten people treating me rotten because they think their disbelief is an excuse to do so.
I'd rather go somewhere where people can be nice even if they don't believe.

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