Thursday, November 15, 2012

Doesn't the state department..

Of the United States government tell the idiots of this town anything???
I mean, I've been meeting with world leaders and the crazies of this town are being lied to about them.  I have not paid anyone to lie.  I highly doubt there is a Nipponese that would accept any amount of money to lie about whom their religious emblem is!  Same could be said for China and their Grand Master.  Same could be said for the Pope.  There is no amount of money these people would accpet to lie.  It's a pity that the CIA must be hiring posers to pose as world leaders in insane attempts to muscle me, or is it the slime of the entertainment industry?

This must be the longest temper tantrum by a group of childish adults that the world has ever seen.  I made it rain upon their world series of baseball and they STILL try to make it "rain on my parade" by seeding manmade rain.  These people talk about the principle of the thing, what kind of principles do people that continue to try to murder me, after they surrender have?  These people have no principles, just a childish inability to accept being wrong.  You surrendered to me and keeping everything from me only makes you all look like the world's biggest sore losers.  You ignore miracles because I think baseball is wrong for having stealing in it.  Considering the fact that everything has been stolen from me and I've been kept out of the loop on everything, I have some merit in complaining about the stealing in baseball.  You've attempted to keep me out of the loop but I've still managed to have covert meetings with world leaders and you are all in deep doodoo.

Why should I stay in a place that hates me?  The only reason these pigs don't want me to leave is because of all of the posers I'm feeding with my words.  As much as they've accused me of being fed words by someone, they only tell upon themselves for their own behavior.  I can feel the global outrage at how they've done this Nobel Laureate.  American lies only fool gullible American and anger an already angry earth.

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