Friday, August 31, 2012

What does America need besides oil?

America has more excess food resources and more waste than just about any other nation.
The people here have gotten spoiled and need a lesson in going without.
Keep the dollar flat and let them get oil through Canada on even par with the Canadian dollar.
America needs to use less oil and it is being forced to do so.
The dollar should have fell flat the day they started to drill in the Gulf of Mexico.
That well and oil spill only indicate the loss in Iraq.

A bunch of people that were in hock to China aren't in any position to teach anyone anything about money.
Especially when the only lesson they've tried to teach me is that selfish greed is smarter than generosity.
I have generously shared my brilliance here and in other places on the internet.
America thanks me by only trying to murder me.
Of course this land full of sinners that have deluded themselves into thinking they are sin free enough to judge anything is so afrid of eternal life they will do anything to prevent me from proving I have it.

They think by ignoring me and being rude to me, it will shake my confidence.
As if the opinions of such sinners matter to me.
I'm here to save them not be made famous by a bunch of losers that can't stop being jealous long enough to enjoy eternity.  Japan owns the marker for the american dollar.  I say it should become the People's Republic of America.  Of the people, by the people and for the people.  Only greedy people don't like communism because it's not supposed to allow it.  Communism is about forced sharing and these selfish greedy pigs in this land of plenty need a lesson in sharing.  America should be a place where nobody goes without because there is plenty to go around.  Yet so many do go without because of the selfish greed of others.  Let America become a place where there are no worries about food, clothing and shelter.  That is how life should be.  The government's main focus should be towards those three items (food clothing and shelter), leaving the rest up to the people.  True freedom is life without a boss.  Look at what all of this consumerism has left to show!  Nothing but depleted resources and pollution!

Whay are you mad at me?
I'm the one that has had everything stolen and has been violated and left for dead over a thousand times.  What ever made you think you were righteous enough to murder somebody?  Thesee crazy people and how they delude themselves.  As if having the ability to pull a trigger makes one sin free enough to shoot anyone they want.  As if having money makes a person sin free enough to murder anyone they want.  As if having badges makes them righteous.  The only people that still wish for my death are sinners afroid of a reckoning or thieves wanting to get away with thievery.

Why should I stay where people only want to cheap shot me or spit in my face?  I resurrect their nation, save Los Angeles from Moscow's bombs and that's how these greedy pigs thank me!

America lost world war three, the second Christ saved them from it!
What makes them so afraid to celebrate eternity?  These fools are more worried about their economy!

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