Sunday, August 26, 2012

Attention delusional murderers...

As all of your pathetic attempts fail, what makes you so confident that you'll ever be able to shake mine?
Oh, so you have corrupt pieces of feces doctors that can destroy people's minds with a program?
Is that what makes you fools so confident?
They've tried every night nearly to erase my brain.
To no avail.
Cities turn to ashes, the nation gets bombed by a world that believes.
And you fools think you can shake my confidence.
What about the lava flowing down Wilshire from the tar pit?

I will get a kogi katana and put these miserable pieces of crap out of their misery.
These scumbag producers think they can cockblck America form eternal life and stable the second Christ as if he were any other talent.  Just for this, I am going to hunt down everyone that has ever had the title producer and leave their heads on pikes in front of the synagogues.  It's these stupid Hebrews and their use of Nazi mind control research upon the populace that has driven these people crazy to the point of not wanting eternal life and not wanting to see miracles because they can never compare.  I will not be stabled and I will personally torture all those that try.  Me and my pal Kim in Korea will take our time..  The worst bamboo cage in a jungle is not enough for these pigs.  The joy of resurrection, I can torture them and then resurrect them to do it again.   You didn't care if you went to hell, well, hell comes to you and I have eternity to do it. HA HA HA!

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