Saturday, September 8, 2012

The largest threat to American lives..

Are these crazy jews that think they can program whomever they want that visits here.
Including foreign nationals.
Including American heads of state.
Including a bunch of bozo cops.
All having their minds destroyed by Israel and their use of Nazi research upon the populace of America.
Yes they are, the Mossad is God chosen and everyone else is not, they can do whatever they want to whomever they want because in their eyes God chose them to.
I'm thinking that the visiting Chinese that were violated and programmed might disagree with Israel, so you can expect an invasion from China to end these idiot programmers that only destroy people's minds for their own entertainment.
Chinese occupation is necessary to heal the minds of the populace and teach them a better way of  life.
Chinese communism is better than capitalism, look at the numbers regarding crime.
Two and a half billion people in China and how many criminals?
Only three hundred thousand, a fraction of a percent.
I am a communist and all of these poser programs will never take my place because I am the second Christ and all the attempts to murder me will only cause every jew to perish instead of just those that refuse to accept past lives....

If you believe, cull your own of those that do not, lest everyone perish.

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