Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A lesson in the destruction of Sodom..

That's what these stupid fool Americans need.  Especially all of the idiots that want to teach me not to do things.  I think the Police should be taught not to overtake the government covertly with a "beer summit".  That's what happened, y'know.  The police are running America into the ground with fascist baloney and goon tactics.  They've got guns so that makes them more important than anybody, even the Pope.  It's actually programmed by these hebrews and their mind control nonsense.  So in essence Hebrews have taken over America by using police they have programmed and the idiot cops are too dumb to realize it.  Talk about treason of the highest order!  The sad and sickest part is the only way they ever planned to "plug the plug" on mind control and end it is by destroying everything.  That's why they are so rotten to me and forcing me to leave covertly.  They want me to leave and bomb the place so it ends the mind control because that's the only way they want to end it.  I'd rather weed things out and end it without mass destruction.  As much as I've destroyed and brought back, you'd think people would be nice to me but they are to busy lying and making up stuff to cover the fatc that they've told me nothing for years keeping me out of the loop on everything and robbed everyone blind.  Once again, I ask people not to try and send me anything because these pigs only wish to rape me into being gay because I refuse to show them the death touch.  They doubt my skills because htey have none of their own, not to mention these lunatics ignore miracles such as bullets and guns disappearing around me and only want to see a fist fight.  I have to laugh a these delusional fools that call me a bitch as if I'm supposed to get all angry and fight somebody, no, I'l just leave and bomb the place.  The true bitches are the ones that kick me in the head while I'm asleep.  Show me any martial art that allows one to fight while unconscious!  I have eternity to deliver vengeance and it's not high on my list of enjoyable things to do anyhow.  Too stupid or suicidal to fear me, they think that by mocking me they'll change the fact I can destroy cities, states and nations with telepathy.  They are just jealous because they can not.

Do I leave things destroyed permanently or do you give me the respect that I deserve?  I already know the answer, the pigs of this town only brown nose entertainment industry scumbags and spit on vatican cardinals.  So be it, the wrath of God shall fall upon you, not me.

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