Saturday, November 17, 2012

Still incommunicado..

Nothing in my email inbox.
Sad to see, a bunch of brain damaged nutjobs can't believe their own eyes when miracles happen.
When I leave this wretched place, blame these losers interfering with my communications.
Blame the losers trying to force me to be gay.
I said it before and I'll say it again, I'll leave and bomb this city before I'll ever be made gay!

All because a bunch of crazy capitalists can't handle a second Christ that's a communist.
As if the prince of peace would approve of what's become of capitalism.
America spends more on military and finding ways to kill people than any other nation.
Capitalism has only led to depleted resources and pollution.
It's a pity that these people are so brain damaged by programming they deny their savior over communism vs capitalism.
The only thing capitalists ever do is wage war for the selfish greed of the leadership.
The world believes in me, at least the majority of it.
Your doctors and lying therapists and other paid for liars do not outrank the Pope concerning such a thing.
Other people come from around the world and try to tell you idiots but all you claim is that I'm having delusions.  No, YOU are having delusions in thinking you can overrule the Pope.

America misses out on eternal life because the stupid morons in government only want people to think that the second Christ is a commie spy.  Whatever, stealing Nobel prizes from me made me a traitor, as I'm sure they would anyone.  Capitalism sucks and Americans are too programmed and too brain damaged to realize it.  Capitalism has corrupted their souls entirely into accepting any sort of behavior for a paycheck.  These people have no hearts, only wallets and no souls only money.  No brains only television.

I keep wondering how can these crazies ignore what happens to their bullets when they shoot at me, my only conclusion is that they are brain damaged by their programs.  They continuously try to murder me, fail miserably and ignore all the miracles and then laugh like crazies.  I can hardly wait to leave this loony bin of crazies that don't believe their own eyes and have to lie about me.

These media scumbags are too rotten to the core to accept a second Christ, too busy brown nosing a bunch of jews.  Too busy creating fiction to pay attention to reality.  Sucks to be them.  I have eternity, no amount of lies will ever change that.

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