Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Still kept out of the loop on everything...

Still flat broke and begging.
I figure a bunch of jealous hateful assholes are why.
I do have telepathy but they want to force me into using it, simply because they wish to control me and that ability.  They ignore me when I try to explain how it works and demand that I use it in a way they desire.  Telepathy evolved out of a natural need to defeat projectile weapons because any idiot can pull a trigger and it nullifies natural selection.  As for other uses of it, they must be entirely selfless and for the good of all mankind.  These people don't care.  They only care about themselves and their selfish greed.  I'm quite certain that between OPCC in Santa Monica, St Joseph's center in Venice and Step up on second in Santa Monica, millions have been stolen from those trying to bless me.  It's sad because the only real reason they do this to me is because I'm a communist.  The behavior of these greedy pig capitalists clearly displays how evil and rotten capitalism makes people and why it will crumble, one way or another.

They think they are so smart for keeping me out of the loop.  If you are so smart, why is the world so pissed off they've already bombed the place?   I'm sorry I saved these selfish pig assholes and I hope they all perish.  Especially every sinlge piece of shit that took my hookups.  People that interfere with anything the Pope and Catholic church does deserve a long and painful death.  Atomics are too painless for these piece of shit liars.

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