Monday, September 10, 2012

How these hebrews have destroyed their minds..

They call me a Nazi as an excuse to ignore miracles.
World war 2 was over 60 years ago and these lunatics still make war against Nazis.
All of these judases in America ignore the new testament for the old because they've been programmed to.
Why else would people that were not even alive during World War 2 have such a deep seeded hatred for Nazis?
These Hebrews destroyed their minds with Nazi research.
I see it every single day.
They ignore miracles and accuse me of being on drugs!
More of my pity, these Hebrews have them so deluded, it's not a miracle unless it happens to a bloody hebrew.

They lie to steal.
They lie to protect their fragile egos.
They lie because they are too guilt ridden with sin and would rather die than live eternally.
These lunatics are so entirely self centered they don't realize the fact that other people may have shot guns at me and saw the miracle and love me for it, like China.

These greedy pigs are so focused on earning a paycheck by discrediting me they can't see that I live eternally.  Too stupid to realize that John 3:16 says God gave his only son for them to have faith in. NOT A BUNCH OF STUPID GREEDY HEBREWS!  Have faith in jews and lose out on eternal life.

Their nation gets bombed and they ignore it.
The only thing they can't ignore is a Chinese invasion.
China allowed Israel Nazi research and now it's the duty of China to stop them from continuing to use it.  It destroy the minds of the earth and turns people into soulless demons.

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