Sunday, September 16, 2012

They ignore MY diplomatic status..

And that of those attempting to contact me and interfere with all of my communications to the point of me not being able to speak for myself.  Interfering with my communications is an act of war upon China and that is all the US government has done, consider yourselves at war.
So, I'm going to ignore your police because I follow the laws of man that China has set because I actually do speak for Beijing..
American laws of man are fascist baloney and should be done away with.

You think I don't know but I have met with people and they are very angry at how I've been handled.
It's a pity these industry pieces of feces are so selfish they don't care if the entire nation gets bombed, as long as they can still push me around.
Whatever, I guess Los Angeles loves the entertainment industry and the pieces of shits in it so much they'll get nuked for it.  The people here only help them muscle me and ignore the world.
They'll all get what they deserve and eternal life is not it, they don't want it anyways, they only want money.

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