Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Still nothing posted to my paypal..

A bunch of idiots still think they can convince me nobody is reading this blog.
Even the money Lady Sarah Ferguson put in, after I met her face to face is not there.
Even after Moscow bombs america, nothing in my paypal.
Even after Korea bombs America, nothing in my paypal.
Even after Los Angeles turns to ashes, nothing in my paypal.

Why should I stay here and continue to be stolen from?
Why should I sign a contract when so many have tried to bless me?
All that these lying people do is make me and the REST OF THE GLOBE angry with their lies.
More of my pity for these deluded fools that are kept in such ignorance they don't even know their nation lost world war three and was forcibly disarmed.
I want nothing from America except for them to celebrate eternal life but they are too busy bloating their own egos with lies about what a Christ should be like.  As if a bunch of money loving sinners have any clue.  These people don't even know what sin is.  Sodomy is a sin and anyone that says otherwise is delusional.  Sodomy is a sin and they protect this behavior with hate crime laws.  Tobacco is a plant that God put here yet it is illegal to smoke everywhere.  Capitalism is turned America in a nation of people who fear no God and only worship money.

More about tobacco, since these hard headed idiots think that doctors are honest.  Tobacco has been slammed and slandered to make it into a placebo that makes people sick.  As the sugar pills make them feel better.  These doctors lie through their teeth causing illness through the placebo effect and then laugh to the bank as all of these gullible fools believe that baloney.

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