Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm still stupid for posting this free to the internet..

Beause these thieves are so much smarter than I, I post things here, people want to pay me for it and these thieves steal it before I even get told, aren't they so very smart???
Perhaps leaving things for me at the information desk in the airport Bradley terminal is more reliable than what's been attempted already.  Since for some odd reason nobody seems to want to give me things while I hold a sign begging...

The skeleton in the closet they fear most is the privatization of the nuclear arsenal of the United States by blackwater security.  Privatization allows them to launch whenever they want without the approval of congress!!!  Perhaps it's time to end the patriot act?

When people are full of shit, sometimes it helps to scare the shit out of them to make them less full of shit.

They key to the tao further explained:
I once said that the key to the tao is that Chi is gravity.
To elaborate further, it is the Chi of the earth that holds you on it.
If it weren't for the Chi of the earth, you would fly off into space.

Atheism is for people that don't get what they want from God and are having temper tantrums like spoiled  children.

There is no reason to beat one's self up over one's sins, why add to the karmic burden of bad behavior?

Why can they still do all of this rotten nasty stuff to me?
I'm curious to see how evil they can be, so I can punish them accordingly.

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